Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 917: Deep hidden wealthy

Han Yu and Kang Gan Qianzhuang reached an agreement, but those who participated in the bidding at the Wanshang Palace auction site, once the bidding was successful, they can borrow from Kanggan Qianzhuang to pay to the auction site, and the interest on the loan is far lower than the normal interest. point.

It should be known that many people bid for all kinds of rare items at high prices, which is not really useful, and they do not really like to collect, but to sell them.

Once the auction is over, it may be sold within a month, or it may be sold out, and sold again after one year!

Those who do this kind of business can't just bid for one thing, and many people will bid for it in one night. And a large part of them have the problem of shortage of funds. They tend to count interest and borrow money to bid.

Even if you borrow money to bid, and finally sell things, you can still make a difference.

The cooperation method proposed by Han Wei is simply serving these people!

As long as they go to the auction site of Wanshang Palace to participate in the auction, they can get a loan of ten points below the normal interest rate at Kanggan Qianzhuang. How can they not be tempted?

It is equivalent to earning ten more points than going to other auction sites.

What is the concept of ten points?

If a bid is 10 million, the ten points are one million.

There is no need for Han Yu to explain more, and everyone at the venue knows how tempting this condition is!

With the support of Kanggan Qianzhuang, as long as the Wanshang Palace has some policies, it promises that fakes will be compensated. Many buyers will not be invited, and when they come, they will slowly bring the business of the auction site. stand up.

As long as the bidding control is strict in one or two months, there will be no more fake problems, and the business will definitely be more prosperous than before. It may also steal the business of the Golden Wing Palace and Donglai Palace.

"Princess, why does Kanggan Qianzhuang give us such a big profit?" Cheng Shu raised doubts, which is what everyone wants to know.

What is the relationship between Han Wei and Kang Gan Qian Zhuang? Can you take up such a big deal?

Who knows Han Han said, "No profit, we have a secret agreement, Kanggan Qianzhuang gave the auction buyers ten points of profit, Wanshanggong compensated Kanggan Qianzhuang 13 points, Kanggan Qianzhuang actually than normal interest Earn three more points."

When the words came out, Cheng Shu was anxious. "Princess, the ultimate loss is still our own! Let's lose 13 points in vain! It's cheaper to buy some buyers! This...what is this good thing!"

Han Hao sneered. "Well, you are going to post an announcement now. Anything that comes to the auction of Wanshang Palace auction site, the transaction price is 13 points. You see who is willing to come over! See who will believe you. ?"

Cheng Shu has nothing to say, a few elders, look at me, I look at you, there is nothing to say.

"Where does Kanggan Qianzhuang earn more? People have credibility, and buyers are willing to believe them. Cheng Shu, Kanggan Qianzhuang is willing to cooperate with us, that is to give credit to us for the auction! The reputation of Kanggan Qianzhuang, Is it worth three points?" asked Han Han.

Cheng Shu did not speak, she said again, "We lost 13 points, not to lose, at most, less earned! The things sold in the auction field, which is not the original price to make more than a few earned? Again, Buyers may not be able to borrow in full, and we may not earn as much as every single."

Cheng Shu did not answer, Han Han looked coldly, "Cheng Shu, will you settle it?"

Cheng Shu’s head is lower and he doesn’t dare to say a word. He hates that he is just too impulsive.

Several elders looked at Han Wei, and that was a convincing oral! They are all one year old, and they have lived for the rest of their lives and have seen such a powerful woman for the first time. They can make business like this!

Han Wei said yes, although he has a circle, but the auction site has no loss, but only earned less

Thirteen points. As far as the current situation is concerned, even if it is temporarily lost, it is necessary to save the business. What about the fact that it has only earned 13 points less?

This woman is simply too smart. It’s no wonder that the Luo’s treasurer in Kanggan Qianzhuang is willing to cooperate with her.

The elders secretly thought that if this matter was really done, he would hand the elders to the princess.

He believes that this woman has enough ability to lead the Wanshang Palace to regain the dominance of the three-way black market!

"The princess is wise, the elders will be fully supported!" The elders said seriously that the other four elders also stepped forward and respectfully bowed to show their loyalty.

Cheng Shu is reluctant, and he has to follow suit.

Cheng Shu couldn't help but sigh again. If this woman didn't connect with the dragon and the night, how good it would be! If this woman can be with the Ning master, he will excuse this old life, and he will do his best!

Thinking of Ning's master, Cheng Shu's eyes are not consciously red, he has already sent people to find, and even went to the North calendar, but unfortunately there is no news so far.

Han Hao talked with the elders about some details, and it was already dark after the meeting. She knows that the dragon will come at night, so hurry and rush to the quiet side.

When the serenity knew that the main owner behind the Kanggan Qianzhuang was the dragon and the night, she was shocked and moved. At this time, even the tranquility of being strong and strong has to be acknowledged. In fact, the Di people simply do not fight the dragon.

She couldn't help but think, if Ning Cheng knew these things, what would it feel like?

Han Hao did not mention Tang Li in a few days, but quietly asked on his own initiative, "How does the Presbyterian intend to deal with Tang Li?"

Han Hao passed a touch of distress and smiled. "You care about him."

Quiet white gave her a look, no more talking.

Han Han didn't make a joke with him. She said, "The casino and the auction site are enough for them. They can still care about Tang!"

Quiet silence for a while before opening again, "Han Han, the elders will give you the elders order, as long as you control the Wanshang Palace, the Chamber of Commerce and the army have to listen to you. You will soon see the dragon non-night. ""

Han Hao is helpless, she sees dragons and nights every day! She is only seeing it every day, and it is good to be tossed by him every day!

She knows the meaning of tranquility. As long as she controls the Wanshang Palace, she can cooperate with Zhengda Guangming and Longfei Night, and fight against Bai Yanqing in the name of East and West Qin.

"Han Han, I beg you for one thing." Quietly said.

"I promise you!" Han Yu answered without hesitation.

Quiet and helpless, "Do you know what I want to say?"

"You want me to let Tang away, right." Han Hao laughed again.

The tranquility is not hidden, and it is widely acknowledged, "Han Han, before you leave the Wanshang Palace, please be sure to let Tang away!"

"Stupid, I don't let him go, how can he take you away?" In this case, Han Yu said in his heart.

"What about you?" asked Han Han.

"If the East and West Qin really misunderstand, then, then..."

Quiet and hesitating for a while, I said it, "Please tell him one more, my children and I are waiting for him at the Wanshang Palace."

Han Yu has to endure and endure. She is afraid of quietness, and Tang is also confessed, and don't say anything, let her raise it first.

"If, if you are not destined to be together, you should leave me alone, and don't look for me." Serenity said.

Han Hao just nodded and said nothing.

Han Hao left the quiet yard and went back. However, Long Fei was still in Donglai Palace at this time, not for anything else, just because Luo was in the cabinet.

If Donglai Palace is the treasury of Dongqin, then Kanggan Qianzhuang is the private property of Longfei Night.

Production. The group of people in Kanggan Qianzhuang did not have any hatred of the country. They pointed to the dragon and the silver.

"Master, these smart and capable female masters, you have to catch the prison." Luo treasurer jokingly said.

Although Han Wei did not say much, there was a smile on his lips. Han Yu is not his woman, he did not let him suffer.

In fact, Han Han does not have to sign the name, Luo treasurer will promise her.

The profit of the bank is the purchase and sale of the loan. The money and the credibility of the money shop are played. Han Han gives them three points of profit, and they are willing to cooperate.

What's more, Han Hao said that the way of cooperation is simply too smart, he is convinced!

"What happened to the gold deacon?" Long asked at night.

"Today, I sent someone to remind me, and I almost forced him into a dead end. The master should wait and see what happened!" Luo said.

Long Fei night has already played the gold deacon's idea. This guy has a very good set of money for the Qianzhuang business, and he is a Dongwu people, proficient in winter Wu language, and must have other uses.

It’s a pity that the guy’s heart is high and strong. If you don’t press it first, then it’s hard to surrender.

After Luo’s retreat, Long did not ask the shadow guards at night. “Is there any arrangements for Baidumen?”

"Everything is properly deployed." The defender answered truthfully and presented several secret letters.

Long Feiye wants to lead Bai Yanqing, and he has to take a knife to open the knife. This is the only way left.

The dragon opened the second secret letter at night, and the shadow guard came forward to remind him, "His Royal Highness, it is not early."

The implication is that Han Han is waiting for him.

There are so many things in the shadow guards, this must be Xu Dong’s confession.

Long Fei night took a bunch of secret letters and crossed the wall from the garden.

Only when he left, the scent of scent that has been sitting in the garden will return to the house. In these days, she is sitting in the garden in a daze.

She missed Wang Xiang, missed Xiao Yuer, missed her, and missed Zhao Wei.

When the dragon entered the house at night, Han Han was lazy on the couch.

"wait for me?"

Long non-night asked with interest, who knows that Han Han actually admitted, "Wait for a night!"

"That will come early tomorrow night." Long Fei night is deliberately saying this, knowing that she must have something.

"Dragon is not night, do you want to buy Nanting Garden and Xiyu Garden?" Han Han asked directly.

Long Fei night heard the rhetoric of Han Yu as a question, he said, "Do you like it?"

"No!" Han Yu quickly explained, "I asked you if you have plans to buy the two gardens? Did you send someone to talk about the price?"

The dragon smiled at night. "This is the garden under my name. Why do you want to buy it?"

Han Hao slowly raised his head and looked incredible. "How many gardens do you have?"

The dragon is not laughing at night, "Do you fall into the two gardens? The land of war is not a good place, nor a place to hide. When the sky was sold, I bought it and I was ready to change hands."

“How much did you buy at the beginning?” Han Hao asked urgently.

"One 30 million, two are also 60 million." Long answered the truth truthfully.

"What about selling? What price is it going to sell?" Han Yu asked.

"I don't know what to pay to the people below." Long Fei night said that this small business, he just played, not very concerned.

Han Yu got his eyes open. "Dragon is not night, someone has offered 500 million! Do you sell or not?"


To the reader's words: The previous title is wrong, the child of Tang's departure should be called the dragon non-night uncle, not the uncle.

(End of this chapter)