Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 909: Tang Li, I want to be quiet

When Mu Linger ran back, the five elders were persuading Han Han, "Princess, don't listen to him!"

"Five elders, both gold deacons to provoke, then after going back, this matter will not have to mention." Han Yu faintly confessed.

Mu Ling did not understand, and did not dare to ask on the spot. After returning to the Wanshang Palace, when the five elders left, Mu Linger hurriedly said that Ning Cheng had forged a secret letter and used the gold deacon to trap Gu Qixiao. Han Hao had a good heart early, just nodded.

"Han Wei, did Ning Cheng catch Bai Yanqing? Others? Don't let go of Ning Cheng, this guy is too bad! People in the world are the most loyal to Xi Qin, I didn't expect him to do this. It’s coming."

"Han Wei, how are you here? How is your leg hurt?"

"Han Han, I would like him..."

Han Wei interrupted Mu Linger. She told Mu Linger about the hostage. Mu Linger listened to it one by one, and looked at her incredulously for a long time. Finally, she muttered, "Han Wei, you dare Yeah! You love dragons and nights..."

If you are not deeply in love, can you give in to the hatred of the country? Will you be willing to give each other a chance?

Han Hao did not speak, she secretly thought that even if she did not come through, even if she is really Princess Xi Qin, she will love the dragon and the night, the same will be so brave.

When Mu Linger was surprised, she suddenly felt sad. She thought that the seven brothers would know the truth and would be very upset.

How much more should she love her seven brothers?

"Linger, I sent people to the Black House to find Gu Shao. Before he came back, don't run around, be careful." Han Yu seriously explained.

"Good!" Mu Linger nodded. She stood for a while. She wanted to say a lot, but she didn't know how to say it. Both of them were silent. She didn't twist, and said, "Han, it's not early, I will help you. Wash, then change the medicine, you go to bed early. Maybe we wake up and the seven brothers are back."

Han Yuzheng wants to know, was interrupted by Mu Linger, she immediately refused. "No, I have a maid in the house. I still have something to sleep early, you should go to rest first."

Han Yu wanted to go alone in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, and another hour or so, the gold deacon should also send the books of Dongwu Qianzhuang, and did not see the books, she was not at ease.

Although the wealth of Dongwu Qianzhuang is not comparable to that of the Di family, it can not be underestimated. With this money, Wanshang Palace is also at the disposal of casinos and auctions.

She thought that after waiting for the money to be accounted for, several other elders in Wanshang Palace would change her. Only a few elders changed her, and she began to intervene in casinos and auctions.

The appointment of the dragon and the night was only ten days. On the first day, it was so coincidental that the Dongwu Qianzhuang was collected. Han Yu began to suspect that she and the dragon would not have to be separated for ten days.

If it is normal, Mu Linger will find an excuse to entangle Han Han, but she still has a big event tonight, she soon said goodbye to Han Han.

Mu Linger did not return to the room to rest, but went straight to the auction site of Donglai Palace!

There is no upper limit for the non-capped gold card, but it is not without the use period. When the person who handles the card has nothing and can't afford the debt, the uncapped gold card will be cancelled by the bank.

Mu Linger wants to hurry before the gold deacon has nothing to do, so that he can spend a lot of money, let him taste the taste of the previous ass! Call him to dare

Hand Ning Cheng under house arrest.

When Mu Linger made a lot of money in the auction hall of Donglai Palace, Han Yu was already in prison in the cell where Tang was separated.

Tang looked away from the face and looked suspiciously, and he did not say anything. Han Yu looked at him, calmed himself in the prison and pushed his own wheel, close to Tang, "Look, believe it or not, tell me your brother!"

"You...you..." Tang left his lips and whispered for a while. "What happened to your legs?"

"Broken, it's good." Han Yu's heart is still quite comforting, at least Tang's first sentence to see her is to ask her legs.

Tang left "oh" and silenced for a long while before opening. "Han Han, don't you hate my brother?"

The elders told quietly that when Ning Cheng had an accident, Tang Li can listen to it. Others could not be sure, but he was sure that his brother had been very willing to take the woman to his side.

"What do you hate him?" Han Yu gave him a look.

"You are Princess Xi Qin, he is the Prince of East Qin, do you not hate him?" Tang asked again.

"He doesn't hate me, I hate him for doing it?" Han Yu asked again.

"He doesn't hate you, can you not hate him?" Tang suddenly laughed. "It's really simple."

“It’s very simple.” Han Wei asked, “Do you think there is anything wrong with it?”

Tang passed a bitter bitterness from the bottom of his eyes and shifted the subject. "Han Han, how are you here now? The people of the Di family can still let you come over?"

"I said, do you believe?" Han Han asked.

"My brother believes in you, can I still believe it?" Tang asked.

Han Yu also took it seriously. "Tang is away, then do you hate me?"

Tang immediately shook his head, but soon nodded, just, seeing Han Emei, he shook his head again.

Han Hao pushed him. "Is hesitant, isn't it a man?"

Tang asked, "I hate you? My brother doesn't hate you, I hate you too!"

Han Han laughed ridiculously. "I am really a blessing for Toron!"

Tang turned his eyes. "My brother? He knows that I am here. Why didn't he come to save me? What the **** are going on!"

Han Han still did not answer, and asked, "Tang away, do you hate peace?"

Who knows, Tang is suddenly impatient, he waved his hand and let Han Hao go. "You don't go around with me, you don't want me to go, you just go! Work hard to help me bring a word to my brother, let him hurry Come to fish." Han Yu is about to speak, Tang stayed away, "I tell you, don't come over with me next time, mention the word 'quietness', otherwise you will not come!"

Han Hao’s eyes swept over a suspicion, and she faintly said, “Tang is away, do you want to be quiet?”

"I didn't!" Tang was suddenly angry, and his anger was denied.

Han Yu first was a glimpse, and then she laughed out, and she wondered that Tang’s attitude from the beginning had no deep hatred for her.

Tang Lilian, the Princess of Xiqin, how can she resent the quiet daughter of the Di?

She is not sure about anything else, but she is very certain that the national enemy of the Qin and Qin dynasties hate in the centrifugation of the Tang, and it is not so strong. Otherwise, after Tang knew her life, she would not be as poor as she was.

As long as Tang does not exclude the quiet origin, peace can still be won, isn't it?

Although quietly confessed

Don't let her mention them in Tang, but Han Han can't help it. She is reluctant to be as stubborn as a quiet woman, hiding her love alone and fighting alone. Love is a very heavy thing, and one person can't afford it.

See Han Xiaoxiao, Tang is angry and angry, "Han Han, you can't go!"

"You don't want to be quiet, I am gone, are you not very bored? This cell is too quiet, are you not bored?" Han Yu smiled and asked.

Tang is away from the fire, angry, "You go! I want to be alone!"

"Do you want to be alone?" Han Yu was stupid and asked curiously, "Quiet?"

Finally, Tang was outraged and angered, no longer answered Han Han, but pushed her outside the cell, and "slammed" himself to close the prison!

He wants to be quiet, it is enough!

Han Yuzheng is going to go in again, but he saw the jailer ran over.

"Princess, the five elders are waiting outside, saying that they should be in urgent need to see." The jailer hurriedly sue.

Han Yu temporarily refused to go to Tang, and quickly went out, only to see the five elders holding a bunch of keys in both hands, respectfully respected Hou.

"His Royal Highness, all the accounts of Dongwu Qianzhuang are clear, and they have all been handed over to the subordinates. This is the key to the Dongwu Qianzhuang Treasury. Dongwu Qianzhuang has not borrowed money yet, and has not expanded other industries. Tonight, lend The total debt is 56.33 million." The five elders truthfully returned.

Han Yu’s heart is full of emotions. The most profitable business in the world is really the sale of money. Although it only borrows 56.33 million, it can be 56.33 million. Interest is calculated every day, and it is still extremely high interest.

"What about the gold deacon?" asked Han Wei.

"These are sent by him, he did not come." Five elders replied.

Is it inconvenient to come over with a leg injury, or is it afraid to see her, is it more depressed? Han Hao took the drug and gave it to the five elders with great credit. She confessed, "At noon tomorrow, they will bring together the elders. I will have a meal with everyone, and understand the casino and the auction site by the way."

The five elders respectfully took the lead and Han Han did not return to the prison. She thought that she should not force her to leave, let him be quiet and quiet. Peace does not like her intervention, she can not intervene too much.

Seeing the sky is bright, Han Han finally felt tired, she stretched a lazy waist, and told the maid to send her back to the room. She has to hurry and tidy up and sleep, otherwise, tomorrow, there is no spirit to fight with the Presbyterian Church!

Han Yuming was very tired. She could go back to the house but couldn't sleep. She passed the prostitute to prepare the hot soup. She couldn't sleep and decided to take a bath and calm down and ponder the casino and the auction.

What is the purpose of the Golden Wing Palace? According to her, the sales of the Golden Wing Palace have been on the medicinal materials for many years, and the conflict with the Wanshang Palace is not big! Why is it so obvious to compete with Wanshang Palace?

After the maids prepared the hot soup, Han Yu let them all retreat. She could stand up. If she did not care about the consequences, she could actually take a few steps. It was no longer so inconvenient to act.

When the clothes were removed, she carefully sat in the tub and her feet curled up on the edge of the tub without water. The surface of the water is covered with a pink rose, and the faint aroma rises with the heat and spreads in the air.

Han Han’s body was relaxed, and he couldn’t care about things, but at this time, a familiar voice came from behind...

(End of this chapter)