Pokemon Dark Giant

v1 Chapter 25: 1 knife

As it approached the early morning, Shinji Ryuzaki, who suffered some "minor injuries", returned to the Rockets base in Light Red City safely.

In the empty mission hall, Ryuzaki Shinji handed a pile of Poké Balls with experimental subjects to one of the staff on duty.

"It seems that you have a great harvest this time. You have recovered a full 12 experimental subjects, even if the harvest is not inferior to that of the elite captain." The pink long-haired female staff member at the task office faced the many painted bodies. Ryuzaki Shinji said.

"It's just luck. I almost won't be able to come back this time. I don't know why those alliance dogs suddenly increased. I also killed a few alliance dogs before I got rid of the pursuit. After hiding in the city for a long time, I came back." Facing the compliments from the female staff, Ryuzaki Shinji just smiled, and then pretended to look ugly.

"You don't know, there is an experimental body that is extremely powerful, and the two elite captains can't deal with it. In the end, the forest fire attracted the attention of the people of the alliance. This time it is a heavy loss. I heard that one of the elite captains is still there. I fell in this operation, alas~, these alliance dogs have suddenly become active for some reason recently, I hope nothing bad will happen." Ryuzaki Shinji's words seemed to hit the gossip point of the female staff member. , she immediately shared all kinds of gossip information she heard to Ryuzaki Shinji, but in the end it turned into a bitter talk about Ryuzaki Shinji.

"Enough, shut up, woman, hurry up and settle the harvest of my mission." Originally, he just wanted to talk a little bit, but it turned into a bitter talk that he didn't want, and his face suddenly turned cold. The cold and ruthless eyes glared at the female staff member who wanted to pour bitterness on Ryuzaki Shinji, and then said coldly.

Ryuzaki Shinji's face changed in an instant, making the female staff suddenly feel as if they had fallen into an ice cellar, and shivered coldly, like a **** strangled by the neck, the female staff suddenly couldn't speak, looked at Ryuzaki Shinji's cold eyes, the fear in his heart continued to expand, his body began to tremble, and finally he lowered his head and timidly settled the task reward for Ryuzaki Shinji, and never dared to look at Ryuzaki Shinji again.

Seeing that the number of points displayed on the elf watch had reached more than 26,000 points, Ryuzaki Shinji's face improved a lot, and regardless of the female staff member's feelings, he left the mission hall and walked to his room.

"It's scary, that man can change whatever he wants. Didn't he just say it well? It scared me to death." After seeing Ryuzaki Shinji leave, the female staff member said in fear, covering her huge chest with her small hands, she thought I don't understand how the person who was still kind-hearted just now became so terrifying all of a sudden.

"Okay, if you didn't keep pouring bitter water on that lord just now, then that lord will definitely not be like this. No one can stand your talk of pouring bitter water. I'm even angry." A man beside her A female staff member with short purple hair said.

"I'm just saying a little bit." The female staff member with long pink hair said with pursed lips.

"What's the point? Even I can't listen anymore. By the way, do you know his name?" asked the purple short-haired woman.

"It's called Ryuzaki Shinji, what's wrong?" the pink long-haired woman replied.

"It turned out to be him, no wonder it's so cool." The purple short-haired woman's eyes lit up when she heard the words, and the spirit of gossip in her heart was burning.

Then, the two gossip girls started their gossip talk.

After Ryuzaki Shinji returned to the room, the nerves that had been tense began to relax, and then endless drowsiness began to hit, and he fell directly on the bed and fell asleep.

It was not until about 4 pm that Ryuzaki Shinji slowly woke up, washed and ate compressed cookies mechanically, and then fed the three elves.

After doing all this, Ryuzaki Shinji took out a pitch-black Poké Ball from his body, and he must first solve the uncertainty on his body.

"Come out, Yongjira." Ryuzaki Shinji took out the Poké Ball with Yongjila and released him. It's been almost a day and a night now, and this seriously injured Yongjila's physical strength has dropped to the lowest point. He feeds and heals, and it's useless.

As soon as Yongjira came out, it was like activating his superpower, and he wanted to attack Ryuzaki Shinji, but unfortunately, he was beaten by the three of them by double-bombing gas before he could use his skills.

"Human, what do you want? I won't help the tyrant." Yongjira, who tried his best to stand up reluctantly, responded to Ryuzaki Shinji with telepathy. He already knew that he was subdued by the humans in front of him, but he was absolutely He won't admit the other party, even if he dies, he won't help Ryuzaki Shinji.

"It's not so good, I need your strength, Yongjira, become my strength, I can help you with revenge, and even help you solve the pain on your body." Ryuzaki Shinji faced Yongjira who was still unwilling to surrender in front of him. Said that he was already scarred, but his eyes were still extremely sharp, which made Ryuzaki Shinji appreciate it very much.

"Don't try to deceive me again, I won't believe you **** human beings again." Hearing Ryuzaki Shinji actually said to help him, Yongjira suddenly remembered bad memories, Yongjira said angrily, he didn't I don't believe what Ryuzaki Shinji said. Back then, he just believed in human beings to experience such inhuman experiences, so he hated human beings extremely in his heart.

"It's up to you. If you don't listen to me, I'll send you back to the lab where you once fell into despair. I believe those lunatics in white coats will be very willing to make deals with me. , Scientists who have failed once will never make a second mistake again, just wait and continue to be the experimental material for those lunatics in the glass bottle forever, hehe~" Ryuzaki Shinji showed a strange smile , said to Yongjira with cold eyes.

Ryuzaki Shinji also doesn't expect this elf who hates humans to obey his orders obediently, but he knows the weakness of this elf, such a elf whose soul has been severely injured, death is not the most terrifying, the most terrifying. The only thing is to let them experience painful memories again, such as this Yongjira in front of him. If he is subjected to another mad scientist's experimental research, it will definitely be more uncomfortable than killing him.

Sure enough, as soon as he heard that Ryuzaki Shinji was going to send him back to the laboratory, this Yongjira immediately began to tremble, and the pupils in his eyes began to dilate, as if he was going through some terrible experience.

"No, I don't want to go back, I don't want to go back, you can't do this, I want you to die." Yongjira roared frantically at Ryuzaki Shinji through telepathy, and the scattered superpowers began to gather again, He wanted to attack Ryuzaki Shinji again, but his action was doomed to fail. He was directly hit by Abo's poisonous tail and slammed into the wall and passed out.

"Pfft~", a bucket of cold water awakened Yongjira. This time, he finally recognized the reality. It seemed that he had accepted his fate. He lay on the ground and couldn't get up. Like a corpse without a soul.

"Stand up for me, I don't want a walking corpse. If you don't meet my requirements, I will still send you back to the laboratory. Remember, Yongjira, your potential and will are very harmonious. My appetite, that's why I save your life, if you do a good job, I will even let you kill those crazy men in white coats, how about it? Do you accept this deal?" His spirit had declined to the extreme, and there was a hint of disappointment in Ryuzaki Shinji's eyes. He didn't want a walking corpse. If Yongjira couldn't cheer up, then he would kill the elf who had lost his fighting spirit with his own hands. However, he After making a final attempt, he said to Yongjira with a big stick and a carrot.

"Is what you said true? Humans!" The first half of the sentence did not make Yongjira change his mind, but when he heard that Ryuzaki Shinji would let him kill the enemy, Yongjira's empty eyes immediately brightened. Now only hatred can Supporting him to live, he knew that relying on his own strength alone, it was possible to break into the dangerous laboratory and kill the enemy. At that time, he also took advantage of the terrible human named Caesar in the laboratory to leave for a long time and did not return. Only then did he summon up the courage to resist and escape, but he only managed to escape by relying on the elf riot. Now that he has experienced the elf riot, the garrison of the laboratory has more than doubled. Killed, but he couldn't even get close, but was discovered and finally caught by Ryuzaki Shinji. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"Of course, as long as you follow me, I will continue to train you, so that the powerful superpowers in you can be used by me, don't worry, I will definitely let you completely master the superpowers on your body, when the time comes, I will I will kill those lunatics with your own hands, hehe~" Seeing the flame of revenge rekindled in Yongjira's heart, Ryuzaki Shinji smiled happily, yes, that's right, let the hatred in your heart lead you to continue Become stronger, and finally become a sharp blade in my hand.

"Then I will trust you once, human, I will become the sharp blade in your hand, in exchange, you must let me kill the enemy." Yongjira closed his eyes and said through telepathy, he knew, in fact, he did not have any Choice, but instead of becoming a test subject again, he would rather be an accomplice of the human being in front of him, at least not having to suffer that terrible pain anymore, and he can feel the incomparable evil in the heart of the human being in front of him. In his opinion, this Human beings are more terrifying than the human being in the laboratory. As a super elf, he has a hunch that the human being in front of him will definitely abide by today's promises in the future.

"Hahaha~, very good, from today onwards, you are my little elf, remember, my order is absolutely unrejectable." Ryuzaki Shinji first laughed when he heard the words, and then immediately turned gloomy and cold. Said to Yongjira coldly.

When they saw Ryuzaki Shinji's appearance, they immediately bowed their heads to Ryuzaki Shinji, expressing their submission, and the dog-legged double-bomb gas directly revolved around Ryuzaki Shinji with his head bowed and his waist down.

When Yongjira saw this, he also lowered his head in a similar manner. Now he is no longer free, he is now just a knife in the hands of the human being in front of him.

To be continued .................................