Pokemon Elf Master

Chapter 1382: Master's Name (4)

There is nothing to lose, but if you are lost and lost in the shadow of failure, then it will be used up. The combat power will be damaged, and the soul will be distorted.

These five kings are one of the indispensable powerful combat forces in the master's plan, and they cannot be dismissed.

Lan Hai herself didn't know how cold her thoughts were at this time compared to her gentle and kind ...

It turns out that Lan Hai's discourse has no need to say more. To be able to use the other party to hone oneself, the strength must be above the other party. Although there are only a few sentences, it has already cheered up the water arrow turtle.

There is a limit to the strength of the opponent, and he is not as weak as he imagined. If the white sea lions can be one enemy and two, then they have the power to defeat the other two together!

The mind was getting more and more excited, and the calm heart also found out how dangerous his previous situation was. He had seen too many elves that had been hit by himself. He couldn't imagine that he had fallen into that situation, and he was afraid that the combat power would come from the bottom. For him, it was more uncomfortable than death.

I felt grateful, and a strange look of unknown origin appeared in the eyes of the water tortoise looking at Lan Hai. If it was originally forced to respect the other party by the situation, then at this time, the water tortoise has really come from Recognized the Lord.

"Qianlong, you are too presumptuous!"

Lan Zhan was so angry that his lungs would explode, and he roared, and the Super Tyrannosaurus sent them the most powerful blow.

However, Lan Hai was still able to withstand it and did not become a defeat.


Lan Zhan took a deep breath and recovered his calmness under the comfort of Super Hudi. He almost forgot that the other party was a submerged dragon that could absorb the water system's tricks. Super Tyrannosaurus had no outbreak of their characteristics at all.

Only the strong wind characteristics of the big-billed **** work, but only he creates pressure, where can he reach the limit of the Qianlong, and even he suspects that the other party deliberately pretended to be so difficult.

"Hu Di, is there any way?"

Lan Zhan asked in his heart that he hadn't had such a strong desire to defeat him for a long time. Qianlong gave him the shame, and he wanted to return ten times more!

"... Sorry, I can't think of a feasible solution for the time being."

Super Hu Di is silent for a long time, but to tell the truth, he has been thinking, but there is no way. The master's partners are mostly water systems, and all have outbreak characteristics. But for Qianlong, the water system trick is not an attack but a cure. The most powerful combat force has been abolished, there is really no way.

"Then an overdraft broke out, and it was directly crushed by force. It broke out twice. The Qianlong should also be almost at the limit. The other party was only half-step world-class because of the power of control. World-class, we are not defeated! "

Lan Zhan said angrily.

Super Hu Di was silent, not saying that Qianlong might still have a lot of power.

This anger needs to be vented, and he has great confidence in their strength. As long as he is willing to pay enough, it is not impossible to defeat the other party.

As for the price, the end of the Lanshan family can also bear it!

In an instant, their strength increased again, from an average of the seventh-tier strength to the eighth-tier championship. The water cloud whale, which has twice overdrawn, did not move.

The overall strength is improved by one order, just one or two is nothing, but all eight are the same, then it is different.

The strength that was originally able to withstand, and the defensive methods explored all collapsed, and they can only start to explore again and persist in the opponent's mad attack.

Lan Hai was drowned in a trick for a while, and there was no room for counterattack. If it were not for the physical defense and vitality of half-step world-class, I am afraid that now the consciousness has collapsed and the consciousness has been temporarily lost.

"Release strength into another."

Bai Yuling said quickly, at this time, excluding the contribution to Bai Yuling, Lan Hai was really doing his best.

Recreating the scene Lan Hai is the key, she cannot miss too many details, otherwise it is inevitable that there is some omission.

Originally, half achievements were enough. Lan Hai's increase of 10% absolutely crushed the other's first order, and 10% was for insurance reasons.

The sudden acceleration of Lanhai, many of the tricks that could not avoid the resistance and fell short of a click, are no longer a problem.

Just like Lan Hai, the perfect tactics against the previous Lan Hai all collapsed and could not work. The more sophisticated the tactics, the more so. Once the variables exceeded the limits of fault tolerance, they became full of errors.

But at this point, Lan Zhan had already expected them. At the beginning, the combat power shown by Lan Hai was clear. They were better than today.

The tactics changed again. Lan Zhan adopted the adventurous and aggressive tactics. The strongest tactics that originally played their respective roles and played their best roles became the most basic offense and defense.

Water elves and other water elves are responsible for resisting water system tricks, and the super thunder hills and super monarch snakes bear the electrical system.

That's right, they attacked directly at their own cost and vitality.

This is almost desperate, but the strong breath of life emanating from their bodies is the best pearl of life.

There is no need to consider how to resist, as long as you analyze what Lan Hai's tricks are, just rush up to bear it. Lan Hai can also retreat without showing up, which is also expected.

Over time, Lan Hai and Bai Yuling really couldn't think of a way.

The initiative can be said to have changed from eighty-two to five-five, and Lan Hai can choose to withdraw from the battle, but if the battle is unavoidable, it will inevitably suffer losses and avoid the enemy in the middle, and the situation will be even worse.

It is even more impossible to deceive and disguise, and the more hesitant it is, the harder it is. Lan Hai stopped and the opponent never stopped attacking.

The key is the issue of quantity. If there are a few, this tactic is to fail, to find the way out.

"We didn't spare any vitality, staring at the super-hudi attack!"

Bai Yuling quickly made a decision. If it is not solvable, it will be puzzled. The war of attrition will stop. The other party can not afford it ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Can he not afford it?

Super Hudi is the core of the opponent's tactics. He has always been protected. Lan Hai has to pay a small price if he wants to attack.

Once the purpose is seen through and predicted, it is certainly costly to be targeted precisely.

Withdrawing, Lan Hai rushed straight towards Super Hudi, whose purpose was too obvious.

But don't forget that at this time, the purpose of the Shuiyun whale is to withstand the Lan Hai attack, and the attack speed is reserved, otherwise it will lose its meaning and it will not be able to create so much pressure on the Lan Hai.

This time it was Lanzhan's turn. They were in a dilemma, either giving up swapping tactics or putting Super Hudi into a dangerous melee. The overall command will inevitably be greatly affected. He cannot be divided under the attack of Qianlong. God.

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