Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 918: Efficiency, sitting price increase

500 million?

Long non-night fox is suspicious, Han Han will not be bored to make such a joke with him.

If it is the Wanshang Palace to buy, it will not open such a high price.

"What happened?" Long asked at night.

Seeing the attitude of the dragon and the night, Han Yu’s heart is 100% sure that Cheng Shu has a problem. If the person who is not under the night is really asking for 500 million yuan, then such a big deal will surely sue the dragon for the night. Long Fei night now knows nothing about this matter, then there is only one possibility, that is, Cheng Shu falsely reported the price!

Why does Cheng Shu want to falsely report the price? Is it necessary to fill the pockets of money and earn money from the Wanshang Palace, or give her a problem and marry her? Or both?

A good Cheng Shu, Ning Cheng does not disappear, his courage is fat!

"Five hundred million you can't sell?" Han Yu smiled even more meaningfully.

"600 million, do you buy it?" Long asked the night, although he did not know the beginning and the end of the matter, but he can be sure that the money must be from the Wanshang Palace.

"600 million, that is a garden of 300 million." Han Wei is seriously calculated, "600 million is a bit expensive!"

"700 million, we must quickly set it down, otherwise, one billion will not sell!" Long Fei night also said quite seriously.

What is this, a word of effort has risen by 100 million? The five elders knew, would they brush their blood and die? Cheng Shu knows what he will feel?

The sale of casinos is good, and there is no efficiency in making money from dragons and nights!

"Buy and buy! Seven hundred million is 700 million, no more price increases!" Han Yu said, he could not help but laugh.

This is not to say that she is helping the dragon to fight against the Wanshang Palace. This can only be said that the subordinates are not strict, and they are pitted by their subordinates.

Thirty million homes have been sold for three hundred million yuan, and the dragons earned one night, enough for a few merchants to earn a year or two!

“What the **** is going on?” Long Fei’s nightingale warned, “If you don’t say it, you will prepare 100 million more.”

800 million?

Han Yu’s mouth is twitching. The price is so high that the Presbyterian Church will definitely oppose the purchase of these two gardens. This thing will be yellow.

She immediately told the story of Cheng Shu that day, the dragon is not night, and the dragon will know what is going on at night. He didn't evaluate much, and there was a sneer in the corner of his mouth. He only said one thing. "The two gardens are called Jia Dai. I will send people to explain it in the past, and the rest will be handled by you."

When he said that he would take out the secret letter and lean on the bed, a seal.

Han Han put his hands on the couch, dragged his legs and sat up, watching the dragons and nights, laughing and not talking.

When the dragon didn't look up at night, she knew that she was watching him. He ignored it. After reading the secret letter in his hand, he asked, "What are you laughing at?"

Han Yu smiled even deeper.

The dragon touched her little face in the night, "What kind of ghost idea? Seven hundred million are given to you, remember, one child is not allowed to owe Wanshang Palace!"

"I don't want your money." Han Yu immediately refused.

Long Feiye finally looked up at her. "Do not rob money, is it robbing?"

Han Han immediately shakes his head and has not yet opened. The dragon is approaching the night, "What are you laughing at?"

Han Han lived in his neck, especially seriously. "I feel that there is hello, it's good."

The dragon slowly lowered his head at night, his forehead against his forehead, soft voice, "It will be good for you."

When he finished, he bowed down and gently kissed her lips, then took her hand and concentrated on looking at the secret letter.

Han Hao’s heart is slightly slight, there is

Something unexpectedly.

She glanced at his neck, he would never let her go again, especially these nights, as long as he got on this couch, she would never let her idle, so she had to stun her.

However, what happened to him tonight?

Han Yu was full of suspicion, sitting on the side with a pillow, I saw that the dragon is not focused on the secret letter, and there is no side to heart. Han Yu looked more and more and felt that something was wrong. Is this her grandmother? Still, she has been feeding for more than two months. How can I feed a hungry wolf that is not full?

Han Yu thought that his secret letter should be very important, so he waited aside. After seeing all the secret letters in the night, Long Li lay down on her side and said to her, "Not yet."

Han Xin secretly laughed, and he really misunderstood him. She snuggled up to his arms, she guessed what he would do next.

However, Han Wei waited for a long time, but the dragon was not provocatively like the past, but just holding her, quietly closing her eyes and sleeping.

Han Hao’s eyes were wide and her eyes were complicated. If she couldn’t feel the difference between the dragon and the night, she stayed with him for so many years.

Quiet for a long time, she gently grabbed his hand, the dragon is not holding her little hand at night.

"You haven't slept yet?" Han Yu whispered.

"Sleep." The dragon pulled her hand at night, wrapped her waist and held her tighter.

How does Han Han sleep? It was quiet for a while, and her little hand carefully broke away from the big hand of the dragon and the night, but she broke away, and the dragon pulled it again at night, whispering, "Hey, sleep."

Han Hao was quiet again, but it didn't take long for her hand to move again. This time, the dragon didn't stop her, but she was tossed by her.

Han Hao did not toss, but gently touched his fingers and stroked his slender fingers, like insomnia, and seemed to be secretly planning.

The dragon is not behind her at night, but the eyes are always squatting. It was really going to sleep, but when she moved, he was more sleepy than she was.

Han Hao played with the dragon's non-night finger, seeing that the dragon was not moving at night, she actually pulled his hand to the lips and kissed it gently.

Long Fei’s mouth is slightly raised, and his smile is silent and helpless.

"Dragon is not night..." Finally, Han Han opened his mouth.

The dragon does not move at night, does not answer, laughs and pampers, and helpless. He only knows that this woman will be like him, eager for each other.

"Dragon is not night..." Han Yu called again and again.

After all, he was not willing to dry her for too long. He pulled down her hand and was caught in the silk. He held it down and whispered. "Okay, sleep."

Han Wei finally confirmed that the dragon was not right at night, and it was not right.

She turned and looked at him with a brow, though she didn't ask, but she was unaware of each other.

Long Fei night avoids her sight and puts her head in her arms. "Oh, obedient... sleep. I am holding you to sleep."

Han Hao still wants to move, the dragon is finally banned from holding her at night, whispering, "Your body is important, obedient."

When this came out, Han suddenly realized! It turned out that he was worried about her contraception.

A touch of sourness is on the mind, just a "good" word, can you say that this man is good?

"Dragon is not night, you are so good, I really have no reward."

Han Wei said that he sat up, and the dragon was sitting up at night. He was going to persuade Han Han to hold his neck again. Long is holding her hand at night, but after all,

Under the heart, he lowered his head and whispered, "Hey, hey, it’s going to sleep. I am tired..."

He can hear his forbearance in his voice. Han Wei asked, "Dragon is not night, there is no return, is it possible to use it?"

He locked his eyebrows and was about to push her away. Who knows that Han Han suddenly pressed his head and let him bury himself in his chest.

"no kidding!"

The dragon was not anxious at night, remembering that Han Han kept on holding his hand and holding her hand to hold her plump.

The world, this woman dares to force him like this, this woman forced him! The dragon that was forcibly endured was unable to control at night. He pushed her hand on his head, but did not leave, but bit the bite.

Although she did not bite deeply, she left a shallow bite in her chest and there was some pain. As soon as he let go, he whispered, "Han Han, you are looking for it!"

"My pleasure."

Han Han has gone out, how can this man not want her? She gently puts on his chest and sees his frown. She is even more worried, and she rushes over and kisses the sensitivity of his chest.

"Han Han!"

Long Fei immediately raised his head and snorted. "Han Wei, you are enough!"

"Not enough!" Han Yu said that she was extremely stunned. She followed his refined and distinct texture and ran down all the way...

The dragon looked up at night and closed his eyes. Only the long eyelashes twitched, and both of them licked thin and thin sweat. The expression seemed painful, but they could not stop.

This is definitely a torture.

The fire burned all over the body. It seemed that the soul was bathing in the fire. The only thing that could be extinguished was Han Han.

This night, Han Yu really realized what it means to play with fire and self-immolation. Stop and stop for a night, wake up and wake up until dawn, the niece knocked on the door to remind her to eat, and the dragon did not let her go.

"I don't feel well. When I get up later, don't bother to tell anyone to go." Han Hao was on the couch, trying to make his voice sound less hoarse.

The dragon was bullied behind her, and slandered her last night's provocation.

When the prostitute left, Han Han’s tight nerves relaxed and he was galloping...

"Dragon is not night, I am so tired."

Just when Han Yu was about to go to sleep, he faintly heard Long Fei’s saying, "The fool will not have another time."

She immediately awake and blinked at him.

Full of red tide, big eyes roaring, watching the dragon can not help but laugh, but he still very seriously warned, "Take your body, you owe this Prince a fight!"

Han Han hooked his finger and motioned him to approach. The dragon was close to the night, and she whispered to him the secret recipe.

She is proficient in finding acupuncture points, she has her own way of contraception, and will not hurt her body.

The dragon listened to the night, and the corner of his mouth barely pulled out a smile. "That would be good."

The loss and helplessness in his eyes, she all saw it. He stroked the bite on her chest, thoughtfully.

After a while, he licked her bangs and smiled and laughed. "Sleep, Chutian will come over tonight, I will come later."

Han Hao did not say anything, and his heart was blocked.

Long Fei night is like last night, no words, turned and left. His back disappeared into the window, and Han Han looked at it.

After a while, Han Yu sat up. She didn't feel like she used to be a contraceptive, but she was dressed and told her to send her to the quiet side.

What is she going to do?

(End of this chapter)