Pokemon Dark Giant

v3 Chapter 32: a person who is at the end of the road

The power of the kilometer tsunami is so terrifying that the area of ​​the entire ship cemetery has been reduced by a little more than 50%, especially in the eastern area in front of the tsunami. was smashed into a concave shape by its supreme power.

Those ruined ships that were originally decayed and were supported by the roots of mangroves and various vegetation, after the destruction of the mangroves and various vegetation by the tsunami, these ruined ships that survived to this day can only accept their long ago fate and become A part that was wiped out by underwater lava.

As for the wild elves hiding in these broken ships, they cannot escape the danger of being involved in the sea. A small number of elves with water attributes are better, and they will not be directly drowned. Those who do not have water attributes will Sadly, except for a few people with good water and good luck, all of them were drowned or directly smashed into pieces by the strong impact of the tsunami.

The temple had good luck. Before the tsunami arrived, Xirona and others found a broken ship much larger than the temple as a bunker in time, and relied on a group of powerful elves to get through this safely. A tsunami crisis, miraculously survived the tsunami intact.

However, a ship not far from the temple that also carried humans, its fate was not so good. This ship belonging to the elf hunter force had no time to escape, and the whole ship was hit by the tsunami. Most of the elf hunters who came back to protect the ships were also involved in the sea. Except for a few elf hunters who were particularly powerful and escaped the disaster by relying on the power of the elf, they were all swallowed up by the rage of nature without exception.

There are a total of four elf hunters who have survived, each of which is a top expert from different hunter guilds, especially one of the strongmen from the elf hunter, codenamed Hunter F, who holds a battle that rivals the heavenly king. The powerful elf, Fengfeilong and a group of quasi-king level elfs, are also among the best among the elite powerhouses sent by the major powers this time.

These elf hunters who have lost their ships are naturally unwilling to withdraw from the battle for the origin of the slate, but those who have lost their ships have undoubtedly lost the strength to move on. Hunter F, who had survived a catastrophe, discovered the temple number, so they set their sights on Shirona and others, and wanted to **** the temple number from the temple power group.

On the battlefield where the Temple is located, black smoke is shrouding the surrounding area of ​​the Temple. Even though the people on the Temple have repeatedly ordered the flying elves in their hands to blow the smoke away, the thick smoke is still coming. Continue to gather from all directions to the temple number.

At the same time, a huge vortex of ocean currents is beating the Temple beam, preventing it from driving out of the smoke coverage.

In the four directions of the Temple, the four double-bomb gasses are constantly releasing black smoke towards the center of the Temple. These black smokes are the haze skills of the double-bomb gas.

Behind the four double-bombing gas, there are four elves with flying attributes, such as the eagle, the big-billed gull, the cross-shaped bat, and the big-billed sparrow. They are using the unique trick to blow the double-bomb gas, and then help the double-bombing gas. They kept blowing these turbid mists towards the temple in the center.

"Hey hey~, you people will die painfully under my cute toxins. If you want to blame, you are unlucky. Meet me Hunter H." On a mangrove tree more than ten meters away from the temple , a strange man who was all bound with white bandages sneered sinisterly, and beside him, a sturdy rice spoon snake followed him and made a sinister snake sound.

After all, there are only four of them left in the hunter's strength. In the face of this temple, which is guarded by seven strong men who are not inferior to them at all, choosing a frontal attack is completely courting death. Therefore, it is very necessary to use the inferior means. .

It just so happens that these indiscriminate methods are one of the methods that these hunters are best at. After a few people's discussion, they immediately formulated a specific combat plan.

Among the four surviving hunters, the strongest comprehensive strength is undoubtedly Hunter F, followed by Mito Mingchuan, a water-type powerhouse from the Ocean Hunter Guild, and then a fighting-type powerhouse who is good at frontal breakthroughs. The lone elf hunter Norbaton, and finally He is a poisonous strong hunter H who is good at congestion.

The candidates for the frontal breakthrough are Hunter F and Norbarton, the person for containment is Mito Akira, and the person for the core attack is Hunter H.

Although Hunter H is the weakest among the four in terms of comprehensive strength, his destructive ability is the strongest. As long as he is given a little time, he can turn a region into a forbidden area of ​​life, and Now this poisonous fog battlefield shrouded the Temple is his proud masterpiece.

His four-headed double-bomb gas is cultivated through a special method. In addition to his special antidote, the poisonous mist released can only relieve the spread of the toxin at most. Eat his antidote, unless it is a real king-level elf, he will definitely die from poison.

The battle has been going on for nearly thirty minutes. Since they were the one in the dark, Hunter H began to quietly set up a poisonous gas formation around the Shrine, while Mito Mingchuan let his water elf lurking in the bottom of the Shrine.

The battle was about to break out. The most carefree Daye was accidentally caught by Nobaton, and then sneaked into a serious injury. He lost consciousness and fell on the deck. However, Norbarton also took the opportunity to order the elf in his hand to destroy the Temple.

The attack by Norbarton was like a signal, and Hunter F, who was at a high altitude, also swooped down quickly, letting Stormflying Dragon use the Dragon Star Group against the Temple below, and cooperated with Norbarton to launch attacks on various parts of the Temple, lurking in the sky. Underwater Mito Mingchuan also began to release a giant stinging jellyfish to contain it, and ordered a group of water elves underwater to make a tidal whirl on the Temple. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

The people of the Temple were naturally in a passive state in order to protect the ship. When they found that black smoke gradually covered the surrounding of the Temple, and some people began to be poisoned, Hunter H's poisonous gas array had been deployed, and the water system of Mito Mingchuan was completed. The elf also managed to beat the Temple beam into the vortex.

Over the Shrine, Hunter F, who was riding on the Flying Dragon, with infrared night vision goggles, clearly stared at Shirona, who was waiting in the smoke below. Taking advantage of the Flying Dragon's flight and the smoke obstructing the line of sight, Hunter F had been attacking since the beginning of the attack. Occupying the upper hand in the battle, although Xirona's fierce bite land shark is stronger than the violent flying dragon, but he can't fly freely in the air, it is difficult to take the lead in the battle, and he can only be in passive defense all the time.

"Hahaha~, Hirona, give it up, I admit that you are slightly weaker in strength, but in such an environment, it is impossible for your fierce bite land shark to defeat my violent flying dragon, violent flying dragon, do it again. , Continue to use the dragon star group, ice ghost guard, cover, blizzard, and blizzard against that ship." Hunter F laughed at Xirona, whose face was ashen below, and faced the two next to him again. The elf gave the order to attack.

Barefooted and not afraid to wear shoes, the hunter F, who lost his ship, has no scruples, choosing the best tactics to attack the enemy's weakness.

The Flying Dragon under his feet heard the words, on the vicious dragon head, his eyes flashed with suffocation, and the dragon-type power that had already been condensed in his mouth was immediately released at the temple number below, and the target of his attack was those who had already fallen to the ground at this time. A man and a elf, this ruthless Flying Dragon actually wanted to complete the mission of destroying the Temple with the wounded.

To be continued......