Pokemon Dark Giant

v2 Chapter 38: trade fair

The influence caused by Ryuzaki Shinji and Pear Flower is continuing to ferment. In order to highlight the deterrence of their own area, they began to frantically arrest all the outsiders in the nearby alleys. It was too late. The evacuated outsiders suffered a disaster, and a **** storm began.

The tension in Haibaogang intensified again. This incident seemed to be a fuse. The entire Haistorm City suddenly came to life and began to show its terrible fangs.

In the dark night, alliances, powerful families, elf hunter guilds, large dark organizations, these various major forces that received news at the first time began to spontaneously carry out annual cleaning activities, usually those newly born small forces quickly The ground was uprooted and annihilated.

Overnight, there were no less than a dozen small forces that were delisted in Haibaogang, and the remaining ones chose to give up the small sites they controlled, and then sailed away overnight to avoid the limelight.

The next day, in the early morning, the entire Haibao Port became depressed. In the early morning, there were only two or three big cats and dogs. Overnight, more than half of the ships docked at the dock yesterday. The doors of the store were closed with a closed sign.

In a berth at the farthest edge of Haibao Harbor, a repaired boat is preparing to set sail.

"Sir, won't you come with us?" the old pirate sea wolf with a panda eye asked nervously.

"Yes, my lord, it's too unsafe here, let's go together." Chi Xing and Hague behind him said in unison. They both looked haggard like Sea Wolf, with big panda eyes, and obviously they didn't sleep either. it is good.

The three of them didn't sleep last night, because the heart-piercing screams made them toss and turn on the boat and sleepless all night. If it wasn't for the critical moment, Ryuzaki Shinji returned to the boat in time and released the black tyrannosaur. Those who wanted to come and destroy the ship were shocked, and they had already been feeding fish in the seabed like those smugglers and outlaws who had no time to escape.

"No, I still have things to do. You three hurry up and go. Just do as I say. After a while, I will go to you." Ryuzaki with his back to the three Shinji said flatly.

What happened last night has completely made him understand the meaning of the death competition this time. This is not just a competition among their Rockets, but a competition between all the major forces. Last night's competition. The sweeping operation has driven those underpowered forces out of Haibaogang, and the qualifications for the competition have been decided.

If he guessed correctly, a lone powerhouse like him has also been coerced and lured by other forces one after another, and has been tied to the boats of the major forces. Those who are rebellious and unwilling to stand in line are afraid All have been thrown into the sea to feed the fish.

After a night of thinking, he still decided to join the temple camp represented by Hirona, and he was very moved by the reward given. Although he is still a member of the Rockets, he has already abandoned this identity. According to him It is understood that the Rocket Team will never tell him the absorption method of the source of the slate, and even if he is lucky enough to obtain the source of the source of the slate, he will be ordered to hand it over.

And the scroll that Hirona gave him clearly pointed out the powerful effect of the original power of the slate, which is a treasure that can allow trainers and elves to go straight to the realm of kings and even set foot on the road of champions. Once upon a time, he who witnessed the might of Caesar , Tianwang trainer is the biggest goal in his life, but now, the realm of Tianwang is within reach and the road to the championship is in sight, so it is more uncomfortable to let him withdraw from this competition than to kill him now.

However, Red Star Hague and Sea Wolf are not even capable of being an elite trainer. Accompanying him to join the competition is just three fuel bottles. Ryuzaki Shinji is not so patient to protect them all the time, but killing them directly feels that It's a pity that these three people have been completely turned into loyal subordinates by his spiritual suggestion, so Ryuzaki Shinji had to let them go to Fangyuan Shuijing City to wait for him, and by the way, explain that they will establish a small organization, okay Give him a place to stay after the Tournament is over.

After another explanation, the three of Chixing wrote down Ryuzaki Shinji's orders and set sail.

"Come out, Tyrannosaurus." After the boat left a distance, Ryuzaki Shinji took out the black Tyrannosaurus's Poké Ball and released him.

"Roar~" As soon as the black tyrannical carp dragon came out, he let out a deafening roar at Ryuzaki Shinji, but that's it. That black pokeball.

"Listen, Tyrannosaurus, you ordered you to follow them. If they are in any danger, you can help them until they reach their destination safely, and then you can wait for me there. When the time comes, I will give them to you. You have a chance to challenge me, as long as you can defeat any of my elf, you will be free, what do you think of this condition?" Ryuzaki Shinji used telepathy to talk with the black tyrannosaur.

"Human, I'm going to fight you now, as long as you defeat me, I'll help you out." The black tyrannical carp dragon still said domineeringly.

"Hmph~, it seems that you still don't understand the situation, do you still want to be imprisoned in this ball all the time, I can slowly torture you to death." Ryuzaki Shinji sneered.

"Roar~" Hearing the words, the black tyrannical carp dragon rushed upward with anger, his eyes began to congeal, and his intimidating characteristics were released to the maximum, as if he wanted to do something.

But when Ryuzaki Shinji pointed the Poké Ball at him, his majesty shrank like a leaking ball. He didn't want to get into that little ball anymore. He completely lost his strength against this human being.

"Okay, I promise you, just wait and see, **** human." After the black tyrannical carp dragon finally let go of his harsh words, he dived directly into the water and followed the ship.

"What an idiot, I hope you don't do stupid things. As long as this Poke Ball is in my hand, you can't escape." Looking at the black Poke Ball in his hand, Ryuzaki Shinji sneered inwardly, and then thought to himself. As soon as he moved, a purple light flashed on his body, and the whole person disappeared into this remote berth. (Even if the elf is included in the pokeball, even if the elf escapes, as long as the trainer does not release it, the trainer can accurately find him through the pokeball combined with satellite detection)


Ryuzaki Shinji, who was wearing a black mask, was walking on the almost empty street. Overnight, the streets that were still very noisy at night fell silent. At a glance, all the shops with signs that they were closed. In the end, Ryuzaki Shinji obtained information based on his superpower spiritual investigation, and he came to the easternmost edge of Haibaogang.

The easternmost edge area of ​​Haibaogang is connected to the habitat of the local elves. There are no buildings here. It is a wasteland. This is the most disorderly and chaotic place in Haibaogang. Stuck here.

As it got closer to the central area, the surrounding pedestrians and the wild elves that had disappeared without a trace gradually increased.

Nine of these ten pedestrians are dressed like Ryuzaki Shinji. Except for a few groups of three or two, almost all of them are lone powerhouses. Like Ryuzaki Shinji, these are all preparing for the final Supply work.

Because the remaining trainers are almost all powerful and small, and this competition has gathered a large number of elite trainers, so a spontaneous trade fair started like this, and the roadside has already started one after another. There are people setting up stalls.

All kinds of rare treasures that are rarely seen at ordinary times are displayed by these powerful trainers, and they are placed on a simple cloth like a pile of waste.

The things in oneself are useless to oneself, but they may be treasures to others. Similarly, the things that are useless in the hands of others may be the things they dream of.

However, I am concerned that my own things may enhance the strength of my opponent~lightnovelpub.net~ and the opponent does not have any treasures that make him happy.

Therefore, the trading method of this spontaneously formed trade fair is barter.

However, the number of successful transactions in this way of bartering is too small. When they see that their favorite things cannot be exchanged under normal circumstances, some strong people who claim to be superior in strength begin to use their usual means to obtain.

However, it seems that it has been negotiated well. No one can start a battle within the scope of the trade fair. Only when they are outside the scope of the trade fair can they start fighting. Ryuzaki Shinji saw a lone strongman who suddenly attacked when he arrived. The gang fight kills.

This fair is not a simple human-to-human transaction, but also a transaction between elves and humans.

In addition to humans, various powerful wild elves from all over the world are also participating in this competition. However, most of the wild elves cannot enter the storm waters through normal means. Therefore, cooperation with humans has become their first choice. , they will find their favorite trainer in this trade fair.

The fastest way for trainers to improve their strength is to acquire powerful Pokémon, so these ready-made powerful wild Pokémon become Xiangmomo.

But it is not an easy thing to get these powerful elves to follow. First, you have to defeat them, and second, they take the initiative to find you.

"I don't need your power, go away." Ryuzaki Shinji said coldly to the familiar Gengar in front of him using telepathy.

"Hee hee hee~, that's not necessarily true, Ryuzaki Shinji." Geng Gui said in a human voice with a big tongue out and a smile on his face.

To be continued.......