Pokemon Dark Giant

v2 Chapter 47: leave

At exactly 7 o'clock, the lights in the tavern went out on time, and the next second, all the windows of the tavern were covered with a thick layer of soundproof panels, and the tavern instantly turned into a secret room.

On the first floor of the tavern, four huge iron walls suddenly and quickly emerged from the floor, and the four iron walls were perfectly inlaid together, immediately sealing the first floor of the tavern.

Immediately after.

The sound of "Papa Papa~" sounded, and on the tavern stage that had been silent, four spotlights lit up one by one, the spotlights swayed, and the lights staggered irregularly, and eventually merged into one, all shining on the center of the stage. Location.

The sound of "Rumble~" appeared, the entire stage split from the center line to both sides, and a huge screen slowly rose from the bottom of the stage.

Everyone looked at the huge screen that suddenly appeared in front of them. Some members of the Rocket Team had already stood up one after another, staring at the screen in neat military postures without squinting, with a frenzied expression on their faces. Although the team members didn't know what was going on, they also followed suit.

"I can finally meet, I'm really looking forward to it." Nazi used telepathy to respond to Ryuzaki Shinji, who was puzzled by the side. At this time, Nazi was in the same state as the other members of the direct line of Rockets, not just scattered and scattered. His demeanor was completely a fanatical expression like seeing an idol.

"Who could it be? These brainwashed guys are so fanatical about the people who are about to appear on the screen." In order not to be special, Ryuzaki Shinji deliberately pretended to be fanatical, thinking secretly in his heart.

The huge black screen lit up, and a burst of snowflakes appeared. After a few seconds, the snowflakes disappeared, and a scene of a round table meeting appeared in front of everyone.

"Hehehe~, all the elites of the Rockets who have gone through hardships and won in this death competition, you are all the most valuable talents of the Rockets, I am really honored to meet you, it is because of you, our Rockets To thrive, as for who I am, I think you should have guessed it, come on, let's work together to let the Rockets rule the world, the whole world is ours, shout out! Long live the Rockets! One sitting in the boss chair The lady slowly turned around and spoke to the crowd in majestic and vivid language. Finally, the lady stood up and raised her hand and shouted, "Long live the Rockets".

"Long Live the Rockets!"

"Long Live the Rockets!"

"Long Live the Rockets!"


In the tavern, when all the members of Team Rocket heard the lady's voice, they were all excited and couldn't help themselves, as if they had transformed into the most fanatical fanatics. All of them waved their fists and shouted "Rocket! Long live the team!" This sentence.

Listening to the deafening shouts around him, Ryuzaki Shinji stared at the lady on the screen with cold sweat on his face, his face became as crazy as the others, and there was rarely a trace of fear and respect in his eyes. It was so dim that everyone could not see the lady's face clearly, but her voice was deeply imprinted in his soul like a mark.

As if returning to the scene where Team Rocket was brainwashed for the first time, the frenzy was eroding everyone present like the deadliest drug. In the end, the sentence "Long live Team Rocket!" came out of Ryuzaki Shinji's mouth. Can't help shouting out.

That's right, he definitely heard it right! Since joining the Rockets, this majestic voice has been growing with him. Before every combat operation, in every summary meeting, and in every Rockets rookie training course, this sentence: "Long Live the Rockets" They kept appearing in Ryuzaki Shinji's memory, and the owner of this voice is the current leader of the Rockets, Sakagi Boss.

"Hahaha~, very good, you are indeed the most loyal subordinates of the Rockets. In order to rule the world, the Rockets need your strength now. Are you willing to dedicate your strength to the organization?" , The lady smiled with great satisfaction, and after making everyone stop with a gesture, she continued to speak to everyone in a majestic tone.

This time was no exception, and there was also an astonishing cry.


"Swear allegiance to the death."

"at all costs."

"For the Rockets."


Without the slightest willingness, under the leader's question, all the Rockets members present knelt on one knee and shouted loudly.

"Very good, the most loyal warriors of the Rockets, the central island in Stormwind Seas is open to the world again, this time is different from the past, the hidden ancient ruins have appeared again, according to the information we got from the alliance. , the ancient ruins contain important treasures left by the ancient human beings, and your mission this time is to take this type of stone from other forces in the ancient ruins." Speaking of this, the boss Sakagi on the screen suddenly It stopped.

The screen switched again, and a broken slate appeared on the screen. Numerous mysterious runes were engraved on the surface of the slate. A half mark was engraved in the center of his broken edge. In terms of shape, the mark was similar to the mark symbolizing the ground system. Very similar, one after another khaki rays of light are constantly radiating from the slate. Even across the screen, everyone can feel a feeling that represents the thickness of the earth. This broken slate is obviously that kind of people. At a glance, you realize the extraordinary treasure.

At this time, everyone's enthusiasm gradually subsided. After hearing the mission information from the boss Sakagi on the screen, they lowered their heads and pondered solemnly. Every member of the Rockets here is a strong-willed generation, relying on With a momentary enthusiasm, it is natural to want them to serve the Rockets with all their might.

As the leader of Team Rocket, Boss Sakagi couldn't be clearer about this. After speaking about this mission, she finally revealed the mission reward that everyone cares about most.

The screen switched back again, and the image of the lady appeared in front of everyone again.

"Hehe~, the loyal subordinates of the Rockets, the organization will never treat the warriors here badly. The organization has prepared the most advanced ships for you, and everyone will get a set of weapons first developed by the organization. Equipment, and, I, Sakagi hereby make a promise that as long as you can retrieve even such a small shard of slate from the stormy sea, no matter who you are will get the status of the cadre of the Rockets and the organization will unconditionally provide a Divine Beast Elf." Seeing everyone's appearance, Boss Sakagi sneered a few times, and then threw a huge cake to all the Rockets members present.

"Team Rocket!"

"Your own territory!"

"Quasi-divine beast elf!"

As soon as the boss of Sakagi finished speaking ~lightnovelpub.net~, these words suddenly appeared in the minds of some Rockets members in the tavern. Deep greed could not be seen in their eyes, and the frenzy gradually appeared on their faces. Continuing to look at the lady on the screen, but more Team Rocket members have glimmers in their eyes, not knowing what they are thinking.

"It turns out that this is the lost creation slate from the God of Creation. It's really fascinating. I didn't expect that Team Rocket has already obtained a part of it, and Team Rocket's goal this time is really the original fragment of the slate. Unfortunately, these conditions are given. It seems to be very rich, but compared to the effect of the original source of the slate, these conditions are not worth mentioning at all. The top team of the Rockets will not share the secret of the slate with those of us who have no background, presumably only those who are directly related. Team Rocket knows a thing or two, and sure enough, I'm still just a cannon fodder." Ryuzaki Shinji looked at the lady who was still narrating the details of the mission on the screen, and thought in disappointment.

At the same time, Ryuzaki Shinji finally made up his mind to leave the Rockets organization.

To be continued......................