Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 924: Black people, the truth is white

After listening to Bai Yuqiao’s explanation, Ning Cheng sneered, “Jun is evil, you are really being played by Bai Yanqing! The emperor of the Northern calendar is not a fool. You killed the Prince and the Second Emperor, and controlled 100,000 horses. What did Bai Yanqing use to convince the North? The emperor believes in you? This is a joke, do you believe it?"

Jun Yi’s eyes passed a touch of dissatisfaction and retorted. “Even if Master can’t convince the Beili Emperor, the Northern Calendar Emperor may not limit me! Just one order, the North calendar has at least half of the cavalry, obeying me. !"

"What about the military?" Ning Cheng asked.

The two words blocked the Jun and the evil, and Bai Yuqiao suddenly realized it. Thinking of what I said in the tea house with Ning Cheng, she felt ashamed.

The situation of the Northern calendar, the situation of the brother of the present, Ning Cheng is more thorough than she can see.

The teacher can indeed rebel at any time, but the teacher does not have a military serge! He stayed for a month at most, and after a month, it was winter, the grain was gone, the horse was starved to death, and the soldiers had to flee.

This is the most deadly thing for the teacher.

"Jun Yi and evil, Bai Yanqing should be very clear about how much food you have in your hands. Therefore, if he does not come, he must be deadlocked with the emperor of the Northern calendar. Bai Yanqing did not want to take you to the world, he is only using you to contain Living in the North Calendar, let me Ning Jiajun have no worries, do their best and fight with the East Qin! "Ning acknowledges the truth.

Bai Yuqiao nodded and nodded. Ning Cheng’s analysis was too right. If Han Han did not reveal Master’s identity at that time, everything would really happen like Ning Cheng said.

The Eastern and Western Qin wars, the Northern calendar and internal chaos, even after the East and the West lost both sides, Jun Yi and the Northern Lieutenant can not make a profit for the fishermen, because they will also lose both.

Jun Yixie finally realized that he muttered to himself, "Master...he is helping you!"

Ning Cheng has no choice but to nod. In a sense, Bai Yanqing is indeed helping the Di, but unfortunately, he found it too late, but unfortunately he was scared by the 100,000 horses.

If it was not just Bai Yuqiao, he was reminded of him. When he discovered the contradiction that Bai Yanqing had done, he could not think of this.

"Why should Master help you!" Jun Yi can't accept this fact.

However, Ning Cheng has a lot of thoughts. Bai Yanqing seems to be helping the Di people. In fact, he wants the Di people to have no worries and go all out to fight the East Qin!

Bai Yanqing came down with a big game of chess. He counted the dragon and the night, and calculated Han Han. He also counted him and Jun Yi. The only purpose was to start the war between the East and the West. You will live and die, and there will be no reconciliation day.

Han Yu’s words echoed again in Ning Cheng’s ear.

Han Yu asked him, "I said good at the beginning, give everyone a chance to redeem, you even use the red cannon, what do you mean?"


At the beginning, Han Yu and Long Fei both doubted Bai Yanqing's intentions. They all suspected that hatred between the East and the West would be a misunderstanding. However, he did not believe it and did not want to believe it.

Nowadays, knowing Bai Yanqing's concealment of Jun Yi and evil, and being mentioned by Bai Yuqiao, he has to doubt.

However, he couldn't figure out what it was. If the winds had provoked the Qin and Qin wars, what was the wind figure? Is this cloudless? As far as Bai Yanqing's actions are concerned, he has no intention of the world. He only wants to mess with this continent.

Ning Cheng is immersed in his own thoughts, and Jun and evil are laughing. "Ning Cheng, don't tell me that my master is sincerely loyal to Xi Qin! I tell you, this is absolutely impossible!"

Obviously, Jun Yixie has not yet realized the true purpose of Bai Yanqing.

Ning Cheng’s eyes passed through a complicated complex and asked, “Jun and evil, you have been his apprentice for more than 20 years, then what do you think he wants to do?”

What does Master want to do?

Master always told him that the Winds would help his Heizu to take the iron ride of the North and win the sky!

As originally, the Hei people provoked the civil war between the East and the West, and the Winds are the most friendly alliance of the Hei!

However, he can't believe these ghosts now!

Ning Cheng folded back and stepped closer to Jun Yi. "You talk about what he wants to do?"

"No matter what he wants to do, he will never be loyal to Xiqin, absolutely not!" Jun Yixie was forced to rush, roaring.

Bai Yuqiao looked at it and tried to interrupt it, but he still endured it.

When the teacher was young and big, when was it forced to do this?

It is only Master who can really hurt him. Bai Yu Qiao squats and does not speak, she only hopes that Ning Cheng can be more awkward, wake up the teacher, wake up!

However, Bai Yuqiao is wrong, every sentence of Ning Cheng is testing the evil spirits!

He couldn't see Bai Yanqing, so he hoped to find some clues in the reaction of Jun Yi.

"Jun is evil, you are like a fool to play with him. You have been cheated for more than 20 years. Why do you know that he will not?" Ning Cheng sneered, "Jun is evil, you are stupid, Still really stupid!"

Jun Yixie suddenly grabbed the collar of Ning Cheng. "Ning Cheng, I tell you, the Feng nationality has long betrayed the Xiqin royal family, not now, but when the Daqin Empire was in the civil war, the Winds then betrayed the West. Qinhuang!"

When this was said, Ning Cheng immediately stopped.

The cause of the civil war between the East and the West was the flood of the Shajiang River. In the same year, the letter from the Fengzu newspaper said that the Prince of the East Qin Dynasty was the iron mine, and the dam was destroyed, and the flood was led downstream. When the Dong Qin royals sent the Hei people to destroy the dam, the Western Qin Dynasty sent troops to block the army.

It was because of the defeat of the Winds, so at the beginning of the civil war, the Western Qin Dynasty did not predominate, and it was destroyed in a year.

That night at the battlefield junction, Long Fei did not deny this rhetoric. Long Feiye denied that the iron ore mine said that Long Fei said that the Dong Qin royal family only sent the Hei people to rush the iron ore, and the black people The army was attacked by the winds, and the two armies fought.

If the Feng nationality betrayed the Xiqin royal family in the same year, wouldn’t it be that the Fengsong family had transmitted information? Defiled the Dong Qin royal family?

Is it difficult for the Winds to deliberately sneak into the Hei army and trigger a civil war?

"How did the Feng nationality betray the Western Qin Dynasty?" Ning Cheng was shocked.

Jun Yixie sneered, "Ning Cheng, the wind and the black have always been allies. The civil war of the Daqin Empire was caused by the flood of the Shahe River. Because of the contradiction between the two races, you should think about it. Hehe!"

Ning Cheng still think?

Jun Yi and evil words, affirmed his guess!

East and West Qin is really being provoked! Everything is provoked by the two black and white people. Over the years, so many people have been obsessed with the hatred of the country, not the hate of the country and the hate of each other!

It is a wind and a black!

They should bear hatred, they are!

Ning Cheng fell a few steps after repeated, how should he accept this fact? Over the years, the persistence of the Di family, his attachment has become a joke!

It’s ridiculous!

Ning Cheng repeatedly shakes his head, and Jun Yixie is forced to come over and step by step. "My master even betrayed the Hei people, and would not be loyal to Xi Qin! Ning Cheng, the chores of my teacher, you should not worry."

I only ask you a sentence, are you interested in working with me... the Heizu? ”


Is the Jun and the evil being a descendant of the Hei?

Ning Cheng was shocked. Bai Yuqiao was stunned and unbelievable. However, as soon as he was shocked, they soon realized.

Jun Yixie is a descendant of the Hei, and it is no wonder that Bai Yanqing has accepted him as a disciple and cultivated him for so many years.

Hei, who speaks the language of the beast, is good at beasts.

"Where are the Hummers in the Winter Uma team? Are you a Heizu?" Ning admitted.

"Exactly!" Jun also evilly acknowledged.

What he said, he invited the Hummers of the Winter Wus to take charge of the horses. In fact, they were just a scorpion. In order to hide their eyes and ears, those Hummers were his Hei people, and it was because of the technique of the beast, so he was in Dongwu. The family got the worship of the Dongwu royal family and easily bought back 90,000 horses.

Ning Cheng’s heart was full of emotions. He didn’t think that the truth would be like this. I’m sure that the dragon is not too late, but I’m also wondering how the king is in the winter and how to bring back the war horse.

"Ning Cheng, Han Yu, the monk, all sent to the dragon non-night investment, why should you cling to the Guangfu Xiqin? Oh, you let her be the master, really really blinded!" Jun also evil said Special mockery.

Ning Cheng bowed his head and was very silent.

Jun Yi Xie knocked on his Feng Yu mask, and the tone was even more ridiculous. "Why, if you still wear this thing on your face, do you want to express your heartfelt heart, or do you take it for yourself?"

Ning Cheng opened the hand of Jun Yi and still did not speak.

Jun Yi’s eyes caught a trace of suspiciousness, and the cold feather mask was removed. He is about to lose, Ning Cheng finally stopped, and took a mask of Feng Yu, cold and cold, "Jun Yi evil, I can cooperate with you, Jiangshan is yours, Han Hao belongs to me! I will not allow you to hurt her. how is it?"

When this was said, Bai Yuqiao looked over. Although there was speculation, Ning Cheng could admit that she was still incredible.

No wonder, no wonder Han Han has forgotten the hatred of the country, and hooked up with the dragon and the night. Ning Cheng still hangs on the Di people. It turns out that the heart is not in the West Qin, but in the Western Qin Princess!

Jun Yi evil haha ​​laughed, "Don't want to be beautiful! Oh! The taste of Han Han is really good, but unfortunately! That year..."

At that time, under his impulsiveness, he almost got Han Han.

Jun Yixie was laughing, but Ning Cheng suddenly beat him with a fist, hitting Jun Yi’s mouth, and Jun Yi was not expected. The whole face was beaten and people were beaten to the ground. Spit two teeth!

"Ning Cheng!"

Bai Yu's anger rushed over, but Ning Cheng broke his foot. He was angry and stunned. Jun and evil had not yet climbed up. He grabbed Jun and evil, and he slammed his fist.

However, Jun Yixie stopped the fist, he sneered. "What tastes her, I really haven't tasted it. But...hehe, the dragon is not afraid of the night. I am not interested in the dragon's broken shoes." You have to keep you! You are so strong, keep it for the dragon and the night! Come to me... Oh, what?"

Jun Yixie said that there is really some truth. However, Ning Cheng did not know where the strength came from. He suddenly broke his hand, his left hand became a fist, and once again hit the face of Jun Yixie. The evil flies out and flies out.

The needle of the left hand palm was deeply penetrated into the flesh and blood as he made the fist movement. However, Ning Cheng did not feel any pain at all, and his heart was more uncomfortable than the palm.

Looking at the face of Jun Yixie, he suddenly discovered that it was not the same thing as Jun and evil.

(End of this chapter)