Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 996: Where is Gu Qishao?

The person who doesn't have to worry the most, actually has an accident.

Xu Donglin did not find Gu Qishao for a day, and Gu Qixiao did not come over to find Han Han all day.

"I was in the inn last night?" Long asked at night.

Xu Donglin was very embarrassed. "His Royal Highness, subordinates...not very clear."

Xu Donglin is only responsible for the safety of His Royal Highness and the Princess Room, while several shadow guards lurking in the dark protect the Baili Musk. Gu Qishao is really no one to control.

However, Gu Qi Shao does not need people to control it! Xu Donglin remembered a long time ago, and His Highness would also tell people to look at Gu Qishao. It’s just watching, guarding against the seven, it’s not protection.

The secret of Gu Qishao, Xu Donglin knows. If Bai Yanqing encounters a dream of a butterfly, there will be danger, then Gu Qixiao is simply invincible. In this world, as long as he does not want to, who can get him?

Long Feiye and Xu Donglin all know the truth about Gu Qishao, but Han Yu knows nothing!

In the eyes of Han Yu, Gu Qishao's super-skilled martial arts, first-class martial arts, can not be considered a very powerful master, at least when the martial arts of the dragon non-night has not made great progress, Gu Qi Shao will not beat the dragon non-night. Before that, he and the same poisonous monarchs have been compared to the evil, and have not played.

Han Wei is still anxious. "It must be something that went out last night! Hurry and find, the city is searching!"

If it is an accident in Yizhuang, the movement will certainly be small. Gu Qi Shao, the guy is not stupid, can't beat others, he will also make the move loud and big, and attract them to the past.

"Either it happened last night, or what happened to him today." Long non-night euphemistically raised another possibility, he ordered, "Xu Donglin, search carefully."

There is no clue, just wait for Xu Dong to find it. Han Yu’s heart is uneasy, only that they are too bad for this time.

She looked at the burning fire and silently prayed that the fire could leave her bones, even if it was a little bit better.

It was late at night and the fire was not extinguished. Han Hao, they can only go back to the inn. After the double repair, the two did not sleep, standing on the balcony while paying attention to the situation of the fire, while waiting for the news of Gu Qishao.

Gu Qishao has never heard of it, but in the middle of the night, the fire is really small, and there are only a few places where the house remains burning.

In Yizhuang, there is only one function to park the body.

Generally speaking, there are three kinds of situations. The first one is a coffin whose grave is not ready and cannot be buried. This is temporary parking. The second type is poverty at home. After death, there is no money to enter the shackles. Only the corpses can be temporarily placed in Yizhuang, and they are trying to find ways to collect money. The third is that before some homicides have been solved, the body can't be buried, and it can only be stopped and protected.

Therefore, even in the middle of the night, there are many other people who are not around the fire, who are crying, who come to worship, and who come to wait for the house to give a statement.

Long Fei night sent people to the house to find a way to understand the attitude of the house.

The whole Yizhuang burned nothing, and nothing could be rescued. The house actually gave up the fire from this afternoon. Several officers and men are now arranged here, purely to prevent conflicts among the people and cause riots.

As soon as tomorrow dawns, the mansion will send people to clean up the scene, find the remaining skeleton from the ruins to unify the burial, which is the only comfort to the families of all the victims.

Not long after, Xu Donglin came to visit, "His Royal Highness, all of them are better. After tomorrow's bones are packed, we will have a quarter of an hour."

Cleaning up the humerus is a very inferior job, the officers and men will not personally

Hands-on. The government took out the money and handed it over to the old man Chai Liuye who helped the people in the city. Chai Liuye is a contractor. In this case, he can always hire some young people to help him at a low price. This time is no exception.

After Xu Donglin inquired clearly, the person who bought the house was assigned two people to Chai Liuye in the name of the investigation, and asked Chai Liuye to keep it secret.

Tomorrow, Long Fei Ye and Han Yu only need to disguise themselves, they can join the team of Chai Liu Ye, and the bright and straight have to find the bones in the ruins.

With Han Biao's ability, as long as you can get close to the ruins, you can start the detoxification system search. In order to ensure that nothing is lost, Xu Donglin also specially arranged a quarter of an hour to investigate the name of the case, so that His Royal Highness and the Princess could uncover all the skeletons that were searched back.

Han Yu listened to Xu Donglin's arrangement and was impressed. Xu Dong Lin came to the day and night, and was able to touch the doorway in the mansion so thoroughly that he could do things so thoughtfully.

"Your boy will not be mixed in the future, it is really a waste." Han Yu said.

"Hey, Princess, you don't know, actually I..." Xu Dong’s words suddenly stopped here.

"What are you?" asked Han Han.

"Actually, I am very stupid. I have been following my temple for a long time and learned some fur." ​​Xu Donglin took the horse.

In addition to Han Han's flattering can make the dragon smile at night, it is estimated that no second person can do it. The dragon looks at the sea of ​​fire at night, and does not make a sound.

Han Hao didn't bother and Xu Donglin said more, she asked seriously, "Isn't you still paying attention to the news of seven or less? Not yet, the princess is not too worried, Gu Gongzi Ji people have their own natural world, if they do not encounter poison masters, they may not be able to He got him. It was ambushed in the city of Bafang in the early morning yesterday. As long as Gu Gongzi did not leave the city, he would be able to find out!" Xu Donglin comforted.

Add people to continue searching. "Han Han can only pin his hopes in this regard," she said. "Don't be too arrogant, so as not to expose the whereabouts." ”

After Xu Donglin left, he spit out his breath. He just said that he had missed his mouth. He actually wanted to say that his ability to deal with the government was Chuxi.

Since Ning Chengna learned that the hatred of the East and West Qin was provoked, Xu Donglin wrote a letter to Chu Xifeng, but unfortunately Chu Xifeng has not returned. Xu Donglin thought, Chu boss still needs time to adjust.

The matter of the fire was definitely determined, and the dragon was faint in the night. "Go to rest, and you have to get up early."

Han Hao has no sleep, she said, "Gu Qi Shao that 厮 ... will not slip to Yizhuang last night, met the murderer?"

She has been pondering all kinds of possibilities today and pondering it, and this is the most likely situation.

The dragon is not in the darkness of the night, so I can really meet the murderer. He nodded and some were perfunctory.

If Gu Qi is there, Han Yu will not show concern for him.

And Gu Qi is absent, Han Han can only stop, and in some cases, Long is not happy when he is not happy.

Han Yu will never forget that when she and the dragon were not night, Gu Qi Shao went to the poisonous grass bank to find the soil of the poisonous, the three were trapped on the cliff by the fire, the dragon was supported by the night, she supported Gu Qi. Less weight.

When the three people were hanging on the front line, Gu Qishao was the first time in the first place, very fierce, and she was very serious and asked her to let go.

She said to him, "Since you choose to go, don't leave!"

I have experienced so much together, Gu Qi Shao is only their friend, but like a family member, like a comrade-in-arms, can not be abandoned.

Some feelings are actually irrelevant, but they are equally unclear.

Han Wei shifted the topic. "Why do the murderers kill six girls in a row? What is his goal?"

This case should belong to a serial homicide. She has seen a lot before. The murderer has a perverted mentality, and if there is a certain aspect, he will use the same means to start the same young woman; or there is a purpose, how many people must be killed, and what is obtained.

The dragon is not complicated at night, and he never thought that he would deceive Han Han because of other people’s affairs. However, Gu Qishao’s secret, even if he had the opportunity to say it, he still did not say it.

Long Feiye has been pondering this case. "It’s been five days since I killed a murderer. If he wants to kill, he will be in these two days."

This reminded Han Han, she said, "Dragon is not night, find someone to go to the lake, lead the snake out of the hole!"

The first few deceased were killed by the Yin and Yang Lake. This shows that the murderer has a preference for the location of the attack. If the murderer continues to kill, it will be in the same place.

The dragon nodded at night, and Han Han immediately found the film guard to arrange the maids who stayed outside the city.

Long is not used to play the shadow guards at night, Han Han has become accustomed to bring poison guards and maids. In fact, unconsciously, the forces in the hands of Han Yu are gradually increasing. Under her arrangement, the maids in the daughter city are I have already started learning poisoning.

She wondered how the maids could be alone, and she gave the poison to the dragon and the night. The dragon's non-night defender is not poisonous, and the poison guard can just make up for this deficiency.

This measure leads the snake out of the hole, and I don't know if it can attract the murderer; and the bones of the fire don't know if Han can find the whereabouts of the poison.

Long Feiye chatted with Han Han and didn't know when he slept.

They started up the next morning, and the two men dressed up, dressed in broken clothes, black hands and dirty hands, but they still couldn’t hide their innate esteem. They must know that they have the most noble bloodlines of the Yunkong continent. Eastern and Western Qin Dynasty.

Xu Donglin and Baili Muxiang did not feel right when they looked at it. In the end, Xu Donglin helped the dragon to add a fake beard to the night, and Baili Muxiang helped Han Han to disguise as a man, adding a circle of scum. The two talents are barely a bit poor and lonely.

When they used to be in the fire, Chai Liuye and his party just arrived. Chai Liuye looked at Xu Donglin, and did not say much. He took the gloves and the scorpion and threw it to Han Yu and the dragon.

The dragon is not poisonous at night, and he is accompanied by Han Han.

When Han Yiyi stepped into the ruins of the fire, she searched it carefully. She seemed to find the bones again. In fact, she started to search the poison system.

The toxicity of the bones is very strong. Even if the six bodies are not the poison of gold, as long as there is residue, the detoxification system can check it out.

If the murderous dagger is really the gold of poison, then the toxicity must be stronger. As long as there is wreckage, the detoxification system can check it out. Before the poisonous water, the poisonous soil was poisonous. Although the detoxification system could not detect the specific toxins, it could recognize the presence of toxins. For the gold of poison, it is also a truth.

Han Wei seriously searched and checked out two poisonous fragments of the tibia, but she gave up. Because once checked, the detoxification system determined that it was toxic, or it was a very common poison, and it would not bleed.

There are so many corpses in Yizhuang, and it is not unusual to have one or two poisonings.

Rarely, all the skeletons were collected, and Han Han had not checked the toxins she wanted!

what happened?

Just when Han Yu and Long Fei analyzed the reasons, the shadow guards rushed to death. "His Royal Highness, Princess, the lake is a big event!"

(End of this chapter)