Pokemon Dark Giant

v1 Chapter 50: Ghosts and Gods Come to the World (2)

In a dilapidated house destroyed by the elf in the slums of Light Red City, a blue space crack suddenly appeared, and then, Ryuzaki Shinji and Aju appeared here safely with the help of Yongjira.

"There's only so much I can do for you. Next, I won't care about what you want to do. You can ask for your own blessings." Ryuzaki Shinji first glanced around and found that it was safe, then turned around. He said to A Ju, who had a heavy face.

The roof of this private house has been severely damaged, and broken tiles and bricks have fallen on the ground. What is even more alarming is that there are several human corpses covered by broken tiles and bricks on the ground, which are exposed according to the corpses. Judging from the hands, feet and clothes that came out, the owners of this house were a group of helpless and delinquent teenagers. Unfortunately, this house, which still had a trace of vitality, has been ruthlessly trampled by wild elves, just like its owner.

"Hey, stop talking nonsense, I don't need you to worry about my affairs, I'm leaving." A Ju looked at the corpse on the ground with a heavy face and sneered. As soon as he finished speaking, he quickly climbed up the exposed beam of the house and jumped a few times. The whole person disappeared from Ryuzaki Shinji's eyes.

Aju is in a state of anxiety now. His family is in a residential area. Strictly speaking, the defense force of the residential area is not as good as that of the slums. Now you can see the leopard from the house just now.

As the outermost area of ​​Light Red City, the entire slum has almost been destroyed by wild elves, so the residential and industrial areas in the second outer periphery must have also begun to be attacked by wild elves, and he must rush home as soon as possible Protect your family.

"My family, I'm really envious." After seeing Aju leave, Ryuzaki Shinji's cold eyes showed a hint of loneliness, but it disappeared soon, and there was no time for him to sigh. This time, he suddenly appeared. The incident caught him off guard a bit. If he guessed correctly, the Dark Night Demon who was behind everything would be able to complete the so-called "Soul Jewel" soon.

At that time, the light red city will probably face an elf at the level of a mythical beast. That is only a top heavenly king trainer or a champion trainer to compete with the existence of one or two. This level of battle is simply beyond his control. Although he is very envious of the "soul treasure", he still maintains absolute rationality in the extremely dangerous thing of taking grain from fire.

Therefore, what Ryuzaki Shinji can do now is to make a profit in this light red city, which is already useless but in danger. The slum was the place where he stayed the most when he entered the city, and he came to the light red city only a few times. The Pixie Center and some shops that sold Pixie items for trainers had never stepped into it.

Because these areas require an alliance ID card to enter, and all things related to elves can only be purchased with a certificate from an alliance-registered trainer, although the black market greatly satisfies black trainers such as Ryuzaki Shinji. However, there are some more important things that the black market still cannot provide, such as: the knowledge of elf that all forces are tightly controlled.

Ryuzaki Shinji is always keen to pursue this kind of elf knowledge, but no matter how many points and money in hand, in the Rockets' exchange system or in the black market, high-level books about elf knowledge can never be obtained. , at most, some edited elf books.

Knowledge, such a high-level thing, is always immeasurable. This situation makes Ryuzaki Shinji's understanding of elves almost always superficial. If he wants to go further, he must acquire more elves knowledge. , so that he can train the elf in his hands well and speed up the growth of his own strength. A strong trainer not only has excellent fighting awareness, but also needs a lot of elf knowledge.

In the elf battle, as long as one side has some knowledge of the other side's elf, then the balance of victory in this elf battle may be tilted towards that side.

Ryuzaki Shinji's goals this time are the Elf Center and the Elf Research Institute in Scarlet City. These two places are places with advanced elves knowledge. Now the entire Scarlet City is in chaos. These two places His security ability has been reduced to a minimum, and it is a good time for him to take advantage of the situation.

After weighing both the Elf Center and the Elf Research Institute, Ryuzaki Shinji still chose the Elf Center as the target. Compared with the Elf Research Institute located near the Alliance Army's garrison, it is now caught in the wind and rain. The elf center is more likely to be succeeded by Ryuzaki Shinji. As a logistics rear, today's elf center must be protected by a large number of trainers, but its interior must be chaotic now, with a large number of injured elf and human beings It's enough that the Pixie Center is overwhelmed.

After setting the target, Ryuzaki Shinji also started to move, but when he walked out of the house, he was already surrounded by dozens of wild elves wandering around.

"Aju, this bastard, want to slap me before leaving. I have lived in this city for a long time. Although I am just a stowaways, I don't want the old place I am familiar with to be destroyed. Make a contribution to the city that is on the verge of destruction, Yongjira, please, clean up these things that don't have long eyes." Ryuzaki Shinji grinned at the group of wild elves that surrounded the entire dilapidated house Mouth said to himself, in fact, he had discovered these wild elves early in the morning, and it was difficult for him not to notice the **** smell on them that was so familiar to him.

"I see." The superpower mark on Yongjira's forehead flashed again, powerful superpowers quickly gathered, and his eyes gradually turned blue. Yongjila hated humans, but only those who caused him pain. It's just a human, these red-eyed elves in front of him made him feel very uncomfortable.

Before Yongjira could fully enter the fighting state, the wild elves surrounding Ryuzaki Shinji and the others launched an attack under the roar of a strong Nidolino.

Poison needles, mud bombs, jet flames, etc. attacked from all directions.

The explosion of "Boom~" sounded, and the location of Shinji Ryuzaki was shrouded in the thick smoke of the explosion.

Just when these wild elves thought that Ryuzaki Shinji was smashed to pieces by their attacks like those vulnerable humans, and wanted to turn around and continue to search for the remaining humans, they were covered with a layer of blue superpowers. , unable to move the whole body.

"Bang bang bang~" A sound of blood spurted by the crushed life sounded, and more than a dozen wild elves with underground strength were easily crushed by Yongjira with super power.

However, the impact of the battle between Yongjira and the wild elves is still fermenting. After this batch of attacking elves fell, a new batch came.

"It seems that it takes a little effort to get to the Pixie Center all the way. Come out, Abo, double-bomb the gas, and help Yongjira to quickly clean up the garbage." Ryuzaki Shinji looked at the newly attacked wild puppet. The elf, with a flicker of coldness in his eyes, immediately released all the elf to attack. He must fight as soon as possible, otherwise the wild elf would come to trouble him, and he would have to flee.


Just as Ryuzaki Shinji started to go to the Pokémon Center where the hardest hit area is located, Caesar and other members of Team Rocket also began to "support" the operation of Asaru City.

"These elves are all high-quality goods. You must not kill them all at once, and subdue them all." A bald man in the elite Rocket uniform shouted loudly to the Rocket soldiers around him.

"Yes, Captain." The Rocket soldiers responded one after another, and then released their own elves to cooperate with each other to attack the wild elves in front of them. They had already received an order from above. This time the wild elves were besieging the city, they needed curves. To save the country, as a dark organization, it is impossible to enter the city and go to the rescue. They have to share some of the pressure for the light red city on the periphery, but the Rockets are the Rockets, and they will pay for doing things for the organization, so their received The order is: try to subdue the wild elf, each elf can be exchanged for 100 points.

This task has been issued, and immediately fought a chicken blood for the Rockets members who were originally lacking in interest. All of them spontaneously formed a team and started a "glorious" journey to conquer. Most of the wild elves who came to besiege the light red city were They are ordinary elves, as long as they are careful not to provoke some powerful elves, they are still relatively safe. For the sake of points, they also fought hard.

While the Rockets were hunting ordinary Pokemon, Caesar brought a kind of Rocket Elite and began to round up the Overlord-level Pokemon who drove the wild Pokemon to attack the Light Red City.

However, this overlord-level elf who rules the mountains and forests around the light red city is very difficult to deal with, because this powerful King Nido has a spouse Nido with the same strength as him, and the combined strength of the two is not one plus. As simple as that, it is a geometric growth multiple.

Caesar's two main king-level Hu Di and Electric Shock Warcraft are cooperating with more than a dozen elite elves, but they can't get any advantage from the couple. Instead, because Hu Di and other elves did not cooperate well, they were negotiated by King Nido and Nido later seized the opportunity and once pressed Hudi and the others.

"Pay attention to the wild elves who came to support them, don't let them break through the encirclement, use the mental force to force them back, and the electric shock beast is responsible for the defense, and uses the reflection shield and the wall of light." Caesar looked around and was about to come up again. Numerous Nido clan who supported King Nido and his wife immediately ordered their subordinates to clean up.

This group led by the overlord-level elf King Nido is quite powerful, and some spouses will use helper skills to support, which is very tricky. Elite Pixie.

"Yes, Mr. Caesar!" The Rocket elites under him heard the words and immediately sent out a few people to bring the remaining Rocket soldiers over to clean up and support the Nido clan.


In the sky of the light red city, a fierce battle was also going on. I saw a fast dragon, a black fire-breathing dragon, and a messenger bird fiercely attacking a huge night demon, but No matter how strong the electric current released by the fast dragon, how high the temperature of the flame spit out by the black fire-breathing dragon, and how violent the blizzard caused by the messenger bird, it was impossible to break the black and transparent energy shield on the Dark Night Demon.

"Hehehe, the gap between you human eagle dogs and me is too big, the shields that can't be broken at all, die." The dark night devil's scarlet one-eyed red light shines brightly, and countless huge shadow fists pierce from his hands. The three elves were surrounded by overwhelming fist shadows.

As a must-hit ghost-type skill, Shadow Fist hits the target without fail.

However, just when the dense shadow fist was about to hit the three elves, a green energy shield suddenly appeared on the three elves, which was a protection skill.

"It's not good to go on like this. The physical strength of this night demon is almost endless. If he hadn't been using most of his strength to protect the black ball of light around him, we would have been defeated long ago, and we must find a way as soon as possible. Break his energy shield, otherwise, when the white light spot in the black light ball around him covers the black light ball, we will never have a chance." Yu Longdu saw Kuailong and they held on to the night again. After the monster's periodic attacks, he said angrily to Kondo Castle, who was also flying with a bat next to him.

"Our strength alone can't compete with him. Now we can only try to hold him back. As long as we persist, the champion, the Four Heavenly Kings, and reinforcements will arrive. At that time, we can retaliate." Kondo Castle gritted his teeth and said with a stern expression, he is finished this time, the light red city he guarded is now almost in ruins, this heavy responsibility must be shouldered by him, the only thing he can do now is to spare no effort The price is to kill the ghost in front of him that destroyed his bright future. Only in this way can he make up for his fault.


With the support of the Rockets and the high-level forces of the Alliance, the one-sided situation in the light red city began to be suspended, and there was gradually a pushback drive, but all of this came at a price of blood

However, as the largest logistics base in Light Red City: Light Red City Elf Center, it is now facing the crisis of being completely destroyed. There are too many wounded here, and the strong smell of blood attracts a large number of wild elves.

"Hold on, don't let these beasts go in, or everyone will be finished." A middle-aged trainer shouted loudly to his companions, but unfortunately, there are too many wild elves attacking, even as an elite A level trainer, with 5 elite elves, he also survived the siege of these wild elves.

Now, his two elves have been killed in battle, and with the arrival of more and more wild elves, the already precarious line of defense is on the verge of collapse immediately.

Finally, the line of defense created by the trainers was torn apart by the wild elves, and an elite trainer was sacrificed. The position he guarded was occupied by wild elves, and a large number of wild elves began to rush to the rear. Combat capable wounded.

"Is it dead?" A Joey thought desperately, her white nurse uniform was covered in blood, and a huge shadow shrouded her whole body.

In front of her, a red-eyed King Nido was looking down at her.

To be continued ................................