Pokemon Dark Giant

v3 Chapter 107: Guardian of the Ruins

Clay puppets, elf with dual attributes of ground and ghost, usually appear in ruins or ancient tombs. According to the research of elf scholars, he is a elf created by ancient people using clay and unknown science and technology. Very low, referring to the ability to understand simple commands. They are all servants of the ancients. They are generally used to fight together and protect the city. They contain unknown energy in their bodies. It is said that these energies are unconscious souls.

"After the identification is completed, it is judged as an intruder, and the master's order: destroy all the intruders." All the clay puppets who surrounded Yan Kai and others first identified them, and then they were judged as intruders. , and began to attack them involuntarily.

"No, I broke into the depths of the ruins, hurry up, we have been discovered by the guards, while the nearby guards and the giant mud doll have not woken up, hurry up and leave here!" Pierce saw his eyes The little clay puppets who gradually turned red suddenly changed their faces. After saying this to the other members of the Free Alliance, they turned around and fled immediately, regardless of their physical strength approaching the limit.

In a few seconds, Pierce disappeared in the eyes of the stunned Liberty Alliance.

Pierce was born in a declining noble family in Carlos. Because his father and mother are both archaeologists, under the influence of his parents, he also has a keen heart for the exploration of ruins, and he followed his parents in the world when he was young. I explore various ruins in various places, so I am very familiar with the various dangers that generally exist in the ruins. The clay puppet in front of me is just the lowest defense force in the ruins in front of me.

These clay puppets usually guard all corners of the ruins in the standby mode of incarnation of stone statues. Due to the effect of long years, they are usually buried in thick dust and sand. However, once they sense the breath of creatures, they will Will wake up, and then will execute the orders set by the ancients to attack all creatures that invaded the ruins. Since most of the clay puppets have not been born with higher intelligence, they are not afraid of death. Fight endlessly with invaders.

Due to the attributes of the ghost system, these clay puppets are immune to various attacks of the general system, and as long as the soul energy contained in them is not exhausted, they can quickly repair the damaged body through sand and gravel. The most terrifying thing is, Once they think they are at the bottom of destruction, they will detonate the power in their bodies and die together with the enemy. These clay puppets can be said to be the first strong barrier in the ruins.

According to Pierce's understanding, in such a huge ruin, the number of clay puppets will definitely not be less than tens of thousands, and after a long time, there will definitely be higher-level clay puppet giants born in it, and These clay puppet giants are one of the scumbags in the ruins. They not only improve their intelligence a lot, but also have the ability to freely control other clay puppets. The villain immediately transformed into a powerful soldier who was not afraid of death. Combining the unique battle formation and fighting style, the combat power instantly increased sharply.

An elite peak-level clay doll giant with a dozen elite-level clay dolls is enough to kill a quasi-king level elf, while a quasi-king level clay doll giant with dozens of elite level clay dolls is enough to kill a quasi-king level elf. Ordinary low-level Heavenly King-level elfs are high and low, even if they may not be able to defeat the Heavenly King-level elf, they can definitely make the Heavenly King-level elf feel uncomfortable.

Therefore, the best way to deal with these elves, who are known as the guardians of the ruins, is to defeat all the clay dolls who found them in one go. Of course, this is when the clay dolls are not accompanied by the mud doll giants. If you meet a clay puppet villain under the command of a clay puppet giant, unless you think you have a 100% chance of defeating them, then the best option is to run, there is no one.

Because if you fight against them, you will regret it in the end. These relic guardians are big meat shields with rough skin. As long as the energy in their bodies is not damaged and exhausted, they can be quickly repaired with the help of sand and gravel. , rejoin the battle, and they are still disgusting big meat shields with all kinds of weird ghost-type moves. Just giving you a curse can make you miserable. The most annoying thing is that these big meat shields can't be beaten. Run, I must blew yourself up and drag you to death, I will ask you if you are disgusting or not, and if you dare to fight them.

Pierce ran away, but the other members of the Liberty Alliance did not move. The female members with less physical strength were even more pale, and they looked like they were about to faint because of lack of physical strength. Among them, Yan Kai, who was wearing armor, was sweating like rain, his whole face was always red, and the white water vapor kept flowing. emerge from him.

If they cannot continue to run, if they continue to run, they will not be defeated by the enemy, and they will lose their ability to fight because of their physical exhaustion.

The remaining members of the Liberty Alliance looked at each other, and immediately understood their own thoughts, and then opened the prepared Poké Balls one after another.

"Come out, Meng Yao, use the shadow ball."

"Please, Desert Naia, use the needle-leaf hidden weapon."

"Cut them off, Dashihua, with a knife-leaf trick."


A group of elves with quite good strength were released by them, all of them were elves with the moves to restrain ghosts or ground elves. The head clay puppets were instantly knocked to the ground like porcelain dolls, and their bodies were shattered and scattered on the sand.

"What, I thought it was so powerful, it was just vulnerable, that guy Pierce was a coward, and he ran away every time." Seeing more than a dozen clay puppets being defeated without the ability to resist, one of them was a little taller The puffy female member rubbed the bangs that were stuck together with sweat, and said with a smile.

"That's right, it's not a man to leave us alone and run away." Another female member also said with a frown.

"..." Others also echoed, sneering at Pierce who escaped alone.

"Don't talk about it, take a sip of water, rest for two minutes, and leave here immediately. If Pierce is right, we are very unsafe here." Yan Kai sat on the ground with a stern face, facing the others. said the man.

Yan Kai obviously has a high prestige in the team. As soon as he speaks, the others immediately shut up, and then seize the time to take a sip of water to relax.

"Be careful!" Suddenly, a female scream appeared.

The next moment, a mud fist wrapped in ghost-type energy appeared from the dead corner, and then smashed the head of a careless Liberty Alliance member, and a large number of red and white objects suddenly splashed everywhere~lightnovelpub.net~sand On the ground, those clay puppets whose bodies were smashed but their heads were not much damaged, the red glow in their eyes still did not subside. It reappeared in the eyes of a group of freelancers.

At the same moment, a dull sound of heavy treading sounded, and two giants with a height of 3 meters appeared from the corners of the left and right sides, and there were more than a dozen elites beside them. Like the clay puppets who had surrounded them, their eyes lit up with scarlet rays of light.

"Master ordered, the invaders, all die!!" A voice without emotional fluctuations appeared in the hearts of the free alliance.



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