Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 997: The murderer is a woman

What's the big thing at the lake?

"What is it?" Long asked coldly.

"The two lurking shadows have been killed, Cuiyun is gone. The murderer is very strong, the sword is out, and the subordinates hear the cry for help. When they rush, they only see one figure, it should be a woman!" Truthfully answer. Cuiyun is the maid of the mission.

Long Fei Ye and Han Yu took a look at each other and rushed to Yinyang Lake without saying anything.

There is nothing to discover in Yizhuang here. Instead, there is a result of the snake coming out of the Yinyang Lake. The murderer should be the murderer of the six female case.

When Han Yu and Long Fei rushed past, Xu Donglin had arrived and was checking the bodies of the two defenders.

"His Royal Highness, Princess, and two film guards all died on the sword, and a sword sealed the throat!" Xu Donglin truthfully told the truth.

The dragon was not late at night and he checked it carefully. "The sword is really good."

Han Yu was shocked. She knew that if she could get the dragon and the night, it must be a high-spirited sword, higher than all the shadow guards.

“Cuiyun is alive or dead?” Han Yu asked seriously.

The film guards are shaking their heads. "When the subordinates heard the news, they only saw the back of the murderer."

In other words, the shadow guards could not be sure that Cuiyun was killed, the body was taken away, or was directly taken away.

"It seems that the murderer only took the dagger to kill the woman." Long said at night.

The six women killed before the murderer used daggers and died because of the bloodshed. Today, I killed two shadow guards, but they used swords.

Although the sword is non-toxic, the wound looks like a sword. The murderer's sword must be a good sword.

"The murderer fled to the right, and the subordinate had sent someone to trace it." The defender answered truthfully.

Han Yu and Long Fei didn't think that the martial arts of the murderer would be so good. This time, the snake was shocked, and the snake was out of the hole and could not be used again.

There are no clues to be found in Yizhuang. If the shadow guards have not traced the clues, their clues will be completely broken!

Long Fei night checked the body of a defender before he got up. He seemed to want to say something, but in the end it was just a faint sentence. "Xu Donglin, arranged for a thick burial."

Looking back at Yinyang Lake, Han Yu saw that the lake was as calm as a mirror, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds, clean and pure.

Such a scenery would be immersive, and Han Han did not consciously go to the lake. The dragon kept up with the night and whispered. "This lake is a strange thing, don't rely too close."

When the voice fell, Han Hao suddenly stopped and was shocked. "Poisonous!"

Just or far away, at this time, she is less than a step away from the lakeside, the detoxification system immediately reminded her that the water is poisonous, not that the lake is poisonous, but that some people in the lake are poisoned. Be aware that detoxification systems are the most sensitive to human poisoning.

The detoxification system did not analyze the toxins and only determined that some people were poisoned. Han Wei initiated a deep inspection, and the results of the test were the same, and the detailed situation could not be analyzed.

"The dragon is not night, there are people in the lake, and it is poisoned." Han Yu hesitated, added, "In my experience, it should be a dead body!"


Will it be Cuiyun? Long Fei immediately ordered the film guard to salvage.

"At the center of the lake, it should be quite deep." Han Yu reminded.

Who knows, the shadow guard has just launched, Han Han's detoxification system can not detect the presence of toxins. She said, "Fast, the body is sinking."

Soon, the shadow guards surfaced. "His Royal Highness, Princess, there is a whirlpool in the water to **** in the body! It is the body of Cuiyun, yes! It is not going down!"

"Go and call the scent of thyme!" The dragon was ordered by the night.

It didn't take long for Baili Muxiang to come over. After she asked the situation clearly, she would go into the water without saying anything. However, it didn't take long for her to surface.

"Musk, what?" Han Hao asked urgently.

"Princess, can you let Xu Weiwei and the slaves get into the water together, the body...the corpse slaves dare not touch!" The voice of Baili Musk was a little trembling.

"I will go with you!" Han Yu did not hesitate to answer, she could see that Baili Musk was very scared.

Han Han went down, the dragon was not staying at night, and the two of them went into the water and were protected by the scent of Baili.

When Han Yiyi approached, Baili Musk held her hand and held it tightly. Although she asked Xu Dong to go into the water, she did not know if she could hold it if she didn't hold her hand.

The scent of thyme is waiting for Han Yu to enter the whirlpool. The rotation of this whirlpool is still very small, but the more it goes down, the bigger it is.

Han Han took the hand of Baili Muxiang, and she calmed down. She said seriously, "There must be some power hidden under the water to form this kind of nest. The bottom of the water is very deep. It is not easy to go down."

Soon, Han Yu and Long Fei saw the body of Cuiyun in the night, and were protected by the scent of scent in the aura, and did not continue to sink.


When Han Han saw the body, he couldn’t help but breathe. There is no big reaction in the dragon's night, only cold and cold, "Let's go."

This is the scent of the scent of scent, and the two streams of light touch each other and merge into one. Cuiyun’s body fell on the edge of Long Fei’s night.

Even if the scent of thyme was pulled up by Han Han, her hands were still trembled. She couldn’t look at it and immediately took everyone to the surface of the water.

After the water came out, Cuiyun’s body was placed at the lakeside. Xu Donglin and several film guards saw each other, and they were all scared. Xu Donglin was afraid to get close.

In the case of Han Yu and Long Fei, the two men surrounded the body and checked.

For those who study medicine, the bodies are as normal as they are, and Han Han is not afraid, but can't believe it. Because the body is soft like a human skin, the bones are gone!

What is the reason, need to kill like this?

In addition to the accident, Han Yu was full of anger, she stared at the body, and did not move for a long time.

"Poisonous?" Long asked at night.

At this time, Han Yu was relieved. She took a deep breath, recovered her condition, and began to carefully examine the body.

Han Wei checked the wound and the detoxification system resumed testing.

The test results of the detoxification system are the same as those of the just-detected one. Only the Cuiyun poisoning is known. As for the poison, it is completely undetectable. Han Wei found a wound pierced by a dagger in the abdomen of the body.

With these two points, Han Hao has a lot of thoughts.

She inspected the seven corpses of the body, eyes and ears. Although the body was soaked in the water, the blood stains have been blurred, but Han Wei still detected traces of venom in the Seven Miles. Therefore, like Jade and the previous six women, there were seven bloodsheds.

Han Wei told Long Fei that the result of the test was "it seems that the weapon is probably the first seven."

For poison, Han Wei is very strict.

The reason why she said that the weapon is seven, not the poison of gold, because the poison on the head of the dagger may be another deadly poison, but the detoxification system has no record and cannot be detected.

To determine whether the first seven scorpions are the most venomous, there is only one way to get the first seven scorpions and drop into the dream of butterflies.

This is the most insurance and the most foolproof way.

Of course, at this moment, Han Yu has not taken care of so much, there are only two things in her mind, the first is to look for seven less, the second is revenge! Revenge for Cui Yun and the shadow guard, and also avenge the six innocent girls!

The dragon looked at the body at night, whispering. "Only a wound in the abdomen, how are the bones all removed? And, is the time so short?"

Yes, the time is very short!

The film guard just said that he heard the two shadow guards rescued and rescued here, and he could guess that Cuiyun was killed first! When the murderer killed Cuiyun, he had to pick up the bones of Cuiyun and deal with the two defenders. This difficulty is too big, right?

Han Wei was silent for a moment, and he said with certainty, "Dragon is not night, the murderer must be the bones! It must be!"

Only the bonesetter has the ability to hollow out the bones of the body, and it does not damage the body.

"I know why I can't detect the toxins of Yizhuang's bones!" Han said again. "Before the murderer set fire, the bones of the six female bodies must have been taken away! She set fire to Yizhuang to destroy the dead! She threw the body of Cuiyun into the lake today, also to destroy the dead!"

"I want to cover up the bones? What do she want these bones to do?" Long asked the night.

"Xu Donglin, you will check it out immediately! All the corpses and bone-collecting people in Qingchuan Shuicheng, including all the shops selling bone ornaments, all check out clearly! I want a family to visit!" Han Yu said coldly.

Converging corpses is a special way to help people astringe their bodies. It is very common.

However, the esotericist is a slap in the face. The so-called convergence of bones is the bone of convergence! The bones of the astringent are divided into two types: the bones of the living person and the bones of the dead.

In many cults, there will be more worship of the living bones, and the bones of the living people will be removed one by one, and the bones mentioned will be used to engrave the gods for worship.

Converging the bones of the dead, not stealing the bodies that have not been buried, is to excavate the bodies that have been buried. After the bonesetter gets the bones, there are many ways to sell them. It is better to sell them to the wizards, sell them to medical research, and sell them to some special collectors and bone carvings.

According to Han Yu, many bone-collecting teachers will hang together with the corpse to find the body and know the corpse; it will also be hooked up with the owner of the bone carving jewelry to facilitate the sale of the bone.

The murderer's bones are so brilliant, and he does not hesitate to arson and destroy the corpse. It must be a master in this circle. As long as you inquire about it, you will be able to hold on to several suspects.

Xu Donglin immediately took people to inquire about the news.

Although Long Fei didn’t hear about the bones, he didn’t know much about Han Yu. He is very puzzled, how much is this woman more knowledgeable?

"As long as the murderer's bones must be the head of the woman, it must be the first seven murders? Why is this?" Han Yu asked inexplicably.

The murderer’s martial arts is so good, and a sword can kill people. Why use a dagger? Is there a purpose, or is it to create a panic and confuse the person who investigated it?

(End of this chapter)