Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 925: Opening for money

Jun Yi evil climbed up, Ning Cheng still had to chase after the fight, several guards rushed to stop. Ning Cheng stared at the Jun and evil, and the anger in the doubles burned like it would never stop.

Jun Yixie was shattered with teeth, his nose and face were swollen, and he climbed up. Bai Yuqiao couldn’t care for his own pain. He rushed to help him, but he was pushed away.

Bai Yuqiao fell to the ground, and Jun and Evil did not look at her more. Perhaps, he did not notice that it was Bai Yuqiao who came to help him. It was only a certain guard.

Bai Yuqiao was beaten by Ning Cheng, and it fell so badly that he couldn’t climb.

Jun Yixie wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and there was a cold and arrogant smile on his lips. If Ning Cheng said something else and promised to cooperate with him, he would still doubt.

However, Ning Cheng said this reason, he will never doubt!

Although the Di nationality was a merchant, it was a famous family in the seven nobles. Even if the Di people were disappointed with Xi Qin, they would not cooperate with his Hei nationality and make a betrayal of Xi Qin.

However, because of the love and hate of Ning Cheng, it would be better.

Jun also evilly licked the blood of the mouth of the mouth, once again looked at the face of the Feng Yu mask on the face of Ning Cheng, he is more and more meaningful.

He laughed happily. "You use Feng Yu to block the blink of an eye, but it is interesting!"

"How do you want a cooperation law?" Ning Cheng asked coldly.

Jun Yixie did not answer immediately, but instead invited Ning Cheng to join the military camp.

In the camp, Jun Yixie sat down on the main seat and told Ning Cheng very directly, "Military!"

Ning Cheng’s eyes swept over a scorn and asked, “How much do you need?”

"The Beili emperor broke all my grain, and the 30,000 horses here needed grain. In the next month, the second and third batches of horses will arrive in succession. They are all raised in silver. The grain in winter is the most expensive. "Jun Yi evil is very straightforward and asks for money, and does not blush at all."

"Only these?" Ning Cheng is stupid.

"I still have 10,000 cavalry under my hand." Jun also said evilly.

"Just like this?" Ning Cheng asked again.

Jun Yixie is the main point, Ning Cheng cold and cold road, "Jun is evil, you should be clear, our cooperation is not business. How much you want to say, the owner is not in the mood to bargain with you!"

Jun also evil, licking some painful shoulders, laughing, "OK, enough to be refreshed! I want ten billion!"

If it is someone else, listening to this number will scare, but Ning Cheng does not change color, the brow does not wrinkle. He said coldly, "On 90,000 horses, 10,000 cavalry, after a winter, all military capital, 20 million deaths."

Ning Cheng is not only a businessman, but also a general who leads the war. He is very clear about the market.

"In this way, Ning everyone only intends to cooperate with me for a winter?" Jun also raised his eyebrows and asked.

"I just counted for the first season." Ning Cheng said faintly.

"I have to raise more than 90,000 horses and 10,000 cavalry." Jun Yiji stood up and went to the map hanging on the wall, pointing to several positions. "The army of these places is all me. Being raised."

Jun also wants money, but he wants to show off his strength with Ning Cheng.

Ning Cheng swept the map a few eyes, then wrote down all the markings on the top, from those markings you can see the military situation in the northern calendar.

It seems that Bai Yuqiao did not lie to him. Jun Yixie really has the strength to fight against the emperor of the Northern calendar. If he has enough military squad, once he sends troops, the Northern calendar must be civil strife. Although the Northern calendar emperor will not be defeated, but he will not be able to defeat the king. What are the benefits of evil.

"Even if you add these, you don't need ten billion." Ning Cheng said calmly.

"Ten billion, including all costs of the cooperation between the two communities, the future

Whether it is to deal with the dragon and the night, or to accept the Western Zhou Tianning, I will not want to ask you a child! "Jun is also evil and serious."

Ning Cheng smiled. "I can give you ten billion. What can your Heizu give me?"

"What do you want?" Jun also asked evilly.

Ning Cheng said coldly and three words, "Han Han!"

Jun Yi’s eyes passed a sneer, and he got up and patted Ning Cheng’s shoulder and tried to test. “Brother, why bother? You and I will jointly hold the sky in the future. What kind of woman is there?”

"If you can't do it, everything is free of talk!" Ning Cheng is very determined.

Jun also evilly set up Ma Yang to open his hand and let go of his shoulder. "Ning everyone, if you want to grab a woman, you can grab it yourself! I am not interested!"

Ning Cheng’s eyes passed a touch of insidiousness, and said coldly, “Give me 30,000 horses and 10,000 cavalry.”

Although Ning Cheng once again emphasized Han Yu, however, when this sentence was said, it still caused the alert of Jun Yi.

Jun also looked at him with a profound sense of evil, and did not say anything.

"You help me to fight against the dragon and the night; I can raise all your horses and soldiers, and you can add another one hundred and two for your conscription. This winter, you only need to mess up the North calendar! You will go south and take charge of Zhongnan!"

Jun Yixie still did not say anything, he walked back to his seat and sat down slowly.

When the 30,000 military horses gave Ning Cheng the words, Ning Cheng’s strength increased greatly, and with the Di people’s red cannons, the Di people could really compete with the dragons and nights. Perhaps, there will be odds.

He left 60,000 cavalry, plus the forces of the Northern calendar, enough to counter the strength of the hands of the emperor of the Northern calendar. When Ning Cheng and Long Fei were both defeated by the night, he also just picked up the emperor of the Northern calendar and took the benefit of the fisherman in the south.

However, if you regret it, would you not confess his 30,000 horses?

At the time of this war, there were more than one billion, but absolutely no horses were bought! Even if he is going to a winter wolf, he will not bring back so many horses.

If, after inheriting 30,000 horses, would you bite him?

Ning Cheng was not impatient, and he was considered by the emperor and the evil. He turned his hand and looked at the map on the wall.

Jun Yixie looked at the back of Ning Cheng and slowly narrowed his eyes.

Because of Master's affairs, he was somewhat impulsive. Now he calms down a lot. It seems that he has just told Ning Cheng the secrets of the civil war between the East and the West. It seems that something is wrong.

If Ning Cheng continues to loyal to Xi Qin and is no longer an enemy of Dong Qin, then he is doing everything today, isn't he moving his own feet?

The more you think about the evil, the more complicated the twilight is.

Ning Cheng seems to be paying attention to the map, but Yu Guang has been paying attention to Jun and evil. He hesitated for a moment and opened his mouth again. "Jun is evil, I said, the world is yours, Han Han is mine! I am defeated. The dragon is not night, and the 30,000 horses will return you, and it’s not bad!”

"Oh, women are like clothes, you are thinking about it today, maybe you haven't liked this year."

Jun Yi is very subtle, but Ning Cheng is very direct. "I am very poisonous in my body. I rely on Bai Yuqiao's antidote every day. You can not believe me. You must also believe in the poison of your sister, hehe!"

Jun Yixie realized this, and Ning Cheng had such a handle in his hand, and he was not afraid of shunning and biting.

"Oh, it seems that we have to work hard and let everyone live in our army." Jun also laughed, and the meaning of the words, he wants to be under house arrest.

Han Wei is a master of detoxification, and he can return to it. How can he be assured that he would put Ning Cheng under his house, which is equivalent to the money he can indirectly through Ning Cheng to take away the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce, and he can also manipulate the Di people for his use.

Jun Yi, who dispels doubts, likes this stable and profitable sale!

"There must be labor care." Ning Cheng faint.

"Polite." Jun also smiled very satisfied.

In this way, Ning Cheng "lived" in the horse field of Jun Yixie, and Jun Yixie did not seem to restrict Ning Cheng, but secretly sent a lot of people to stare at Ning Cheng, paying attention to Ning Cheng's every move.

He did not immediately let Ning Cheng arrange the military squad, and Ning Cheng did not rush to give it. He did not go anywhere, and sat down at the gate of the military camp all day long.

As for the case of Bai Yanqing, Jun Yixie did not mention it again.

In the evening, Jun Yixie asked Ning Chengxian to write a letter back to the Dili newspaper for peace.

Of course, Ning Cheng knows that his letter and the evil will surely pass. He only wrote a few words. "To stay in the North Racecourse, everything is fine."

Who is this letter to write to?

Ning Cheng’s first thought actually thought of Han Yu.

He has been missing for so many days, the Di people must be looking for him, Han Hao?

Thinking about this, the eyes under Feng Yu are faintly painful.

What is Han Wei doing now? Still with the dragon non-night? Still continuing to track Bai Yanqing?

Ning Cheng hesitated a moment and wrote two words on the envelope. "Old Cheng", Jun Yixie had already seen what was written in Ning Chengxin. He took the letter and didn't take a look at it. He asked with great interest. "Old journey? Who?"

"I have followed my servants for more than ten years." Ning Cheng said faintly.

Jun Yixie handed it over to the waiter beside him.

"I heard that Wanshang Palace has not been peaceful recently. There are people in the casinos and auctions."

Ning Cheng’s eyes passed through a complicated complex, but he quickly disappeared. He disdain, “In the three black markets, there is nothing that I can’t clean up at Wanshang Palace.”

Outsiders may not know, but Ning Cheng himself is very clear. After losing the medicinal materials trade and the market in Central and South China from the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce, the losses in the past two years have been extremely serious, relying on casinos and auction sites. Both places have to have an accident, and the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce is afraid that it will not last long. After all, the Di people and his soldiers, as well as the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce, those industries that are not making money for the time are all dependent on the Wanshang Palace.

What happened to the casino and the auction site? If he is not there, can the Presbyterian Church resist the past? Is the quiet girl still in the black market?

Ning Cheng’s worries are all hidden in my heart.

It’s really unclear what the insiders of the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce are. They don’t have much interest in the black market. In short, he has identified the Di family, and some are silver!

"You have been training for a few days, the military squad, and the day is discussed in detail." Jun Yixie said seriously.

The number of 1.1 billion is too big. Ning Cheng is going to give it in one go, or is it going to give it? 30,000 horses, how does Ning Cheng plan to pick up?

The fact that he and Ning Cheng cooperated was to inform the world, or to proceed in secret, and everything has yet to be discussed in detail.

When Jun Yi and Yi left Ning Cheng, Bai Yuqiao found it. "Master, Master's business..."

"Enough!" Jun Yixie interrupted coldly.

"Teacher, are you still..."

Jun Yixie suddenly turned his head and looked at it. Twilight was awkward. "I have nothing to do with Master, you can't take your mouth!"

When he said that he would go away, Bai Yuqiao was distressed. She thought that at least she had worked hard, at least the teacher knew the truth.

For more than 20 years of apprenticeship, what do you hate to hate? Of course, once you hate it, it will be no place to recover. Jun Yi is not stupid, but he needs time to hide himself from wounds.

At this time, the excitement dispersed, the conspiracy dust settled, and Ning Cheng also sat alone on the military camp, licking the wound belonging to the Di people, belonging to his own wound.

The belief of three generations, the persistence of more than a hundred years, his persistence, suddenly became a joke overnight!

(End of this chapter)