Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 944: Half successful

It is an ordinary people, but also concerned about the things of Baidumen, let alone Jun Yixie and Ning Cheng?

Regarding the 30,000-horse race, Jun Yixie has not given a clear answer to Ning Cheng, and Ning Cheng-tuan has a high posture, not only does not destroy him, or even mention it.

I have to say that the attitude of Ning Cheng has influenced the choice of Jun Yi. It’s just that everything is in the heart and evil spirits, and he is not moving.

In the past few days, he and Ning Cheng have been paying attention to the things of Baidumen. Ning Cheng is eager to see the result of the fact that he is still waiting for the end of the hundred poisonous doors.

Although Ning Cheng is not willing to admit it, but he is very clear that Long Fei Ye and Han Han teamed up, Bai Yanqing can not run. Just catching Bai Yanqing?

Bai Yanqing doesn't even want the world. Everything he does is to provoke the East and West Qin. Can such a person tell the truth?

Emperor Kang Cheng of the Western Zhou Dynasty invited the forces of all parties to make the scene so big. How many people have rushed to the door of the drug in these few days, and how many people will be on the scene?

In this case, Bai Yanqing will not speak any more. Even Bai Yanqing will use such a large field to let the grievances between the East and the West fall into a land of eternal annihilation!

Thinking about this, Ning Cheng’s fist hit the wall. He didn’t bother to worry about these days. However, he could not find an opportunity to send a message under the supervision of Jun Yi.

Once upon a time, how could he think that he would have such a day, so hard to resolve the hatred of the East and West Qin?

At this time, Bai Yuqiao came in.

Every time Bai Yuqiao comes, it is only one thing. That is the grievance between Jun Yi and Bai Yanqing. She did not dare to ask the king and the evil in person. She could only listen to the news from Ning Cheng.

"I really don't plan to go to the door of the poisonous door?" Bai Yuqiao asked when he entered the door, never to circle. Although the departure time is too late, she is not at ease.

"No." Ning Cheng said coldly, "Little girl, you are too underestimating your brother. Even if Bai Yanqing is his relative, he will not go."

"What did he say to you?" Bai Yuqiao asked urgently.

"Why, do you like your brother?" Ning Cheng sneered and asked.

"What are you talking about?" Bai Yu replied with anger, but his face was still red.

Ning Cheng shrugged and did not speak, and pointed to the door to let her go.

"What did my teacher say to you?" Bai Yuqiao anxiously asked, she was worried that although the teacher did not personally go, he still sent someone to help.

I have to know that the teacher’s brother is the leader of the venomous door, and it has long been exposed by Han. Now everyone is paying attention to the wind, so few people will mention him. However, this does not mean that everyone has forgotten him.

At this time, he can not only do not mix, but it is best to draw a line between the opportunity and the poisonous door, so that it will not become the target of public criticism.

See Bai Yu Qiao does not leave, Ning Cheng not much nonsense, he left.

However, Bai Yuqiao immediately rushed to him and stopped him. "How can you tell me? Ning Cheng, don't forget, you were poisoned by Han Yu, I saved you!"

"What about that?" Ning Cheng raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Do you believe that I can kill you at any time with my brother!" Bai Yuqiao warned.

Bai Yuqiao is self-deception, and he is willing to bear the temper. He said to her in a word, "Your master does not put your eyes in the eyes, and will not give you peace of mind. Your words are not as good as those in my battalion commander. The soldier is important. Don't believe, you can try it."

Bai Yuqiao stunned, she has self-knowledge, but also has enough eyesight to see clearly in her brother.

The location in front of you. Since she came back, she has never had such a face, but the teacher has never asked a word. You know, her cheeks are all ruined! Very ugly!

However, knowing that it is one thing, being mentioned by others is another matter.

This is like a scarred scar, and it’s completely different to smash the layer of cockroaches with new ones. The latter, it will hurt and hurt!

Ning Cheng bypassed her and walked outside the door. Who knows that Bai Yuqiao has caught up and pulled Ning Cheng’s arm.

Almost at the same time that Bai Yuqiao grabbed his hand, Ning Cheng’s evil spirits were opened, and he did not like this touch. Bai Yuqiao really fell out!

Ning Cheng looked at the roar, Bai Yuqiao said loudly, "Yes, I just like my brother, how?"

"What is it about me?" Ning Cheng is cold.

"I beg you still not?" Bai Yuqiao actually cried.

So a poisonous, stubborn girl, her face was ruined by Gu Qi, and she did not see her crying. At this time, she would cry for a few harsh words?

Unfortunately, Ning Cheng did not have a little bit of compassion. At the Wanshang Palace, there were a lot of women who spoiled in front of him, and there were a lot of poor people. Every one of them was more beautiful than Bai Yuqiao. He had no identity, and he had never been soft, not to mention Bai Yuqiao.

Ning Cheng, is not a person who will pity the jade.

If it is normal, Ning Cheng will not return to the head, but this time Ning Cheng seems to have broken patience, he answered Bai Yuqiao, "I will help you."

When this was said, Bai Yuqiao was not so desperate. She quickly asked, "How can you help me?"

Ning Cheng contempt, "What can you do?"

Ning Cheng’s attitude was just so indifferent, and Bai Yuqiao was afraid. She was afraid that she would rather be unhappy, and she would not even give the opportunity. She would have thought that Ning Cheng had long been eyeing her.

"As long as I don't betray my brother, I can do anything." Bai Yuqiao suddenly revealed his bottom line.

Ning Cheng knows that he has succeeded in half.

When Bai Yuqiao came over to ask about Jun Yi, she would monitor those people inside and outside the camp to support him. Therefore, only through Bai Yuqiao, he can survive the Jun and evil.

Ning Cheng finally turned around and turned back. He said faintly, "There is something going on, you can help me."

"Say!" Bai Yuqiao was excited.

"Oh, help me to buy a few altars, don't let your brother know." Ning Cheng said very casually.

Bai Yuqiao was alert. "Why don't let my brother know that he has not banned your wine."

Ning Cheng sneered, "The wine in his army can't swallow, and it's not enough for the owner to drink! Oh, your brother is short of money, so I don't want to abandon him, so I don't want to ask for it."

There are a lot of silver in the division, and Bai Yuqiao knows. How good is the teacher, Bai Yuqiao also knows. Ning Chengruo even ignored these little things, and the brothers must be angry and angry.

Bai Yuqiao was also wary of Ning Cheng will let her do something big, but did not expect to steal the wine and drink such small things.

Her alertness has been put down a lot.

"What kind of wine do you want to drink, I will ask you!" Although she didn't have much money, she could still ask for a meal.

Who knows, Ning Cheng’s opening scared her.

"Tentan ice Du Kang just fine." Ning Cheng said.

Bai Yu Qiao's mouth is twitching! This wine is unique to the Northern calendar, and it is the top of the wine produced in the Northern calendar. It is the special wine of the royal family.


Only the people in the royal family were happy and rewarded to the nobility and bureaucrats. This wine returned to the palace. Some people who are rewarded do not love wine and love money, they will secretly hand the ice Du Kang to the big wine shop for secret sale. Over time, some people in the royal family knew about it. Therefore, every year when Ice Du Kang tributes to the palace, the emperors and grandchildren who lack the money to spend money back to the ice Du Kang secretly sold out at a high price.

This has long been a secret in the circle of the nobility of the Northern calendar. In the past few years, Ice Du Kang has been selling more and more expensive. A small altar of four or five cups requires more than 5,000 yuan. Can be bought or not.

These people are not just about buying and drinking, but they are close to the people who buy and drink, close to the emperors and grandchildren.

To put it bluntly, this is a bribe in disguise!

Ning Cheng wants the 10th altar of this ice Dukang, then you can't be fifty thousand two? Don't say fifty thousand two, she is not five thousand miles. Ning Cheng has given her a few gold cards, she has all been smashed to the division.

To take a step back, even if the gold card is still in her hands, she can't spend so much money to buy wine for Ning Cheng!

Ning Cheng is a big gold master, she is a poor one!

Bai Yuqiao looked at Ning Cheng and finally understood why Ning Cheng did not want to talk to his brother about the real reason. He is simply humiliating the poor brother!

"This wine is rare, I can't afford it." Bai Yuqiao is very direct.

Ning Cheng did not hesitate to come up with a few silver tickets with a face value of 20,000. "The Lord never drinks the wine that women pay for. This is 100,000, how much is sold, and the rest is hard."

Although the price of Ice Du Kang is not fixed, the difference in the price of buying in different places will not be small, but it will not be worse than 50,000!

This hard work made Bai Yuqiao heartily, and she immediately agreed, pondering the remaining tens of thousands of two, she can keep the emergency.

Bai Yuqiao took the silver ticket. "I promise you, can you tell me why the teacher didn't go to the poison door?"

"He waited for your master to go nowhere, come to him!" Ning Cheng replied.

Bai Yuqiao is very smart, but how to compete with him?

"You mean that my master will not go to the door." Bai Yuqiao said seriously, she has always been such a guess.

Just, she wants to get rid of it.

She thought that Master would not go, the teacher would go out for the door of the drug, but ignored the teacher is waiting for the master!

"What did the teacher tell you?" Bai Yuqiao needs this to be sure.

Ning Cheng shrugged and did not say anything, Bai Yuqiao thought he was the default.

"Ning Cheng, I can always help you sell wine, do other things, you promise me, if my master comes, you must persuade my brother, don't fall into Bai Yanqing's trap!" Bai Yuqiao seriously Say.

"First bring the Dingtan ice Dukang, otherwise, everything is free!" Ning Cheng finished, and the sleeves left.

Bai Yuqiao did not hesitate, and left the military camp that night to find someone to sell wine.

In this matter, Jun Yi and Evil can't see any clues, but Jun Yi and Evil may not agree, and may not want to pass on the money. Bai Yuqiao is not the same, she will definitely help out the silver ticket that Ning Cheng gave. What Ning Cheng wants is that these silver tickets flow out.

As for Bai Yanqing, he will go to Baidu, or he will come to see Jun and evil. Ning Cheng does not have full grasp. He prefers Bai Yanqing to go to Baidu.

The days are getting closer and closer, Bai Yanqing has no news, how will he choose?


Mo: It is said that the frequency of the recent name mismatch is a bit high... faint sadness...

(End of this chapter)