Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 953: Who regrets?

When Bai Yanqing received the challenge letter, the first thought was to give up the poisonous door. However, the practice of Emperor Kang Cheng and Long Tianmo reminded him.

The Yunkong Chamber of Commerce will make this happen, and the world is well known, and Emperor Kang Cheng invited the guests to come as guests.

The people of the world are so concerned, of course, he must take advantage of this great opportunity to embarrass Han Han, let the East and West Qin fall into a land of eternal annihilation!

He tried his best and laid out such a big game, but he couldn't provoke it to be Han Yu and Long Fei. I did not expect that Han Yu and Long Fei will give him such a good opportunity.

Since Long Fei Ye and Han Yu then want to know the reason for the civil war of the Daqin Empire in the past!

Of course, he had to tell them two loudly, telling the two camps of Qin and Dong, telling everyone in the world that the civil strife of the Daqin Empire was not misunderstood. The hatred of the two kings of the East and the West was not shared, and the dragon and the night and Han Han could never be in together!

Before he came to Baidu, he was ironic. No matter how Long Feiye and Han Han attacked the door, how to provoke him, he would only stand at the door and stand in front of the world.

When necessary, sacrificed the poisonous door, he did not hesitate! However, when he dismissed the last glimpse of Baili Musk, he did not hesitate to catch up with the mountain!

At this moment, he is still rational, but he is going to the mountains.

However, for the sake of Bai Lixiang, he is willing to gamble. Killing the Baili Musk and going down the mountain, the same can force the dragon and the night and Han Han down the mountain!

The importance of Baili Musk is even higher than that of the provocation of Qin. He does not even want to risk the Baili Musk to threaten the dragon and the night, just want to kill it early!

In any case, he will never allow the third stage of the dragon's night to repair the power of love, absolutely not allowed!

Even after the poisonous corpse, Baili Muxiang and Xu Donglin could not escape far. Soon, Bai Yanqing caught up with them, and he easily poisoned the poison carcass. The volley turned over a few bodies and fell in front of the scent of Baili, his sword had long been pulled up.

Xu Donglin had precautions, and the first time he would protect the back of Bailixiangxiang.

You must know that Bai Yanqing’s poison is far faster than his sword!

It is still on the hillside of the mountain. Fortunately, Xu Donglin did not take the stone steps of the avenue, but chose a more subtle path. It is not so easy for people in the mountains to know the movements here.

Even so, Xu Donglin finally underestimated the speed of Bai Yanqing. The place he and His Royal Highness agreed was not here, but he had to go to the front again!

Perhaps, it cannot be said that he underestimated the speed of Bai Yanqing. He can only say that he has tried his best. With his ability, he can only escape here.

Xu Donglin defended Baili Muxiang step by step, and Bai Yanqing did not go further, but pointed at them with a sword.

He and Baili Muxiang can't judge, Bai Yanqing seems to be using poison.

They can only take a step back and find ways to delay the time.

"Bai Yanqing, do you know how Mrs. Tianxin died?" Xu Donglin pulled out a topic.

The ordinary topic can't attract Bai Yanqing completely, Xu Donglin can only think of Mrs. Tianxin. Bai Yanqing is very likely to be the biological father of Princess Xi Qin, the man of Mrs. Tian Xin.

When I mention Mrs. Tianxin, how many times he will talk about it!

Xu Donglin’s idea is very good, but Bai Yanqing is very determined.

He didn't say a word, the long sword "squeaked" and screamed. Xu Donglin and Baili Musk smelled a strange breath at the same time, and they couldn't wait to hold their breath.


Must be poisonous!

If His Royal Highness and the Public

The Lord can come over in time, then he and Bailey Musk have been saved, if not, then the two of them will all be in the hands of the first door of the Tang dynasty incense, the fire lotus!

"Xu Donglin, you go first! His goal is me!" Baili Musk has been released.

"I will cooperate with you!"

Xu Donglin whispered, and suddenly he pulled the sword and went all the way to Bai Yanqing. "Miss Muxiang, run! Your Highness is in the poisonous corpse!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xu Donglin suddenly fell into disarray. He just stood in front, and the intoxicated powder was much more than the Baili Musk. He was poisoned!

Bai Yanqing stepped on Xu Donglin's head and smashed it a few times. He looked at Baili Muxiang coldly. The movement in his hand did not stop. He raised the sword.

The speed of poisoning is faster than the speed of using a sword, but the sword is far faster than the poison!

Bai Yanqing wants a hundred miles of musk and a sword to seal the throat!

Who knows, when Bai Yanqing’s sword was going to be thrown out, Xu Donglin suddenly hugged Bai Yanqing’s feet with both hands, and he slammed him, “Bai Lixiang, fast!”

There is no strength, but it is still hard to hold the feet of Bai Yanqing. Xu Donglin is already bleeding. He is destined to fight for the time for Baili Musk!

He didn't let the Baili Musk run fast, only said a "fast" word, Baili Musk should understand, you must understand!

He wants to make a hundred miles of musk!

He seized Bai Yanqing, as long as the Baili musk enabled the fire red lotus, Bai Yanqing will certainly not have bones!

What is the fire red lotus?

The fire red lotus is a hidden weapon that shoots on the human body and can instantly detonate the human body!

At this moment, there is no need to look for opportunities to Bai Yanqing to fight against the white lotus, and she will soon be poisoned, and there is no chance!

What she has to do now is to start immediately before Bai Yanqing breaks away from Xu Donglin’s hand!

The opportunity was in an instant, but the scent of thyme did not move.

Xu Dong Lin roared, "Bai Lixiang, you don't forget your identity!"

His Royal Highness and the Princess have not yet arrived. Once they both died in the hands of Bai Yanqing, Bai Yanqing went down the mountain. What did His Royal Highness take Bai Yanqing to the mountain?

Their identity is obedience, that is, selling their lives, or sacrificing!

Baili musk did not forget, but she couldn't get her hands. Once she started, it wasn't just Bai Yanqing, but Xu Donglin!

When Baili Musk hesitated, Bai Yanqing had already opened Xu Donglin with one foot! Xu Donglin rolled to the side, and the blood flow of the seven sputum was not over, and he was unconscious.

At about the same time, the scent of the scent of the scent of the scent of the scent of the scent of the scent of the scent of the scent of the scent of the scent of the scent of the scorpion. She didn't even have the strength to make a red lotus fire.

Bai Yanqing was not willing to delay for a moment, and walked to the front of Baili Muxiang. "Bai Lixiang, I am sorry that I have not been able to see your true ability. This poison taste is not bad!"

He sneered, holding his sword in both hands and stabbing it.


A crisp sound, Bai Yanqing's blade actually broke. The blade fell to the side, and the scent of Baili escaped.

She looked incredulously at the broken sword hanging in the air, not slowing down. However, Bai Yanqing did not hesitate to hold the broken sword and continue to stab!

At this time, a fierce sword rushed from the side, just like the arrow from the string, coming to the forefront, rushing to the sea! Not only did he overturn the broken sword in the hands of Bai Yanqing, but even forced Bai Yanqing to retreat a few steps.

Baili Musk looked back and saw two

The figure is not far away. It is not far from the distance, but I don’t know why she is so vague.

However, in the vagueness, she still distinguishes clearly, the shadow of the shadows, the road is tall and proud.

Princess and His Royal Highness, finally arrived!

Bai Yanqing did not look back and looked at the one who came. He took the opportunity to reach out to Baili Muxiang, but the dragon was staring at him at night!

The dragon is not the sword of the night, hitting his arm. Han Hao has already rushed to the side to help Xu Donglin detoxification.

Bai Yanqing avoided the sword and immediately stretched out. However, the sword of the dragon is not much faster than the speed at which he reached out. This time he did not attack his hand, but attacked him as a whole.

The fierce swords of the mountains came to the sea, so that Bai Yanqing had to avoid and stay away from the Baili Musk.

He was glaring and cold, and quickly swept away to Han Yu, who was helping Xu Donglin to detoxify. Who knows, Long Fei night refreshed his cognition! This back to the dragon is not the sword of the night, it is just a few times!

Even if Bai Yanqing escaped, he was still hurt by the sword, and the large sleeves were knocked out.

Finally, Bai Yanqing lost his long sword. He did not move, his hands were behind him, and he made a few strange gestures. In an instant, the wind is rising all around, although I can't answer it, but I can face it.

Bai Yanqing wants to use poison!

Han Hao had just helped Xu Donglin to solve the poison. She did not hesitate to rush to the side of Longfei night. At the same time, Bai Yanqing suddenly turned and went back to Baili Muxiang.

Fortunately, the dragon has been staring at him for the night, and the dragon's sword has not stopped!

"Xu Donglin is not a big problem, and the poison of Baili Musk can only maintain the time of a cup of tea. Quickly decide." Han Yu whispered.

Long non-night circling her waist, holding a sword, suddenly volleyed up, handsomely swaying, several swords and then attacked Bai Yanqing.

Bai Yanqing was completely restrained by the sword of the dragon and the night, and could not move Baili Muxiang and Xu Donglin.

The poison of the Royal Wind is completely contained by Han Han. As long as Han Han is in, his poison is made to death!

Long Fei Ye and Han Han teamed up, he will be defeated, he is very clear.

This response battle, there is no plan to win!

He just caught up with the scent of thyme.

Bai Yanqing has already retreated from attacking and defending. He avoided the dragon and the night, and he hesitated for a moment, then turned and fled to the mountains.

"Bai Yanqing, if you want to commit suicide, this prince can leave your whole body!" Long is not cold at night.

As soon as the voice fell, a sword like a rainbow crossed the front of Bai Yanqing, and Bai Yanqing was forced to come back.

Bai Yanqing fell down, but it was calm, and said coldly, "The power of love is really different!"

The dragon is holding the Han Han in the night, and it is cold, "Say, what happened to the East and West Qins? What did you do with the Winds? And where is the Hei?"

Bai Yanqing laughed happily. "Dragon is not the night, the people of Baili Junfu and Yunkong Chamber of Commerce are at the foot of the mountain. You are here to ask the old man this kind of question, it is really interesting!"

Long Fei Ye and Han Yu have already called a large number of poison servants and daughters of the city's poison mercenaries to guard around, not to mention the people under the mountain, that is, the people of Baidumen, it is difficult to get close in a short time.

Today, Bai Yanqing said that only two of them can know!

"You can't say it, but this Prince guarantees that you will regret it!"

Bai Yanqing smiled even louder. "Dragon is not night, I said, but you must not regret it! Haha!"

(End of this chapter)