Pokemon Dark Giant

v2 Chapter 48: attack

This Rockets meeting has lasted for a full hour, and Shinji Ryuzaki gained not much from this meeting. The only thing that made Shinji Ryuzaki feel that his trip was worthwhile is the current screen in front of him. A patchwork map.

This is a map that records the approximate geographical distribution of the islands in the center of the storm waters. Although the information recorded in it is very detailed, due to the scribbled and abstract handwriting in the map, the information is often represented by inexplicable symbols, and a large number of passwords are marked. , which makes the information given on this map very confusing and limited, but even so, all Rocket members in the tavern desperately remember the map information in their minds. In order to prevent the map information from leaking, only 30 minutes are allowed. Time-limited memory.

From the statement of the Rockets leader Sakagi, we learned that this precious map was stolen from the Alliance. For this map, the Rockets paid several secrets placed at the top of the Alliance, and spent countless costs to get through the relationship. It was successfully stolen from the Silver Alliance, the headquarters of the alliance.

Due to the huge magnetic field in the central island, all the electronic instruments in it have failed, so this map is an alliance trainer who successfully came out of the stormy sea area. .

But the central island is too big, the terrain is very complex, and there are a lot of powerful elves entrenched in it, it is not realistic for the trainer to explore the whole island, and it is lucky to be able to survive, so this simple The map is a collection of the hard work of many powerful alliances, and its value is immeasurable.

From this spliced ​​map, the general shape of the entire island resembles a five-pointed star. Ryuzaki Shinji can see from the contour lines in the map that the topography of the entire island presents the east high and the west. And the north is high and the south is low, but the central area of ​​the island is a basin terrain.

From the obvious red line division on the map, it can be seen that the topographical distribution of this island is very different. The northern area is a snow-capped plateau, the northeastern area is a continuous mountain range, the southeastern area is a desolate and exposed rocky area, and the southwestern area is A swamp covered by miasma all the year round, the northwest area is a dusty desert, and the center of the island is a dense virgin jungle.

In these roughly divided terrains, various marks are densely written on it. Among them, Ryuzaki Shinji pays the most attention to several areas marked with white skulls. It goes without saying that these skulls They all represent extremely dangerous areas. These white skull marks appear in the central areas of various terrains and in the areas where various terrains meet the central basin, and an abnormally huge blood-colored skull is drawn in the central basin.

"From the information given on this map, the most likely location for the ancient ruins to appear is in the basin in the central area, but if you want to enter the basin, you must inevitably mark the area where the white skull appears, and even if Passing these areas, the real test has just begun." Ryuzaki Shinji thought secretly while looking at the map on the screen.

Since the awakening of his superpowers, Ryuzaki Shinji's memory and mental arithmetic abilities have been greatly improved, and even sleep can be replaced by meditation. It took a few minutes to memorize all the maps on the screen.

Looking at the surrounding Rockets players, Ryuzaki Shinji secretly wrote down the faces of these people one by one. When he turned his eyes to the back, he found that Sakagi Ryo did not know when he came back, but because of the distance from his current position It's a bit far away, and now his gloomy face has returned to the confident smile of the past, and his eyes have been fixed on the sturdy young man in front of him.

Just as Ryuzaki Shinji and the others were quietly memorizing the map, the Rocket soldiers patrolling outside the Rocket Tavern lost their breath and fell to the ground one after another, and then they were dragged into the darkness and disappeared, waiting for all the training Rockets. After the soldiers disappeared, a group of people in black slowly surrounded the entire tavern in the dark.

I don't know when, the street lights on the streets near Team Rocket's tavern have been completely extinguished. Teams of men in black are very disciplined to block all the main passages around the tavern, and the elves are also sneaking into the darkness under their command. Quietly approached the direction of the Rockets Tavern.

"Lan, is the news reliable?" Qiao Yiqing, who was wearing a black alliance uniform, took down the night vision binoculars and asked Jun Shalan who was wearing the same clothes beside her.

"Of course, although I don't know who this informant is, the information he gave is very accurate. It has been determined that this tavern in front of us is where these Rockets members gather, and this one has a very high status in the Rockets. The person, Sister Qing, we are going to make a great contribution this time." Jun Shalan, who was riding on the wind speed dog, said with a smile.

"I hope this is not a trap for the Rockets, Lan, you should know that these are extraordinary times. If this operation fails, our alliance will immediately become the target of public criticism. At that time, neither you nor I can bear such a responsibility." Qiao Yi Qing said solemnly that she was not as optimistic as Jun Shalan. As a senior member of the alliance's special forces, she had dealt with Team Rocket many times. She had seen the treacherous and cunning opponents.

"Sister Qing, I know what you're worrying about, but this time is a rare opportunity. As long as we hit the Rockets' power in Haibaogang here now, our battle for the origin of slate this time will be much easier. Compared with other forces, Team Rocket poses the greatest threat, and my actions this time have been approved by the top, so you can rest assured." Jun Shalan heard the words, the smile on her face restrained, and then continued.

"Since that's the case, then I won't say anything anymore. You planned this operation, so I'll leave the command to you. Listen, you can only succeed and not fail." Qiao Yiqing nodded to Jun Shalan and said, As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately turned his head and gestured to a group of Union troops behind him, and then quickly took the submachine gun behind him in his hand~lightnovelpub.net~ and then started with a team of well-equipped Union troops as the vanguard. Slowly **** in the direction of the pub.

"Why are you still standing still, why don't you hurry up and notify the other teams to cooperate with them." After Qiao Yiqing set off, Jun Shalan immediately said to the correspondent beside her.

"Yes, I will notify the action immediately." The alliance correspondent immediately stood at attention and saluted, and then quickly released the password lock of the communication machine in his hand.

To the southwest of the Rockets Tavern, Zhiqi was standing motionless on the eaves of a house, still wearing a thin tight vest. Even in the cold rain and wind, he still stood as still as a sculpture, icy cold. His eyes have been staring at the tavern in front of him, as if waiting for the prey to arrive.

In the dark night sky, a dazzling red light flashed by.

The next second, a large number of orange light beams suddenly appeared around the Rocket Team's tavern, and the intensive destruction and death light all hit the tavern accurately.

The sound of "Boom Rumble" suddenly sounded, and a huge explosion occurred in the tavern in front of Zhi Yao, and the entire tavern was blown away.

Roaring flames rose from the wreckage of the tavern, and thick plumes of smoke temporarily obscured the vicinity of the tavern.

With the help of various elves, one after another black figures rushed out of the flames, before they could walk a distance.

The sound of "da da da da" machine gun fire suddenly appeared, and a large number of alliance troops emerged from all corners of the Rockets Tavern.

Under the light of the fire, enchanting blood flowers bloomed continuously in the night. ...