Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 969: Can eat for a lifetime

On the way back to the medical city, Han Yu was pondering the strange flowers and plants. She has all kinds of speculations, but it is a pity that she is guessing. There is no way to guess what to do.

Long Feiye and Gu Beiyue are not familiar with the poisonous herbs. They are thinking about the identity of the mysterious man along the way.

Undoubtedly, if the mysterious man is a poisonous person, he will be a long-time poison sect. Perhaps he will know the past events of Bai Yanqing and Mrs. Tianxin.

They did not go back to their original residence. Gu Beiyue arranged the nearest yard to the forbidden land in the back of the medical city, concealed and quiet.

Han Yu and Long Fei walked close to the courtyard at night. I saw that the courtyard was like a courtyard house. There were quite a few rooms, and there was also a tea room restaurant fire room.

"Look at it, let's stay here for a while. It's enough here," Han said.

It was already late in the evening, and everyone was tired after a busy day.

"Let's rest, the altar, talk at night." Long non-night minds, Gu seven less should come. He does not believe, Gu Qi will not come!

Gu Qishao’s understanding of the poisonous sects and the poisonous people must be more than them. Now that the situation on the altar is unknown, they may have to wait for the seven to come, and then plan to enter for the second time.

Everyone went back to the house to rest, and Baili Muxiang and Xu Donglin stayed until the end.

"Muscat, girl, west of your room, rest early." Xu Donglin said.

Long Feiye and Han Yu lived in the main house, Gu Beiyue lived in the east, and Baili Muxiang was arranged in the West Chamber. Although the status of the West Chamber is lower than that of the East Chamber, it is more honorable than the room where Xu Donglin and the Shadow Guard lived.

"Xu Shiwei, this dinner has not yet been settled, or else, I write a few menus, you let the people under your hands to prepare the materials. I will cook for the masters later?" asked Baili Muxiang.

In fact, Xu Donglin is only responsible for security work. There is really a need for a prostitute next to the princess, to take charge of some daily affairs. The thyme is sweet and thoughtful, but it’s a pity...

Xu Donglin secretly expressed his emotions. He smiled. "Fortunately, you remind me, or I really forgot this!"

In this way, when the sky came, the Baili musk set out a table of fragrant fluttering food. She not only made a table for the masters, but also gave Xu Donglin a few of the film guards to sit on a table.

Xu Donglin himself patrolled around, let the film guards go to eat, and Baili Muxiang also stayed in the fire room and the shadow guards to eat.

Han Hao, they used food in the hospital, Gu Beiyue tasted the first bite and boasted, "I didn't expect the Baili girl to have such craftsmanship."

Han Hao is actually very used to it, and she also likes the dishes made by Baili Musk. She laughs. "Her craftsmanship is very good. Zhao Wei can't compare, I can't compare."

When the words were finished, Long did not dismantle her desk at night. "When did you cook?"

Except for the sour to the ultimate pastry that he had eaten, this woman has not personally made a meal for him, and has a bowl of soup?

Long is not a favorite of Han Fei, but in some things, he will also have requirements.

Gu Beiyue snickered and bowed his head to eat.

Han Yu clearly saw that Gu Beiyue was laughing, she was stunned, did not speak, and bowed her head.

"When do a few days to try it." Long non-night is not a discussion, it is an order, especially overbearing.

"Well, don't eat too much, I will give you a nightingale to eat later." Han Yu readily agreed, she would like to see if the dragon is not eating at night.

While discussing the food, they discussed the matter of the poisonous altar, decided to wait and see for two days, sent a few poison guards to the forbidden area to search for a search.

And make plans again.

"Is there any news in Bai Yanqing?" Gu Beiyue asked.

They have been coming from the door of the poisonous door for several days. They have made the secrets of the drug scorpion known to the world. Did the Baiyanqing have no reaction at all?

Where did he go? Is it hiding, or is it planning?

Long is not a night, "He has no news, and at least temporarily good news for us."

Han Han nodded and recognized this...

At night, before starting a double repair, Han Yu really went to the fire room to cook, and the ingredients were limited, she cooked a pot of noodles.

She asked Xu Donglin to send a bowl to Gu Beiyue, and she did not know whether Gu Beiyue had eaten or not. However, when the noodles were sent to the front of the dragon, the dragon glanced at the night and immediately waved Xu Dong to dump it.

"Hey! Hello, try it!" Han was anxious.

This guy is not supposed to take a bite. It feels particularly unpalatable, but because she did it by herself, she must eat it if she suffers from nausea.

"Have you tasted it?" Long asked the night.

"Not bad." Han Yu really tasted it, but tried it before she went to the pot. When the noodles are cooked, they are obviously noodle soup, but after the pot is turned into a noodle, a group, no soup.

"Then you eat it yourself." Long said the night.

Han Yu was speechless and complained, "Well, it was my first time."

Who knows that Long is not the night but answers her. "There are opportunities in the future, cooked, I have to eat all my life."

What can Han Yu say? Can only be sent away by Xu Donglin.

Xu Donglin went out and laughed.


When the Royal Highness refused to be so thorough to the princess, he was very worried that His Royal Highness would pamper the princess without a bottom line and eventually become a wife and slave!

In the east wing room, Gu Beiyue faces a bowl of noodles and laughs.

However, he still silently finished eating a whole bowl, and it is really not good to eat from his face.

When the film guard came over and cleaned up, he said, "Please give thanks to the princess."

The film guard looked at the bowl that had been eaten cleanly, and remembered the face that was dumped by Xu Donglin. He couldn’t help but admire. Gu Beiyue, a subordinate, is absolutely competent.

The film guard did not know that the reason why Gu Beiyue was so clean was not to be obedient, but because he knew that it would be difficult to have a chance to eat something that the princess himself cooked.

At this time, Long Fei Ye and Han Yu have begun to double repair. Everything went well last night. Today Han Han is more familiar with cultivation and soon enters the state.

After practicing, she was not as spirited as last night, but she was lazy on the couch, and her eyelids closed quickly.

Thinking of her initiative last night, seeing her look like this now, the dragon is almost skeptical that she is pretending.

However, he did not want to toss her, but she lay down beside her, gently touching her soft hair, "sleep."

Not long after, Han Han really fell asleep. The dragon gently stroked her cheeks at night, laughing silently, helpless and petting.

He held her in his arms and pulled the quilt to cover it. I don't know when I got into the habit of holding it, I have to hold her to sleep.

Long Fei night soon fell asleep, he did not know that Han Han did not actually fall asleep, but the soul returned to the poisonous altar!

Like a dream, not like a dream!

This feeling is very similar to the feeling that God knows to enter the storage space, but it is not the same. Where is it different, Han Han can't say it.

She knew that she was in a dream, and she was clearly sober, but she could not wake up.

At this moment, she stood outside the quaint altar of the poisonous ban, and looked at the monument without a word.

The last time I went back from the altar, she also dreamed of a wordless monument, and also saw a word on the inscription.

It’s hard to be this time...

Han Yu is overjoyed, and there is no reason to be a dream, or a swim. She immediately ran towards the wordless monument.

When I ran closer, she saw that the word-free monument was exactly what they saw in the daytime. The stone layer was stripped and the whole monument was made of Xuanjin. However, there is no text on the tablet.

Han Yu was disappointed, but at this time, the wordless monument suddenly glowed with a faint golden mang, and from top to bottom, a text appeared gradually.

Han Hao was overjoyed. Looking at the time, I found that the above text was exactly what she had seen last time. The speed of the text appeared to increase again. At the beginning, it appeared in one word and one word. Later, it became a line and a line appeared, and a paragraph appeared.

Han Wei skipped a large section in front, and looked at the ten lines. She swept the following content. She was so anxious that she couldn’t breathe. Finally, the whole person fell down under the Xuan Jin monument.

Who knows, after Han Han finished reading, the text on the whole block of Xuan Jinbei has not disappeared.

Han Yu was so nervous that she was sweating and almost weak. She stood up and looked at the words that didn’t move, and almost didn’t hold back.

These words are all about the secret of the storage space. Part of it is the practice of the storage space, and part of it is the rule of the storage space.

Since the text did not disappear, Han Han put the secret of the altar aside and looked at the introduction of the practice and rules of the storage space.

Before Han Hao practiced the storage space, she could not fully grasp the lead, precisely because she was not familiar with the law.

Now, after seriously reading these words, she finally understood.

As she has guessed, every promotion of the storage space needs an opportunity. This opportunity varies from person to person and is not fixed. In other words, she is now in the second stage of the storage space, and only has enough cultivation foundation, and once she meets the opportunity, she can advance. However, if you haven't encountered an opportunity, it will be futile to work hard.

After the storage space is repaired to the third stage, it is full, and once it reaches full level, it can control the supreme power of the storage space.

However, this power is what power, there is no record in the inscription.

Han Wei is very curious, but there is nothing to ponder. She continued to look down seriously because the practice of the poisonous beast was mentioned below.

Once the poisonous beast is contracted, it is not only a contract with her, but also a contract with her storage space. Therefore, if she does not force interference, small things can enter the storage space freely, and can perceive everything in the outside of the storage space.

Once the owner enters the second stage of the storage space, the poisonous beast can pass through the human language. In the second stage of the second stage, the master's practice will affect the practice of the poisonous beast. In the latter stage, the practice of the poisonous beast and the master's practice will interact with each other. The influence and mutual promotion are equivalent to the power to jointly practice the storage space.

If there is a poisonous beast, it will be faster to break through the third order. In the third stage, the poisonous beast can communicate with the master anytime and anywhere through the communication of the gods.

These, Han Yu had some understanding before, but the inscription recorded other situations that she did not understand.

(End of this chapter)