Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 893: Decided to abandon him

I have to say that the mask of tranquility caused great trouble. The people of Wanshang Palace have never seen Tang Li, can't recognize this grandfather, but they all recognize her. She originally wanted to conceal her identity and not let the people of Wanshang Palace recognize it. But who knows that they will bump into Ning Cheng in the casino? Ning Chengyi recognized Tang Li, and she couldn’t help it any more.

Everything is a mask, and if there is no such mask, Ning Cheng will not doubt what is quiet, but it is precisely because of this mask that Ning Cheng has vigilance.

"The subordinates can't talk to Miss Jing alone. However, Miss Jing should be able to understand the meaning of the subordinates. She will continue to lead the Tangmen to the casino." The elders answered truthfully.

"She must understand!" Ning Cheng said coldly.

"But if the Tangmen are determined not to gamble, they are afraid of not being able to stay." The elders were quite embarrassed.

After Tang won 500 million yuan, he could resolutely wash his hands and not gamble. This shows that Cheng Shu, the dealer, has worked hard for so long. In fact, he did not confuse the successful mind of Tang, and Tang was still very awake.

"If you don't gamble, you have to stay." Ning Cheng’s attitude is overbearing. Going to the black building, he is eager to take Bai Yanqing, and he can hold Bai Yanqing, then he can continue the strategy of Han Yu, and use Bai Yanqing to threaten Jun Yi. . By holding the war horse in the hands of Jun Yi, he can start a war with Dong Qin again.

He admits that he is very anxious, not for anything else, just because Han Han fell into the hands of Long Fei. Yu Gong, if the matter was accidentally exposed, or was maliciously announced by the dragon and the night, Xi Qin’s face would have been lost, and the hearts of the Western Qin soldiers would be cold. In private, he is only trying to see the woman as soon as possible.

"You just need to find an opportunity to tell my words to the quiet, and the rest to the quiet!" Ning Cheng's attitude is strong, "You tell the quiet, do the things in the black market, she does not have to go back to Tangmen." I will give it to her, everything about the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce."

Upon hearing this, the elders were relieved, and the most familiar Miss Jing had to deal with Tang Li. It was better to pay attention to the elderly who had no understanding of Tang. Zhifu Mo Ruowei, he believes that Miss Jing will not let everyone down.

"Under the subordinates understand, the subordinates will go immediately." The elders are delighted to leave.

After confessing to the elders, Ning Cheng took the white jade Joe and took Gu Qixiao quietly and left the three-way black market. He went to the black building in the night.

At this time, Tranquility and Tang were in a teahouse in the Wanshang Palace. There were only a few prostitutes in the church, but the silence was clear how many guards were guarding the hall, and it was clear that some people were staring at them in the dark.

She and Tang Li have not yet exchanged their chips into silver tickets. The elders came over and pretended to recognize Tang’s Tangmen, the uncle of the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce.

The act of the elders is obviously to bear life. From that moment on, the peace knows that they can't escape. She can only take off her mask and admit her identity.

Tang was also savvy in the centrifuge, knowing that Ning Cheng did not intend to let them go.

The silence in one room, the two are unaware of the situation.

I want to speak quietly, but I don’t know how to say it. In the end, Tang opened his mouth first, and he whispered, "Is it possible to cooperate with the weapons and we can leave?"

"Yes. Will you promise?" Silence clearly knows that it is impossible, but still can't help but hold hope.

Tang did not hesitate to give a negative answer, "Impossible!"

Peaceful heart

Smirk, no expression on the face, "What should I do?"

"Let's stay!" Tang Yi looked relaxed and optimistic.

Quietness finally got angry, but even if the anger is angry in her heart, she asked faintly, "When do you want to stay?"

"The old days, but there are money on hand, there are people around, enough." Tang Li was particularly chic.

Obviously, it may be because I know too much that this is a joke. The quiet anger finally shows up. She whispered, "I think! Leave this ghost place!"

"Then you can find a way for yourself. Anyway, I can't help you with your family." Tang shrugged and looked innocent.

It’s just a joke, but it’s not a joke. It’s good to stay here for a lifetime, not so much trouble.

Quietness does not speak, she laughs at her childishness, how can she pin her flight away from Tang’s body? Now Tang has become a fish on the cutting board. She can only rely on herself!

It can neither cause suspicion of Ning Cheng, but also think of ways to escape.

She stared at Tang from the gaze and looked away. Tang did not feel what he had been at the beginning. He could be stared for a long time. Suddenly there was a feeling of creepy feeling.

"Quiet, what do you want?" he asked slyly.

"Nothing." Quietness then removed his eyes and looked out the door.

She has a solution! If she gives up Tang and escapes, she still has a chance to win.

She originally wanted to get rid of Tang Yi, how did she just smoke her head, and thought about taking Tang away from the black market? She first fled and said that it would be a big deal to Tangmen to report a letter to Tang’s whereabouts. Others, look at Tang’s own luck.

Anyway, before Ning Cheng never got the Tangmen hidden weapon, the most tormented and tortured Tang, and did not kill him.

Thinking about this, the silence suddenly disappeared.

Whether it is white or black, the black market's excitement will never stop, the casino's noisy, the auction site's clamor and the presence of several stores are full of people, it seems that it will never stop.

Long Feiye and Han Yu had already been on the road. Ning Cheng and Bai Yuqiao also left. Gu Qixiao was still immersed in the table and was excited.

Gu Qishao took Ning Cheng to the black market to rest, just did not want to go to the black building so early, want to go to the black market first. The reason why he is so eager to immerse himself in the gambling table is not to be blamed, but because he is determined that he is not present, Ning Chengnai can not be Bai Yuqiao.

On the way, he certainly saw that Bai Yuqiao had the meaning of provoking him and Ning Cheng. However, he felt that Ning Cheng would not be stupid enough to believe Bai Yuqiao.

So far, he has played ten with the gold deacon, from the first to the tenth are all draws, the points that the two people shake are all one! All the scorpions stand together, revealing one of the top points, one.

Gu Qishao’s gold card was also placed in the middle of the table and did not lose.

"God, it's a draw!"

"Too gods, this is the eleventh time, and both are amazing!"

"I didn't expect this son to be hidden. I just wouldn't have deliberately lost it. Hey, how many billions, don't you feel bad?"


There was a lot of discussion around, and Gu Qi Shaoguang became a dangerous line. Looking at the gold deacon, the gold deacon who has always been calm and restrained was first provoked by this, and it was not calm, and it was hostile. It is also staring at Gu Qi. However, Kim’s deacon is the host after all, he still maintains professionalism.

, faintly said, "This son, still continue?"

"Of course!" Gu Qixiao said, while taking a table at the same time, the scorpion in the porcelain bowl was scattered into the porcelain bowl and made a crisp and pleasant sound.

The deacon of the gold deacon had a smear of disdain and gently rubbed his hand. The scorpion in his porcelain bowl was also scattered and fell into the porcelain bowl.

Undoubtedly, his technique is lighter than that of Gu Shaoshao. It is more sophisticated and more elegant.

Seeing the situation, Gu Qi Shaoguang was cold and three minutes cold. Even these small details have to be compared, and it is conceivable that these two people are really on the bar.

Mu Linger was also worried at first. When she saw the gambling skills of the seven brothers, she was completely relieved. She sat next to Gu Qishao and applauded for each of Gu Qishao’s actions.

As for the gold deacon, although the first impression is good, Mu Linger has long regarded him as an enemy, and his every move is nothing to be seen in Mu Linger.

The enemy of the seven brothers is the enemy of Linger!

The twelfth game started very soon. After reviewing the seven rare porcelain bowls, it was not put on the table.

Kim Deacon despised his action on the table, right? He will shoot to the end. I saw him pat the table, the porcelain bowl jumped up, and the scorpion inside jumped up, hitting the lid and making a crisp sound. The porcelain bowl fell on the table, and it fell very stable. It did not crash and knocked over. Gu Qi Shao is not a casual shot.

Gu Qi Shaoqi sat in a chair and his legs went up to the gambling table. Then he patted the table without a ride. The porcelain bowl jumped like this, and the scorpion inside jumped.

I have to say that Gu Qixiao’s action has a landscape in the casino, lazy, **, distinguished and casual. Even if the face of the fallen city is not exposed, it attracts countless women's love.

Mu Linger's attention has long been not on the gambling table, all in the seven brothers, she smiled silly, full of joy and love.

Gu Qishao was so late, the gold deacon naturally had to keep up, the gold deacon was still sitting in danger, one hand pressed on the armrest, and the table was shot with one hand. Although there are not so many fancy styles, he also makes the porcelain bowls steadily fall on the table.

While he was shooting, he looked at Gu Qishao. Just as Gu Qishao shot, he raised his eyebrows and looked at him. However, he will inadvertently look at Mu Linger's eyes, his good brother Ning Cheng has a confession, while dragging Gu Qishao, it is best to win Mu Linger.

Kim Deacon has never lost his hand in hooking up a woman. In the black market, several women who have both money and brains and face values ​​can be dumped at his feet. With Gu Qi Shao fighting more than a dozen games, he did not see Gu Qi less through, but actually Mu Linger see through.

Although Mu Linger did not reveal her true face, her every move made her sell it thoroughly.

Kim’s deacon is very certain that this gimmick is simple, straightforward, free and easy, and no one counts.

I have to say that in the opinion of the gold deacon, Mu Linger is not a woman, it can only be regarded as a gimmick. He couldn't help but smile, and Ning Cheng couldn't even make such a small girl?

Seeing Mu Linger cheered for Gu Qi, the gold deacon had a slap in the face, and he slammed the table. At this moment, his porcelain bowl suddenly flew out and went straight toward Mu Linger.

Everyone was excited, and no one expected that such an accident would happen. Mu Linger was so scared that he did not know how to hide, but...

(End of this chapter)