Pokemon Dark Giant

v3 Chapter 122: Temple of Darkness (3)

After a short period of blindness, the eyes of the black-clothed and white youths gradually adapted to the sudden light in front of them, and they were immediately shocked by the sight in front of them. The treasure mountain piled up with gems, under the illumination of the many night pearls above the room, these glittering little cuties all exude a 'tempting' light. ..

"This, this, we are rich, Lord Soros." A tall and burly man in black standing beside the white youth turned his head and said in surprise, with a greedy look on his face.

"As long as you grab a handful of these ancient gold coins and go out to sell, you won't have to worry about eating and drinking in your life." The other men in black saw the huge mountain of treasure in front of them, and their eyes also 'revealed' extremely greedy eyes, and invariably thought of this idea, Some people who can't stand the 'temptation' and 'temptation' have been driven by the greed in their hearts, and they have unconsciously stepped up and rushed towards the treasure mountain in front of them, especially the few men in black who opened the stone 'door'. He had already rolled on the mountain of treasure, and then desperately shoved the large amount of gold coins and gems in front of him into his space bag.

The white young man named Soros was also 'fascinated' by the treasure mountain in front of him for a while, and his eyes were also 'exposed' with extremely greedy eyes, but his self-control was still quite strong. Gradually disappeared, but instead 'revealed' a trace of dissatisfaction, because he found that this room filled with countless treasures did not have what he wanted.

"Damn, how could there be none? Is it in the treasure house at the end of the other two paths? But according to the ancient documents, the body of the soul scepter is clearly placed in the treasure house on the right, who is it! Who took it? The body of the stick is gone!! No, I must find this part, only in this way can I completely control the Desert Fang, even the whole world." Soros's face was sullen, his heart was angry roared.

Obviously he has come to the last step, but he found that what he wanted has been taken away by others first. Soros's mood at this time can be imagined, it is extremely desperate.

Looking at the subordinates who walked to Caibao Mountain without obeying the order, Soros, who was already in a bad mood, also showed a slight scarlet look in his eyes, and felt the killing intent in Soros's heart to bite the 6 sharks. The dull and dull eyes that had originally returned to their dull and dull eyes instantly revealed bloodthirsty scarlet eyes, and then they walked step by step to the men in black who were shoving treasures in the Treasure Mountain.

Seeing the eyes and movements of Liebiting 6 Sharks, those black-clothed men who were about to 'tempt', 'fascinate' and wanted to go to the treasure mountain and shoved the treasures suddenly shuddered, and swallowed them on the spot. Mouth, and then gloatingly looked at the companions in front of him who were 'fascinated' by the treasure, and at the same time ashamed that he was almost 'fascinated' by the treasure just now, money is a good thing, yes, but in today's world In the environment, a bottle of relatively dirty water can pass the countless treasures in front of him. After all, life cannot be exchanged for vegetable bags.

Soros, now the second-in-command of the Desert Fang in the true sense, is the think tank of Argus, the leader of the Desert Fang, and can also be said to be the true behind-the-scenes messenger of the Desert Fang. The Desert Fang will be able to develop rapidly in a short period of time. He is the most powerful force in the desert.

In addition to being a powerful trainer, Soros is also an extremely fanatical archaeologist. At a young age, he has been 'proficient' in a variety of ancient languages ​​and scripts. In the exploration of ruins around the world After obtaining all kinds of clues, he finally risked his life to come to this island with many hidden histories, and he also got what he wanted in the ancient ruins in the desert to obtain some historical materials he wanted. .

This time, the trial secret of the ancient pyramid was deciphered by him from the ancient documents in an underground ruins in the desert, but what is unknown is that he also found another more from the ancient documents of that ruins. The value is more dreadful and insane.

A powerful ancient weapon called the Soul Scepter, Soros learned from the information read from ancient documents that this ancient weapon not only has the ability to command all ancient guards, but also has the ability to enslave little 'elves' spirits. Terrifying ability, if the price paid is large enough, even divine beasts can be enslaved.

It is precisely because of the birth of this powerful weapon that the civilization of the ancients reached its heyday. The ancients used this powerful weapon to enslave the three beast gods. Some ancient people who were 'radical' began to want to escape. The control of the creator **** Arceus competes with the creator **** Arceus.

But it is a pity that these ancient people with extremely inflated self-confidence still far underestimated the supreme power of the God of Creation. The God of Creation with twelve original stone slabs is an invincible existence in this 'spirit' world, even if Even the combined forces of the three beast gods cannot compete with them.

In that battle between the ancients and the God of Creation, the result was that the ancients were defeated. The angry God of Creation destroyed all the civilizations of the ancients. Since then, this terrifying ancient weapon has also disappeared and disappeared without a trace. .

But in fact, this powerful ancient weapon was secretly kept by the surviving ancient people in the end, but these ancient people learned the lessons of their predecessors and did not dare to use this weapon again, and decided to bring this ancient weapon that brought disaster. sealed forever.

The ancient ruins that Soros had successfully attacked before was one of the seal places used to seal the parts of this ancient weapon, and the dark 'spirit' spirit ball in his hand was the three major parts of this ancient weapon. One, for this reason, he also successfully used the parts of this ancient weapon to successfully enslave several heavenly king-level little 'elf' spirits, so that his right to speak in the desert tooth was greatly improved.

Power is like a drug. Soros, who has tasted the sweetness, has his ambitions rapidly expanded because of the appearance of this ancient weapon. He began to secretly lead some members of the Desert Fang loyal to him in the desert. Explore the ruins.

Relying on the heavenly king-level little 'spirit' spirit enslaved by the ancient weapon parts in his hand, Soros has successfully conquered five large ancient relics, and also successfully obtained the other two ancient weapons from the ancient documents preserved in these relics. The whereabouts of the parts, one of which is in the ancient pyramid, and the other in this ruin.

However, from now on, the situation seems to have undergone some changes. The body of the soul scepter is obviously no longer here. In the long years, even accidental situations will gradually become inevitable situations. Obviously, the soul The body of the scepter has already been taken by others.

"Ah~~" Painful screams appeared, but came to an abrupt end.

"Hey, useless things, go, clean up all the treasures~lightnovelpub.net~ Then we will go to other roads to see, Torre, let your little 'spirit' heal the wounds of Liebiting 6 sharks." Will After those who acted without permission were killed, Soros ordered the remaining members of the Desert Fang around him.

Soros gave an order, and the members of the Desert Fangs who had been eager to try for a long time rushed to the treasure mountain in front of them, and then scrambled to pack a lot of treasures into their space bags.

And the personal bodyguard named Torre also immediately released a dumb hippo, letting him perform a healing 'wave' on the scarred Liebite 6 Shark.

"Judging from the traces of the opening of the big 'door', it should have been opened not long ago, which means that the person who took the stick body is still in this desert, no matter who you are, as long as you are still in this island, you There is no escape." Crouching down and 'touching' the traces left by the opening of the stone 'door' underneath, Soros said with a grim expression on his face.

To be continued

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