Pokemon Dark Giant

v3 Chapter 12: Can you eat diamonds?

In the noisy circular space, in the darkness above it that seems to be able to swallow all the light, a scarlet eye opened slightly, and then looked at the four king-level rocks below who were still quarreling with a hint of irony. Department of elves.

The sullen Genggui, who was happily watching the clown play, heard the words from Shinji Ryuzaki using telepathy, and the slightly opened vertical pupil between his eyebrows suddenly closed, and then he did some language organization in his heart.

After a while, the hostile Geng Gui replied silently in his heart: "Hee hee~~, great master, this is just a boring game of dividing the spoils, the content is probably that these stupid guys just joined forces to destroy the underground. In an ethnic group, the small fist stone clan thinks that they have contributed the most and lost the most. Now they feel that the loot is not evenly distributed, so they want to re-adjust the distribution ratio, but the other three clans are different, but the characters of these stone monsters are the same as Like themselves, they are notoriously stinky and tough, and they want to change the distribution ratio, and they have been making trouble until now, but there is one thing that you should be very interested in.”

"Oh~~, yes, then let's hear it." Ryuzaki Shinji asked with interest after hearing the sullen Genggui answer.

"Hee hee~~, obey, great master, although these stupid guys defeated and controlled the opponent's clan, they actually let the opponent's most important leader run away, and according to these guys, if I didn't guess If it's wrong, the family they killed should be the small diamond family living in the ground, and their queen is the famous Dianxi. According to legend, it has the powerful ability to make diamonds indefinitely. It is good for diamonds. Things, you shouldn't miss it, Master." The sullen Geng Ghost said in an extremely seductive voice.

"There is actually such a magical elf. If it is true, it is really an incredible talent." Ryuzaki Shinji heard the words, the purple light in his eyes suddenly flickered slightly, and the face under the mask also moved. color.

Diamond, also known as diamond, is a very valuable gem in human society. It is generally used to make expensive jewelry. Even raw ore can be sold for a very considerable price.

In general, human beings have an almost inexhaustible demand for this gemstone, especially for human women, and at the same time, dragon elves also like this kind of glamorous luster.

In fact, when the grumpy Genggui finally said "Have the ability to make diamonds infinitely.", Ryuzaki Shinji said that he was not moved, it was absolutely false.

If what the sullen Gengar just said is true, that means that if you can control the elf named Dianxi, then it is equivalent to owning an inexhaustible gold mine.

Ryuzaki Shinji is now the leader of an organization. For something like diamonds that can create a lot of wealth, the more the better, the growth of a force is always inseparable from inexhaustible money.

However, compared to the wealth that can be obtained through this elf named Dianxi, Ryuzaki Shinji has come up with a somewhat whimsical idea. Diamond is also a kind of mineral, so here comes the question. Is it possible to replace the food by Kira with diamonds?

For the bold and extremely extravagant idea, Ryuzaki Shinji suddenly lit up, and there was an impulse in his heart to immediately let Kira come out and try it out.

If Yukira really likes eating minerals like diamonds, then his purpose today must be changed. That elf named Tian Xi, he has to catch it no matter what.

Yukira's food problem has always plagued him, and now there is a place like Red Rock Canyon, which allows him to obtain enough red rock to provide Yukira as food.

But the growth cycle of the quasi-god cub is really too long. Perhaps before he left the island, Yukira had not been able to evolve into Bangira, and even Shakira might not be able to do so.

Moreover, after Kira evolves into Bangira, what kind of food source should he be? Ordinary ore is absolutely unacceptable, and Yukira, who has an appetite, will never eat it.

And Ryuzaki Shinji didn't want this talented elves to not grow well because of food problems.

So after thinking about it, there are only two solutions. The first is to spend a lot of money to buy high-quality ores. The second is to take the mountain as the king and own a large mine that can provide food from Kira.

The first is undoubtedly a bottomless pit that burns money, and it is impossible to maintain without a certain amount of financial resources.

The second method can solve this problem to the maximum extent, but it is very difficult. If he does not have a certain strength and power to support, it is difficult to shoot a portion of the cake tower that has been divided up. If he is not careful, even himself Also pay for it.

Thinking of these problems, Ryuzaki Shinji's head couldn't help but grow up. It is difficult to cultivate a quasi-god elf, and ordinary people really can't afford it.

Of course, the rewards are also very high. Thinking that his Yukira can reach the same height as Shirona's 6 sharks, Ryuzaki Shinji felt that all the consumption was worth it.

With the full potential of Bangira, Ryuzaki Shinji can rely on him to reach the top of the world. He believes that it is possible to achieve this goal with the talent shown by Kira today.

And now, a method that might be able to solve this problem once and for all has actually appeared. Naturally, Ryuzaki Shinji said that he would grab it at all costs~lightnovelpub.net~ Now in this circular space, there are already There were no less than a hundred rock-type elves gathered. Except for the four heavenly king-level powerhouses, the remaining rock-type elves who could squeeze into the circular space had at least the strength of a quasi-celestial king.

It can be said that the elites of the four clans gathered together, and Ryuzaki Shinji is no different from dying now.

At this time, Ryuzaki Shinji could only continue to wait patiently. He continued to look coldly at the meeting of the four clans below, and thought to himself: "You just hope that Yukira doesn't like diamonds, otherwise, all your trophies will be lost. It's mine, hehe~"

About ten minutes later, the atmosphere at the scene also became more and more solemn because the four heavenly king-level elves were unable to come to a conclusion.

Among them, the Kodora clan and the iron armored rhino clan stood together one after another, and then stared at the small fist stone clan who would not back down. At any time, it might turn into a group fight due to a little friction.

Just when the Heavenly King-level Ronglongyan was about to go berserk after being humiliated by the Heavenly King-class Boss Cordola and the Heavenly King-class Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, suddenly, several scarred rock-type elves emerged from several tunnels. The rock-type elf hurried over to report to the heavenly king-level powerhouses of his own family.

At this time, the meeting of the four ethnic groups that had almost never been able to come to a conclusion and almost turned into a group fight was also announced to be suspended.

After the four Heavenly King-level elves received reports from their clansmen, they all hurriedly took their clansmen to evacuate the circular space according to the original route.

After more than ten seconds, the originally crowded and lively circular space returned to its deserted appearance.

To be continued...

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