Pokemon Elf Master

Chapter 1384: Master's Name (6)

? Use protection quickly, can't stop it! "

Super Hudi immediately conveyed his thoughts to his peers as quickly as possible, but it was over.

The Canglan Tsunami was pressed from all directions, and the surrounding trembling seawater was also incorporated into it. Although it did not increase its power, it doubled its energy again, injuring more targets in disguise.

The water cloud whale's mystery cannot counterbalance the turbulent tsunami at all, as if the air is generally destroyed by raging and rotten, and the force of terror is crushed down.

Suddenly, all super elves sent a sorrowful sorrow. The power of this move has broken the limit of attribute resistance. Whether it is the monarch snake in the grass system or the super carp dragon in the water system, they have been fully injured.

How high is the damage? More than 10% of their vitality, this trick can make them lose nearly 100,000 vitality!

What a miracle and uprightness is so horrible!

Feeling the damage he suffered, Lan Zhan and his partners changed together, and they immediately started to protect, for fear of being hurt again.

The miracle mystery is no stranger to the status of Lan Zhan and the Lanshan family. Although he did not have the opportunity and luck to learn, he has also faced it. It is far from the shock and terror brought by him.

This move seems to be more aloof, but it is even more impossible. Above the miracle mystery is the legendary miracle mystery. Only the magic skills that can be mastered by the beast, even the gods that are eternally favored and given by the beast The skill and power are far less than the power of the beast.

No, no, he wanted to get rid of it. It was the external increase in the environment and other factors. Even a Qianlong, it was impossible to master such a magical skill. This move was at best a miracle and an upheaval. It was impossible to surpass it.

But even so, the opponent is almost invincible in this small world. Even with the arrival of Qianshan, can he really suppress the opponent with so much strength suppressed?

The original battle with full confidence and absolute confidence in conquering the Qianlong small world, at this time, the heart has started to sink. It never occurred to him that the Qianlong small world still hides the existence of a transcendent Wufang king. !!

This tsunami tsunami has almost defeated Shuiyunwhale's psychological defense line. It is too powerful. If they can resist in the heyday, at this time, it is impossible to stop it and it is impossible by any method.

This is beyond their ability at this time!

"Wait, we can talk ..."

The light of protection gradually dissipated, all anger and emotions were suppressed by the Lan Hai tsunami, and Lan Zhan tried to negotiate peacefully.

However, Lan Hai's anger can be easily erased, but with the comfort of Bai Yuling, she is only angry, and has not lost her mind, and once again performs the turbulent tsunami beyond the limits.

At most, she only exerted the ultimate load that she could withstand, and that power was far beyond the limit that the water cloud whales could bear at this time.

There is no resistance, and the quantity in front of the Lan Hai at this time has no meaning, as long as it cannot break through the Cang Lan tsunami, even if the quantity is ten times more.

At the beginning of this moment, what tactics and what have been targeted have long disappeared from their minds, and they instinctively cling together to resist the Lanhai attack.

Even in the interval between the Lanhai and Canglan tsunami, you dare not attack, for fear of angering the Lanhai again.

If it had been known that Lan Hai was so horrible, Super Hudi would never use a mental growl to irritate each other.

Now you can only wait for the other party's anger to dissipate before trying to negotiate.

In the distance, the King of Fives began with the tsunami that could destroy everything, and his expression was shocked and lost, almost losing his words.

"... the real power of the master is so powerful."

Diya Sea Lion murmured that it was difficult to accept what it saw.

"Just by a move of the tsunami and tsunami, the master can suppress the entire Qianlong mystery. There is no force to counter it, even if our five kings join forces, it is not enough."

Hippo King also said in shock.

"Is this the true strength of Master Qianlong? Too fascinating, too beautiful ..."

The white sea lion was obsessed with looking at the invincible Lan Hai, his eyes were full of intoxication.

"Fighting with us at the beginning, the master retained at least 50% of his strength."

The Water Arrow Turtle said softly, his eyes bloomed like never before. It was too powerful. Even if it was outside, the strength of the dominator was never weaker than the counterpart's heyday.

And in this Qianlong secret territory, no one will be the dominant opponent.

Thinking of what Lan Hai said, the colors in the eyes of the water arrow turtle became brighter, and he had to become stronger. No matter what price he paid, he had to break through the championship limit!

The so-called Wufang King is actually not worth mentioning. At this time, the water arrow turtle is not so concerned about the status of Wufang King.

Five minutes passed, and the water cloud whales were all scarred, and their eyes were full of pain.

They haven't been so painful for a long time, but it is more painful and unacceptable than the pain and the powerlessness of being pressed and beaten.

They have all taken the Pearl of Life, and the limit overdraft has exploded four times in strength. Under the limit of Super Hudi's extreme maneuver, they surrounded the Lan Hai crazy attack without any difference, and made every effort to barely support it to the present.

The five-minute overdraft broke out in five minutes. This cost has far exceeded the expected limit of Lan Zhan. Even Lan Zhan ’s net worth felt painful and too big, so he made up for it. I do n’t know how many bottles of potential source fluid. You can't even ask Qianshan to borrow them or their family.

This kind of price makes Lan Zhan ’s intention to kill extremely strong. He has never suffered such a big loss! But at this time, he can only hide all the killing intentions, and smile, and try his best to show himself the most. Kind smile.

"Have you lost your temper?"

Lan Zhan's flattering smile was very awkward. Think about it, too. People of his status have never been humble.

Lan Hai also stopped the attack, and looked at him lightly, without seeing the slightest emotion.

Five minutes of crazy vent ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Lan Hai feels a lot better, but she still hates this person.

Although there was no speech, Lan Hai had already expressed his attitude, at least he was willing to listen to him. Lan Zhan took a sigh of relief immediately, and then continued to play. He had to use his hole card and use the power of the heritage treasure again.

And if you want to escape safely in front of this Qianlong, the power of inheriting the secret treasure may be exhausted. It may not be able to escape 100%, but it should not be a problem to support the arrival of reinforcements.

Even if only one of Lan Hongshan or Lan Guangxiu arrived, he could at least retreat.

"Invaders, what do you want to say, isn't it too late for peace talks?"

Lan Hai said coldly.

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