Pokemon Elf Master

Chapter 2424: Final victory, 3 consecutive championshi

Bi Changchun's face was gloomy and watery, and he realized what was called helplessness. The cooperation just smashed his fluke, and he couldn't think of a tactical ingenuity that could hide the monarch of the sky. Regardless of the tactics, once they are seen through, there may be counter-effects. After the first battle, he experienced several times.

I can't get rid of it, I can't fight back with more fights, but I can't resist it when confronted head-on.

After pondering for a long time, Bi Changchun sighed in his heart. There was no way to wait. At the end, he could only rely on the healing power of Chang Pan and try to maintain the fighting time of King Wang Yan.

The nine elves fought in a group, but they were in order and well-defined.

"We also try each other's tactics."

Ten minutes later, seeing that the situation was deteriorating, Lucario could not hold back anymore, so please take the initiative to try it.

"Then try it."

Bi Changchun smiled and encouraged.

Lucario and the Lizard King change their tactics, and they must drag two opponents, Firethorn and Longxiang, at the same time.

In this way, Wang Yan has become an attack-free existence, and the crisis is self-solving. At the same time, Wang Yan can support at any time, reverse the disadvantages or expand the advantages.

It is a pity that it is beautiful, but it is unrealistic.

Long Xiang couldn't help but laugh, and even Lucario, dare to compare with Broken Star and Cang Pa Tian?

Can they resist two or three moves? Lucario can?

And, if he ignores him, can Lucario hold him back?

Bi Changchun is a poor donkey?

"You exchange with Cangbatian, just hold the flame chicken."

At this time Bai Yuling suddenly commanded.

After Long Xiang's instincts were executed, he was a little stunned in his heart, and after careful consideration, he found that he was not comprehensive enough. If he avoided the battle, Lucario would definitely meet the Lizard King and fight the spurs. Their one-on-one advantage is not as good as the other. Two-to-one advantage.

In the end, it is very likely that Fire Spurs will lose their ‘combat power’ before Big Wang Yan.

Seemingly rushing towards him, it was actually stabbed against the fire, whether it was a battle or not, it was considered a success.

Although the water dragon is not restrained by the grass, but its specialization is different, it is destined that the stronger spur is not the opponent of the lizard king.

On the contrary, the fact that Lukalio, who is weaker than him, can hold him back is another point, which can't cause damage to Wang Yan.

This was really careless. Long Xiang reflected on his heart and smiled immediately. As long as he fought side by side with his master, there would be no battle that he could not win!

Long Xiang backed away, and the two gods dived to the place where Cang Pa Tian was located, replacing it.

The better speed Cangbatian can catch up with Wang Yan, double the damage of the electric system, which aggravates the threat of Wang Yan, even if Lucario wants to stop him, he is helpless,

Bi Changchun sighed in his heart and looked at the giant artillery water arrow turtle with a distance.

Don't look at the distance, it is only three thousand miles, but this distance may be three minutes in the continuous pulling.

Sure enough, the combat strength is enough to do whatever you want. Only Wang Yan can't get rid of it, so he has abolished his perfect tactical system many times.

If it’s not just the mountains, I’ll be the mountains. The moat can’t get close. Can’t they get close?

Half a minute later, Da Wangyan suddenly lit up the light of protection.

Cang Batian was shocked, he was useless even with his original meaning, why should he protect it?

"All give up their opponents and follow behind Wang Yan..."

But see Bai Yuling immediately made new instructions.

Big Wang Yan is in front, Cang Ba Tian is waiting for him.

Three seconds later, King Yan just happened to be behind the moat.

But the broken stars also started their strong charge again, this time, it was mainly broken stars.

No matter the electric dragon king Yan or the giant cannon water arrow turtle and Hu Di, they will be halved by the resistance of the broken star, and they can’t even repulse him, so all four ignored him tacitly, and Hu Di took the moat to turn Advance and retreat, each bombards the most suitable opponent.

"Follow Qiu Ming's broken stars."

Broken Star will jump up behind Qiu Ming and charge directly.

Pan Shiqiu Ming cannot break through the blockade, but Broken Star Qiu Ming is easily breakable.

It's just that the other side is even more inseparable from broken stars.

Regardless of the breakthrough, everyone broke out the strongest force at the same time. Even the spurs under siege also exploded from the turbulent world.

The six origins of the original meaning, attack the king Yan!

This time, just at the moment they moved, the original source of meaning could not be displayed in time, and Wang Yan immediately encountered a fatal threat.

Between the electric light and the flint, Hu Di also responded, exerting protection and rushing to resist.

However, Qiu Ming's original Thor, first stepped the big king Yan out of the protection circle, and all subsequent attacks followed.

Big Wang Yan screamed, a scorched smell came, and there were already a few places that had been grilled. The wings were hit hard by the broken star rock, with obvious fractures.

Flexibility and speed were instantly devastated, and the erosion of multiple intrinsic forces made Chang Pan's healing power even worse.

"Catch the victory and bombard King Yan!"

The belated trio of Electric Dragons, the original origin of Qi Yiqi, broke out, and the moat dragon did not grasp the powerful origin of the air.

The five teamed up to block two of them~lightnovelpub.net~ The broken star hardly resists a trick. The crystal diamond armor is broken and needs to be re-condensed.

"The outcome is divided..."

Seeing this result, Qin Yexiu spoke lightly outside the court. Although she only played one game with Bi Changchun, she was only qualified to evaluate the strength of Bi Changchun.

Even if Chang Pan's healing power was used, it would not be possible for Da Wang Yan to return to combat power. It was inevitable that he would be killed and withdrew from the projection space soon after.

Once you die in the projection space, it will not be true death, but the spirit will be damaged, and the future is endless. In order to avoid, Bi Changchun was a positive thing in the past, then the sea dragon king can persist for a longer time, once dragged to the second elf Also being targeted for exit, there will be no suspense in victory or defeat, and the advantages of the monarch of the sky will only increase.

"Critical moment, Bi Changchun is still a little less courageous. Doesn't the prince of the sky have the same worry? The big king Yan changed the sea dragon king, six to nine to five to eight, obviously making a lot of money."

Meng Wushuang couldn't help sighing, how much he wanted Bi Changchun to overcome Bai Yuling.

"You take it for granted. It has nothing to do with courage. It is even more foolish to win the game and lose the future. Could it be guaranteed that the exchange will guarantee a win? The absolute defense circle has been broken, can it form a five-to-eight advantage? Think so big?"

Meng Xiaoqing shook his head, he still knows Bi Changchun, this is a very calm and sensible person, the direct retreat of gambling proves this, but he is also very courageous, if there is a chance of winning, he is absolutely brave to gamble A handful.

Wang Yan had been injured quite seriously, this time without protection, he was directly hit by the original source of the unanimous attack, and there was no spare power to escape the chase, even if Lucario and others fully rescued, Chang Pan’s healing power was fully opened, and he could not save Back to Big Wang Yan, the real injury is getting heavier.