Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 891: Accident, actually so fast

When Gu Qixiao said this, many people almost laughed and felt that Gu Qi was looking for death!

The deacon of Kim’s deacon is a legend. Gu Qishao actually proposed this kind of gameplay. Isn’t it a death?

To know the game that seems to be the simplest than the size, it is not the case, it is not only by luck, but also has a very high technical content. Of course, it is also the easiest to get old.

The rule is that two people each hold a set of dice, while shaking, while stopping, while opening, the size of the number of dice.

Although everyone laughed, they did not dare to speak out. The gambling table was like a chess table, and they decided to leave. The viewer did not say anything. Otherwise, it will break down the good things and good things of the people. I don’t know how the door of the casino died.

"Good! What do you say?" Kim deacon also sat down.

There are more and more people onlookers, but the scene is getting quieter and quieter. Everyone is staring at the gambling table and looking forward to being nervous.

"Gambling, how?" Han Hao whispered, not yet gambling, the dragon is not faint, "draw."

"You are quite awkward to the black man?" Han Yu laughed, after all, as long as the night is not the eye, very good.

Although the dragon is not gambling, he does not know how to gamble. However, he is savvy, he is familiar with the various hidden rules of the casino, and he has already seen the game table, and guessed that the dealer had just gone out.

"You can't always draw a tie, you have to have a win." Han Yu said seriously.

As far as the temper of the black man is concerned, there is no difference in winning or losing. If it is not good, it will be soaked here for several days.

"What do you think?" Long asked at night.

Han Yu thought for a while and said, "I bet... Kim Deacon will win."

Although she thinks that the black man has two brushes, she just deliberately did not expose the dealer to the old man. However, after all, the black man is impetuous, impulsive, how to win the gold deacon so calm?

The dragon is a faint night, "I will bet the black man to win."

At this time, the attendant had taken the donkey and distributed it to Gu Qi Shao and Kim Deacon.

Gu Qishao carefully checked the scorpion and the porcelain bowl, and threw it to the dragon non-night. "This Xiongtai, trouble to check and check, do a notary."

In the scorpion and the porcelain bowl, it is the most insidious way of getting out of the old age. Gu Qi Shao actually checked it early and determined that this thing is safe.

Gu Qixiao did this, the gold deacon can only follow, he politely pushed the donkey and porcelain bowl to the front of the dragon, saying, "There is a brother, Taiwan, and the Golden Hall will pay you 100,000 chips as a notary fee."

Just check the dice for 100,000 chips? Everyone in the room is jealous. How can these good things not fall on their heads? Han Hao’s mouth is twitching, and the thin character is trembled, especially funny.

100,000 chips will be non-circular to do notarization? Kim’s deacon is so generous, would you rather know?

Under the dragon's non-night mask, he was expressionless. He said coldly, "You don't have to be notarized. You can exchange the dice."

Gu Qishao is just looking at the dragon and watching it all night. I thought that this guy is a little stingy, but he is still very good. He understands what he means. He is waiting for this sentence!

The gold deacon did not say anything, just a "good" word.

The two exchanged their nephews. After they were all prepared, the gold deacon seriously asked, "Is it bigger than the big one?"

"Beyond the small! The small one wins!" Gu Qixiao did not hesitate.

"The chip is an uncapped gold card?" The gold deacon needs to be sure.

"Yes, pay first, no default!"

Gu Qishao is very persistent.

"Good." Kim Deacon readily agreed.

The two men played each other's actions, and put five scorpions into the porcelain bowl and covered them. With each other's "beginning", the two men took out the porcelain bowl and shook it.

Gu Qishao's technique is very simple, shaking up and down, the gold deacon is as simple as shaking around, but they shake for a while, but they don't stop.

If you want to be bigger than the big ones, all five scorpions are shaken out of six, but if it is smaller than a small one, the minimum is not necessarily that all five scatterers are small.

The whole scene was silent. Only the scorpion hit the porcelain bowl and it was crisp and crisp, hitting everyone's ears and everyone's heart. Everyone is watching, waiting, nervous and looking forward to it!

Everyone has decided that Gu Qi will lose, waiting to see how he will lose an uncapped gold card. Waiting to see if he is the master of Doha, can you come up with a second uncapped gold? Card. The most nervous thing is Mu Linger, her hands clasped tightly, against the chest, the whole person is tight, for fear that the seven brothers will lose.

She is distressed by the money of her seven brothers. She is even more distressed. Seven brothers lose, and how can the seven brothers be so proud?

Long Fei Ye and Han Yu also looked at them with great interest. They have not been doing this leisurely for a long time, as an absolute outsider watching a good show.

It feels so good to relax. Han Hao is glad that there is no room to sleep in the house tonight, but the dragon is not smashed out at night.

Helpless, leisure is only half an hour, the black man and the gold deacon just replayed the porcelain bowl on the table and stopped shaking. Xu Donglin, who disguised himself, came over. "His Royal Highness, I received the news. There is news in the Black House. Bai Yanqing arrived one day later. He has successfully ambushed four shadow guards in the Black House and will try his best to save Su Xiaoyu's life."

Long Fei night was quite an accident. Bai Yanqing received the news so soon, and he could arrive in one day. This shows that Bai Yanqing is near the three-way battlefield.

The black man and the gold deacon were opening the lid at the same time. The dragon didn't look at it at night. He immediately got up and pushed Han Han to leave. Han Han looked back and looked down. He couldn't see the size or lose, only to see the gold deacon smiling.

The audience was silent. Who won in the end?

"Bai Yanqing arrived in advance, and it takes about half a day from here to the black building. We must hurry up." The dragon whispered at night.

Han Yu knew the seriousness of the situation. She couldn’t take care of the gambling and hurriedly said, "Is it so fast, he won’t put Gu Beiyue in the vicinity?"

"It is possible." The dragon whispered at night.

Han Xi’s heart was tense when he thought that Gu Beiyue was nearby. He hadn’t seen it for too long, and he didn’t know if he was okay.

Xu Donglin opened the road in front, and the dragon didn't push Han Han to leave in a hurry. The gambling table was busy, and no one cares about them. Out of the Golden Hall, Han Yu remembered that Tang was coming, she asked, "Xu Donglin, did Tang leave?"

Winning so much money, the most sensible thing is to leave now!

"The people under the guard have been guarding at the door, and did not see the Tangmen leaving." Xu Donglin answered truthfully.

"It must be quiet and rather conspired to lie to him here. He doesn't lose the light and fears that he can't get out." Han said worriedly.

"Reassured, Tang will not lose. Quiet to be so late, the Golden Hall will eat a big loss." Long non-night cold and cold.

Tang Li’s gambling technique is not worried at all, but at present, Tang’s departure from the tranquility is that the tranquility does not dare to use Tang’s, and the Golden Hall does not dare.

Use strong. When he first arrived at the table, he recognized the criminal bracelet on the quiet hand.

Han Yu still frowned, Xu Donglin laughed and said, "Princess, Tangmen's gambling is like your poison, killing the world invincible! You can rest assured!"

Han Hao nodded and did not ask. Bai Yanqing came too fast and they must be prepared as soon as possible.

Just when Long Feiye and Han Yu left the three-way black market and rushed to the Black House, Ning Cheng stood at the door of the secret room where Bai Yuqiao was imprisoned.

"The master, the girl will be poisonous, you are too risky to do this. Or advise Gu Qixiao to come back?" Cheng Shu advised.

In the past, if Ning Cheng was not close to Bai Yuqiao, Ning Cheng would not be close to Bai Yuqiao. After all, Bai Yuqiao’s disciple of Bai Yanqing was a master of poison. Ning Cheng is poisonous and can't prevent it.

Ning Cheng sneered, "Are you going to persuade you?"

Cheng Shu has no words to answer, and the master has promised to compensate Gu Qi for all the losses. Gu Qi is still not satisfied. What does he want? The good end of the game is about to close Tang, and he has not blamed him for being confused by the master. It is already good!

Cheng Shu thought about it and suddenly said angrily. "Don't he know that he wants 300 million? Is he going to rob him?"

"Multiple sons will not give!" Ning Cheng's face is cold, and a glimpse of a haze in his eyes, resolutely pushes the door in. Cheng Shu can't stop, he can only tell the poison doctor to wait at the door, and follow up.

There is also an iron prison in the secret room. Bai Yuqiao was locked in the iron prison. It was not **** like Su Xiaoyu, and the action was still free.

Upon hearing someone coming in, Bai Yuqiao rushed to the iron fence and said loudly, "Gu Qi Shao, I want to say how you will believe me? My master treated me like this, I hate him, how is it possible? Will you be facing him?"

"Gu Qi Shao, what I told you all is the truth! If there is a half-sentence, I will be thundered and not to die. Go!"

"Gu Qi Shao, you have all been here, and it is too late to act again. In case my master sent Su Xiaoyu to Gu Beiyue, you never want to find someone!"


Bai Yuqiao is really anxious. She can't wait for Ning Cheng and Gu Qi to kill Master. When Master is dead, the teacher will not be foolishly used by Master. In fact, she is also very clear that Ning Cheng and Gu Qi Shao may not be Master's opponents. However, as long as Ning Cheng and Gu Qi Shao act, she will have the opportunity to escape and have the opportunity to ventilate the Master.

Ning Cheng originally showed up, see Bai Yuqiao mistaken him for Gu Qishao, he also stood in the dark, not moving.

"Gu Qi Shao! You **** don't grind it? It's done, I tell you the last secret, the guards in the black building are my confidants. My master didn't save me, I thought I was dead, definitely Did not tell the people on the side of the Black House, as long as I came forward to control the guards of the Black House, it is not difficult to kill my Master." Bai Yuqiao this is to open up everything.

At this time, Ning Cheng came out of the darkness and stood in front of her. Bai Yuqiao was shocked, "Ning Cheng, you..."

"How? Is it difficult for you and Gu Qixiao to have any secrets that are ulterior motives, afraid that the owner knows?" Ning Cheng coldly asked.

Bai Yuqiao was very keenly aware that something was wrong. Ning Cheng and Gu Qishao seemed to have a problem. She laughed ridiculously. "What secret can I still have? I am just curious. When do you feel that you trust me so much? Is my poisoning?"

Ning Cheng personally took the lights and illuminate a room. He looked up at Bai Yuqiao. "Little girl, let's make a sale, how?"

(End of this chapter)