Pokemon Dark Giant

v3 Chapter 69: rest

"Thank you sir, thank you sir, we will definitely help you to find the tombs of the ancients."

As soon as Ryuzaki Shinji finished speaking, Bud immediately pulled Barre, who had the same happy expression on his face, and bowed his head to Ryuzaki Shinji to thank him. tone.

. On the other hand, Card was silent and his face was a little ugly. When these two people were in the Desert Fang, they made trouble with these newcomers. He had a grudge against these two people, and also knew that they were the kind of old and cunning people. Generation, Ryuzaki Shinji accepted them now, which immediately made him feel very embarrassed.

"Card, the next move of these two people will be handed over to you. If they dare to play small tricks, you will kill them."

A voice from Ryuzaki Shinji's telepathy appeared in Card's heart. When Card heard it, a hint of joy appeared in his eyes, and then he said in his heart: "Please leave it to me, my lord, I will definitely take good care of them. Yes, they will never let them do any harm to the team."


After going through these twists and turns, Ryuzaki Shinji and the others found a shady place in the Gobi to stop at random, and then restarted the suddenly interrupted lunch time.

Except for Bard and Barre, who are still captives at this stage, everyone has released some of the elves in their hands.

Now Christina's elf has released a large milk jug, Roseredo, Pikexi, and Juju. In addition to these, there is also a jellyfish in his hand that has entered a hibernation state like Ryusaki Shinji's Garter stinger jellyfish. the dragon.

The big milk jug, Roseredo, and Piccolo surrounded the newly added Juju, and then began to instill a certain kind of special thought into Juju, each with a bad look in their eyes.

In the case of not being provoked, the personality of the pot is actually quite mild, and there is not much temper. After Christina gave him a high-quality ground-based elf food to taste, the name of Christina is not through normal means. The master he subdued, he is also very obedient to help Christina make juice, but he is currently being harassed by three pungent companions and cannot hide in the pot to make juice for the time being.

Card's elf is the two mane rock werewolves, King Nido and the dead fire camel just conquered.

The two maned rock werewolves swiftly ran over to help Christina carry the food out, while King Nido made a big hole from his ground and lay down in it.

The character of the stagnant camel is different from that of the juju. It is quite arrogant and temperamental. Because it has just been subdued and has not been officially subdued by Kad himself, even if Kad uses the friendship ball to subdue him, he still does not recognize Kad. , He also loves to listen to Kad's orders, and once Kad wants to approach him, he also tries to attack Kad with flames. He is currently in the stage of zero intimacy and inability to communicate.

Card is also helpless about the situation shown by the drowsiness. After all, the dazed elf is the elf that he has high hopes for. As for beating and scolding, he is naturally reluctant. Dumb camel seems to be the one who eats soft and not hard. After Christina took out a big bottle of milk for him, he immediately got on with Christina, and directly dropped the name of Card. Master, sticking to Christina's side all the time makes Card very hurt.

The elf in Sinor's hands is the desert dragonfly, the three-headed gopher, the five-headed gopher, and a young one, of which the desert dragonfly is the elf that follows her for a while, while the three-headed gopher and the five-headed gopher are She conquered after entering the Zerger Desert, where her desert dragonfly is currently in a state of healing.

When it comes to the desert dragonfly, it has to be said to admire the horror of the self-healing ability of the dragon-type elf. After Darubi absorbed the **** flames from her body, and after the simple treatment of Christina's group to heal the elf, only After less than 2 hours, her injuries have begun to improve, and the pair of burned wings on her back have grown back, but due to the relatively short recovery time, they are still very small.

Taking advantage of the time to eat and rest, Sinor couldn't wait to pour all the healing potions that Ryuzaki Shinji gave her into her mouth, and this bottle of healing potions with resurrection herbal liquid as the main raw material was not worth the resurrection grass. As soon as Sinoer drank it, a strong life energy spread out from her abdomen to her body's limbs. For a while, she felt the tingling on the burnt skin gradually disappear and her body started to itch.

In the end, Sinor couldn't help itching for a while on the burned skin. As a result, some dead skin fell off the skin, revealing the new pink skin inside. Seeing that some mildly burned parts were healed, West Noel's eyes immediately burst into hope, and he turned his head to look at Ryuzaki Shinji's eyes, which could not help but become extremely hot.

And the elf released by Ryuzaki Shinji is still Dairubi, Froggrass, Bad Frog, Scorpio, Electric Firefly, Alydos, but Ryuzaki Shinji finally thought about it, and put the cross-shaped bat again. The head vampire bat was released, and his performance today was very good, especially when he discovered the key credit of Sinor, which allowed Ryuzaki Shinji to finally obtain the token of the ancients.

"Zizizizi~~" The cross-shaped bat came out of the Pokeball again, and suddenly let out a burst of excitement, but the next second he immediately looked nervously at Ryuzaki Shinji in front of him, and then landed very neatly on the ground. Behind Ryuzaki Shinji, became his flying tool.

"It's lunch time, take a rest. This is your lunch. You did a very good job today, and continue to work hard in the future."

Ryuzaki Shinji took out a blood bottle containing blood and an iron basin again from the space bag, and then poured the blood from the blood bottle into the basin for the bat to absorb it.

"Zizzizi~~" The forked bat hurriedly flew to Ryuzaki Shinji and nodded, and then couldn't wait to lie on the edge of the iron basin to taste the fresh blood inside. Weeks of starvation torture, he is still hungry.

However, just after drinking a few hundred milliliters of blood, the cross-shaped bat found that he was surrounded by Darubi and other elves~lightnovelpub.net~ All of them looked at him with a sullen face, a malicious look ground pattern.

For a time, the cross-shaped bat, who found that the situation was not right, shivered.

"Gulugulu~~" The sound of belly drumming appeared, and Bud and Barre, who were squatting in the corner, watched Ryuzaki Shinji and the others taste the food in their hands with extreme eagerness, and then bit by bit He swallowed the compressed biscuits in his hand, but found that his stomach was still screaming in dissatisfaction.

Unfortunately, captives are captives, and their treatment is a treasure of heaven and earth. Now everything on their bodies has been confiscated, and Christina also gave each of them a few tasteless compressed biscuits and a small bottle of water. As for wanting to progress to something better, that's a dream.

While everyone was resting and eating, two cold-faced men in gray robes, with the help of a helmeted beetle and a vulture Na, were heading towards the Gobi where Ryuzaki Shinji was from the northeast at a very fast speed.

At the same time, in the northwest direction of the Gobi, four delicate women in yellow robes were riding four flaming horses and galloping all the way in the desert, and the direction they were moving was also Ryuzaki Shinji and others. where the Gobi.

To be continued.....