Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 971: Long Feiye and Gu Qixiao quarrel

Long Feiye did not give any feedback on Tang’s complaint. Han Hao is not the same, she does not ask questions about quality and seven, she feels wronged Linger.

If this guy doesn't like Linger, why not just let Linger completely die?狠狠Is it hurting once, is it better than hurting my life?

Linger is still so young, not married, she will meet people who know how to pity her in the future. Why did he just fall into the hands of the seven devils, and the infatuation was ruined.

Gu Qishao actually never really thought about Mu Linger’s thoughts on him. He was not used to it. He was not interested in considering so much.

He touched his nose, did not refute a word, and quietly groaned.

If this is the question of Long Fei who asked him, he has a thousand reasons for rebuttal. However, Han Yu asked him, just give her a gas pump.

Mu Linger is missing, this woman must be angry and sad.

He shifted the topic, "Is Bai Yanqing really a poisonous person?"

Long Fei night threatened him to come and still play, what else can he do, it is with the shackles, who let him have the handle in the hands of others.

"There is no news of the robbers?" Han Yu had to ask this question first.

Tang Li and Gu Qishao respectively took out the secrets of the Tangmen hidden weapon and the drug ghost valley as bait, and the robbers should be tempted!

"No. Either the two of them have already fallen into the hands of another group of people, or the gold and the old process hijack them both." Gu Qi Shao finally said a serious statement.

"It should be useful, at least they have no life worry, and now they can only wait for news." Gu Beiyue said seriously.

Han Yu recalled Cheng Shu’s face, and the golden deacon’s gloomy eyes, and thought with all his heart, these two people are best not to fall into her hands, otherwise she must be born to die!

Actually robbing the quiet pregnant woman and Mu Linger, this innocent person, simply can not be forgiven!

"When you come to the poisonous ban, it is not the secret to find a drug scorpion?" Gu Qixiao asked.

"Do you know what?" The dragon asked coldly at night.

"I understand the dream of the butterfly, and I am a poisonous person..." Gu Qixiao trembled, "I am afraid!"

The dragon's contempt for him has reached the limit, he looked cold and cold, "You can roll."

Gu Qi Shao went to Han Han and laughed. "Drug hoe, you provoke a poisonous slut, and dare to run around. Bai Yanqing is looking for it..."

Gu Qishao said, very scornfully smashed the dragon for a night, and then continued. "If Bai Yanqing is looking for it, who can save you?"

Han Hao had no idea to make fun of him. She said seriously, "We are going to the poison sect altar now, try to open the door without word tablets, are you going?"

"The door without word tablet?" Gu Qi Shao Su suspected, he really did not know that there is this stuff.

"Going still not going?" Han Yu urged. More than one Gu seven, they will be safer. As soon as she came to Gu seven less familiar with the poisonous ban, the second to Gu Shao's poison is stronger than any of her poison guards and mercenaries.

"You have all gone, the seven brothers are going to go, if something happens, the seven brothers cover you!" Gu Qixiao laughed.

He seems to be a joke, and every sentence he can say is actually true. Maybe, I can understand the dragon and the night.

He has decided to follow the poisonous **** since then, in case Bai Yanqing finds revenge. The same is the body of immortality, although he can not kill Bai Yanqing,

At least he can hold him back.

The dragon's night is dark and the Han Yu is afraid to watch. She didn't talk any more nonsense, and said in a hurry, "It's not early, let's go, everyone is careful."

She said, taking the initiative to hold the hands of the dragon and the night, walking in the forefront.

Gu Beiyue and Baili Muxiang followed, Gu Qihao stood for a while before he caught up.

Unlike Gu Beiyue and Baili Musk, Gu Qihao likes Han Hao to be particularly free and easy. In the face of the dragon's non-night, he dares to say. Watching them hold hands, he sneered, but did not interfere.

He walked in the end, and Han Hao was a little far away from them. He walked and took a thatch in his mouth. The narrow eyes were a little deep, and I didn't know what to think.

However, not far away, Gu Beiyue still stopped waiting for him to catch up.

Gu Qixiao did not say anything, and walked along with Gu Beiyue. He knows that Gu Beiyue will definitely tell him the door to the wordless monument.

Sure enough, Gu Beiyue said, not only the things that happened to them in the altar yesterday, but also the mysterious man who met him told Gu Qishao, and told Gu Qishao what he said to him this morning and night.

Gu Beiyue is full of trust for Gu Qishao. As for the dragon and the night, Gu Beiyue thinks that the dragon and the night did not really make Gu Qi less rolling, and it must also hope that Gu Qi rarely knows the situation and walks with them.

After Gu Qixiao listened to those things, his eyes were complicated. He said, "I have never seen any mysterious people appear in the poisonous ban, but... I don't go there often."

He thought for a while, and said again, "There are people who are poisonous in the altar. It is difficult for outsiders to find it! Don't dare to go!"

"I hope it is not Bai Yanqing, he has no news so far." Gu Beiyue said with a sigh.

Gu Qixiao did not say anything, but there were counts in his heart. After seeing the forest, he had to be extra careful.

Bai Yanqing is so weird, God knows what he wants?

A group of people walked and walked. Not long after, Long Fei said to Han Yu, "I used to ask Gu Qixiao Jinyi Palace."

Helpless, Han Yu is also curious. She stopped and turned back to Gu Qi Shao, "Gu Qi Shao, come over, something to ask you!"

Gu Qi is less happy, but the fart is running over, and the dragon is not the night, but the dragon is the first to open the mouth. "When did the Golden Wing Palace fall into your hands?"

Gu Qishao discovered that they were looking for him for this matter, so he told him how to get the Golden Wing Palace.

Han Yu listened earnestly, but the dragon was not interested in the night, and he didn’t listen anymore.

"If it is not the Golden Wing Palace, now we can't restrain the Wanshang Palace." Han Yu said the truth.

Gu Qixiao smiled. "If you like, I will give it to you!"

Han Yubai gave him a glance, and he didn’t know what to say. Long’s night was a word that made Gu Qi a very incomprehensible. “When did you clear the account of Kangkang Qianzhuang?”

Gu Qixiao came to the office this year and did not pay much attention to the sale of medicinal materials in the Golden Wing Palace. The sale of medicinal materials was not as profitable as before. Since the three-way black market casino was damaged, the Golden Wing Palace is also a big loss. Although it is not a loss, the flow of funds has been affected, and the flow of funds has affected the trading of the auction site.

If you are doing a auction, you need to stock up and stock up. This is a big sum of money! Before Gu Qishao did not return to the three-way black market, Jinyi Palace borrowed a silver turnover from Kanggan Qianzhuang.


Gu Qishao did not answer the dragon non-night, obviously pretending not to hear, but he also closed his mouth in confusion, no more mixed words. Dragon non-night has basically become his nemesis.

Han Xin’s heart smirked, Gu Qishao, this guy may have planted on this pout. If he talks well, he will be grateful to him for his contribution to the Golden Wing Palace.

Gu Qiu lowered his head, his voice was dark and he was silent. He walked aside.

Xu Donglin, who was on the side of the dragon's night, made a look. Xu Dong immediately came over. "The princess, there is something to ask for."

"What is it?" Han Yu asked.

"The subordinates have heard that there is a poison that can cause people to tremble. Is there really such a poison?" Xu Donglin asked with special humility.

When it comes to professional issues, Han Yu’s attitude must be professional. She seriously explained with Xu Donglin that “there is such a poison, and there are still many types. It can be roughly divided into four categories, the first is...”

Han Yu concentrated on helping Xu Donglin to answer. Long Fei night has gone to Gu Qi Shao’s side without any trace. He lowered his voice. The first sentence is questioning, "Do you dare not talk about credit with this Prince?"

Gu Qishao knows his own losses, but he does not regret it. He whispers, "For the sake of poison, don't talk about credit?"

He said at the time that he was a dumb mother, and he was afraid that the poisonous **** would be deceived by the dragon and the night.

"You mention her less!" The dragon is not cold at night.

Gu Qi Shao did not go with him, but he took it seriously and said faintly, "I owe you a favor, I will continue to help you crack the dream of butterflies."

"Preventing good white Yan Qing!" This is the requirement of Long Feiye.

Gu Qi Shao took a look at him. "You don't have to talk nonsense, I will protect her!"

However, the next sentence of Long Fei night, Gu Gu Shao almost spit out the old blood, Long Fei night said, "Not only her, but also the Prince and Gu Beiyue. From now on, you and Xu Donglin together, responsible for us A few defensive jobs."

by! Dragon is not the night, this is for him to come...the guard! ?

Gu Qi Shao suddenly stopped, and later became aware that Long Fei was a night pit! Dragon is not the night where is credit? This clearly left a hand to threaten him!

"You can refuse." The dragon shrugged at night, harder than a strong man.

Gu Qi Shao hates to marry him and bite him!

Han Hao focused on Xu Donglin and explained what happened behind him. Gu Beiyue and Baili Muxiang looked at the back of Long Feiye and Gu Qishao. Although they didn’t know what they said, However, they can see that they are carrying Han Han and whispering.

Gu Beiyue and Baili Musk were snickered, and their ideas were the same.

That is to say, His Highness can provoke Gu Qixiao in one or two sentences, and even if Gu Qixiao appears, he will let Yu Xia’s words such as Jin be more.

Gu Qi did not leave, the dragon was not appointed by the night.

He whispered again, "How did he become..."

The words behind him did not say it, but Gu Qixiao could understand it.

When it comes to this matter, Gu Qi is irritated and he does not know how to explain it. A long while, seriously said to the dragon non-night, "Dragon is not night, I really don't know if I am a drug scorpion, maybe... maybe I am a freak."

The dragon didn't show his heart at night, but he didn't show it. He asked coldly, "What the **** is going on?"

Gu Qi Shao can only tell him the truth, the dragon is very unexpected. He is still asking, Han Han has already finished talking with Xu Donglin, and is looking back...

(End of this chapter)