Pokemon Dark Giant

v1 Chapter 21: experimental body

"Why are you **** humans arresting me?"

"Ah~~~~, no, what's in these syringes? It's so painful."

"My super powers are getting stronger, but why am I still in so much pain?"

"Humans are damned creatures, all of them are going to die, go, I released you, and in return, you have to help me kill all the humans here."


Deep in the woods, a Yongjira with a golden superpower mark engraved on its forehead is floating in mid-air and wreaking havoc. A blue superpower light shield covers him, no matter if the surrounding elves attack him. , couldn't shake his superpower shield in the slightest, and around him, there were dozens of corpses of elves and human beings lying about, and the death was extremely cruel, all of them died from head explosions.

"Damn, those **** scientists didn't tell us the truth, what the **** is going on with this Yongjira, its super power far surpasses the ordinary Yongjila, and even my Heruga can't support it. That's it." The senior elite man of Team Rocket, who was in charge of this operation, said with an ugly expression.

"Yeah, the battle has been going on for 20 minutes, and the superpower of this Yongjira has never declined. If this continues, we will be wiped out sooner or later, and the woods are already on fire. That group of alliance rangers and policemen I'll be here soon, Dahui, it's time to make a decision." The bald-headed youth with a dull face said anxiously to the big man Yamazaki Dahui beside him.

"Damn, do you really want to go back in a daze? You should know it, Kenichi, when the time comes, once Caesar-sama is to blame, we will all die." Thinking of the consequences of the blood general Caesar's anger, Yamazaki Taiki's face turned pale. Suddenly pale a bit, and then said forcefully.

"However, we can't hold it anymore. Didn't you realize that there are more and more elves running away. If they don't leave, they can't leave if they want to. I can't blame us this time, it's the group of scientists who gave The information is not equal, I think Lord Caesar doesn’t blame us, but if we lose too many troops here, we will make a big mistake.” The dull bald young man named Kenichi Ishida said dissatisfiedly, if it weren’t for this mission This idiot is the main reason. He has already slipped away. The experimental body that has been genetically modified in the dream is too strong. It is simply not something that the two Rockets elites can solve. Staying here is a dead end.

Yamazaki Taiki was still hesitating, but when his black Luga was also shot in the head by Yongjira's infuriating bullet, he suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, and now his only vicious elf has been killed. Now, he no longer has the capital to fight the Yongjira who seems to be hanging in front of him, so he has to grit his teeth and give the order to retreat.

When the small Rocket soldiers around who were still holding on, heard it, they tried their best to get out of the battle as if they were amnesty.

"Huh, if you want to run, humans, you all have to die, stop them." Such a sentence suddenly sounded in the hearts of all the retreating Rocket members, and then the surrounding elves wandering around came out to attack them with red eyes.

"Ah~, help me, I don't want to die."

"You **** things, gas bombs, self-destruct."

"Big-mouthed bat, don't die, I will fight with you, ah~~~."


The screams kept coming from the rear, and Yamazaki Daiki and Ishida Ken one or two's faces became more and more ugly. This time the mission has failed and suffered heavy losses. Even if the two of them survived this time, they will go back because of the command. Inappropriately being severely punished by Caesar, the thought of the terrifying punishment to come, both sank their hearts into the sea, and their faces were extremely ugly.

On a big tree not far from the battlefield, Ryuzaki Shinji was sitting on a tall tree trunk watching with interest the great escape not far ahead.

"Sir Shinji, don't we really want to help? With the strength of adults, you should be able to save a lot of people." Oda Matsumoto, who was sitting next to him, said timidly, because the joy of getting points had disappeared at first. Now, he is grief-stricken and terrified by the death of his comrade.

Ryuzaki Shinji's deep black eyes illuminated by the flames, he turned his head and looked blankly at the innocent boy in front of him, his eyes revealed deep disdain and disgust.

"Hahaha, save people? Are you kidding me? Does this have anything to do with him? If you don't have enough strength, you deserve to die." Ryuzaki Shinji sneered in his heart.

Oda Matsumoto lowered his head deeply and did not dare to look at Ryuzaki Shinji, he knew that he had said the wrong thing.

"How could this ruthless guy beside him go to save people? If he didn't fall into the trap, he would have done his best. Even if it was himself, he was only spared by the other party because of his usefulness. He was so naive to want the other party Saving people is really stupid." Oda Matsumoto smiled bitterly in his heart.

"Hmph, trash." Seeing Oda Matsumoto lowered his head and didn't dare to look directly at him, Ryuzaki Shinji revealed a hint of disappointment in his eyes. If the other party can summon the courage to confront him head-on, maybe he will give him a high look. But now it seems that he is just a trash talker, not worthy of his attention.

The loud noise of "Boom~" suddenly reminded him, which made Ryuzaki Shinji's attention immediately shifted to the battlefield. It turned out that some desperate Rockets started a suicide attack. They held the bomb and perished with the elf. Others ordered gas bombs, small fist stones, thunder bombs and other elves with self-destruction skills to self-detonate. As a result, the elves who were chasing suffered heavy casualties, and the fast-running Rockets in front of them succeeded. Get out of the chase of the elves.

The self-destruction not only caused heavy casualties to the elf who was chasing and killed, but also gave the fire a huge power to spread further. The fire has expanded in an instant, and the elves living in the woods have fled for their lives, and the scene has become more chaotic.

The Rocket team members who caused all this were immediately hated by the elves in the woods, and they took action to block the Rocket team members who had escaped from the elves led by Yongjila.

After all, the fire in the woods attracted the attention of the local officials in the light red city. A large number of fire brigade in the city began to rush here quickly, as well as a large number of Junsha and security personnel. Some forest rangers who were active nearby had already arrived early. I came here, but in order to prevent the fire from spreading and I didn't have time to clean up the Rockets, I immediately used the forest ranger flute to direct some water elves to put out the fire.

"It's time to go, those **** alliance dogs have already arrived." Listening to the siren coming from not far away, Ryuzaki Shinji sneered, and then took out a set of civilian clothes from his pocket, in front of Oda Matsumoto's He took off the Rockets' uniforms, and then, regardless of Oda Matsumoto's reaction, he jumped down from a tree more than 10 meters high. When he was about to touch the ground, a large black mass of mud suddenly appeared on the ground. The black sludge big hand firmly caught Ryuzaki Shinji.

Ryuzaki Shinji made the stinky mud smaller and stuck to himself again, then released the Appa monster, and then walked into the woods and disappeared.

"Why can you be so indifferent? How am I supposed to do it?" Seeing Ryuzaki Shinji abandoning him, Oda Matsumoto showed deep disappointment in his eyes and huge confusion in his heart~lightnovelpub.net~bat ~" The Boeing bat beside him flew to his side and called to him.

"I see, Boebat, let's go." Oda Matsumoto patted Boeba's head with a wry smile. Now is not the time to think about this. He has to think about how to get through the difficulties now, because there is already a sound around him. siren sounded.

On the western edge of the forest, Ryuzaki Shinji commanded Apa Monster and Stinky Mud to defeat the two red-eyed heroics, and then threw the Poké Ball to subdue them. According to the radar signal in his hand, these two Pokémon were also experiments. body.

"How long do you want to wait, Yongjira, are you still afraid of me?" Ryuzaki Shinji said lightly against the dark night sky, he escaped the search of the alliance dogs all the way to the edge of the woods, no less They were attacked by these elves who escaped from the laboratory, but unfortunately, they found the wrong opponent.

Ryuzaki Shinji was very surprised by this, but he soon realized that these elves were instructed by others, and the only one who could direct these elves to come and die incessantly was their boss, Yongjira.

"Human, you are very strong, and you are not the same as those two people just now, but you are also their accomplice, so I can't let you go." Ryuzaki Shinji's voice just fell, and such a sentence suddenly appeared in his heart. Then, a Yongjira with a luminous superpower mark engraved on his forehead slowly landed in front of Ryuzaki Shinji from the night sky, his eyes also red as blood.

"Hehehe, then it's up to you to see what you can do." Ryuzaki Shinji excitedly looked at the extraordinary Yongjira in front of him, with deep greed in his eyes.

To be continued ......................................