Pokemon Elf Master

Chapter 855: Who detonated the bomb?

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"Never mind, how's the situation over Ningyue?"

Bai Yuling asked again that he had solved all the responsible goals.

"Everything goes well, the last goal is already being addressed."

Giant gold monster returned.

Bai Yuling was relieved and smiled.

A few seconds later, the giant gold monster said again: "The hostages have been safely transferred. Do you still want to detonate the bombs?"

"It doesn't matter. Now there are no enemies in the village. Imagination. You go back to the battlefield and see if you can find the position of the other party."

Bai Yuling said with a smile.

After a few seconds: "Boom ..."

A roar rang, somewhere in the countryside exploded violently, and huge fireworks burst into the sky without obstruction, clearly visible thousands of miles away.

"Animals, you look for death!"

The law enforcement agent Moss of the Alliance was smashed, and the roar became hoarse in an instant. Few people were present. The village was called Mojia Village, his birthplace, and his two old men, playmates who grew up , All in this little country!

"Who? Who detonated the bomb? Give your reasons, if reasonable, I will spare you!"

There was a curse in the air, the other side said angrily, with a sense of killing in his tone. Obviously, the unexpected explosion also made him very angry.

However, no one answered, apparently the detonation was either hanging, or there were other plans, or it was simply the detonation caused by the personnel sneaking in the alliance.

Damn, the people in the village haven't evacuated yet. Forget it, although it's a pity that the elites have sacrificed, but now he has to protect himself.

Somewhere hundreds of miles away from the countryside, a man in black said something silently, watching the sky with a sudden appearance of a high-speed moving figure, this speed, at least the peak of the king, stronger than that of Moss too much.

If found, it's not easy to escape.

I didn't have time to clean it up and bit my teeth. The man hurriedly packed the energy treasure chest and some treasures into his backpack. All the rest was discarded here, and then he pressed the button in his hand fiercely.


The remaining bombs exploded at the same time, and dozens of brilliant fireworks rose in the rural location.

Obviously, this person already intends to treat other dark trainers as abandoned.

The moment the attention of the Alliance is attracted, move instantly.


Meng Ningyue's face was covered with frost. The detonation just now was not just the death of the hostages. The angry alliance trainers will certainly tear the remaining dark trainers to pieces.

Dark companion world, no companions! This sentence, Meng Ningyue now truly understands.

"Kill, not one!"

Moss's eyes were red, and howling shouted, he was close to madness. To be sure, even if a dark trainer completed the task of abandoning the dark cast, he would kill it desperately.

"Don't worry, we all rescued the hostages."

At this time Bai Yuling's voice sounded.

The powerful super powers covering the countryside were lifted, and those who were wondering about the sudden trembling on the ground immediately noticed that the sight in their eyes had completely changed.

In front of one of the crowd, a figure appeared, and Moss shook out his hand, and tears shed unconsciously?

"Moss, aren't we dreaming?"

The trembling tone of the two old men proved how excited they were.

"Let's go, don't let the leader run away, there should be important information on the other side."

Bai Yuling said to Meng Ningyue.

The two disappeared in situ, and through the first coordinate that moved instantaneously while holding the Moss backpack, they quickly found the second coordinate and kept chasing.

In the distance, a young trainer who is undergoing training is rushing away.

Elite comparisons show that this trainer is not weak.

Suddenly, a shadow appeared above him, and a tall blood-winged dragon fell in front of him.

Standing there stood a man and a woman. The man with a mask and the woman with a veil looked a bit mysterious.

"Are you both alright?"

Appropriate vigilance appeared on the youth trainer's face, she asked in a deep voice.

With the emergence of urgent tasks, the field is no longer calm, and no one knows whether the trainer in front of you is a dark trainer.

Any dark base was discovered, and those who waited for them immediately gave up everything and fled immediately, otherwise they would be drowned by the swarming trainers, and the dark trainers would not be easy to hide in the city, they could only hide in the wild.

"Show me your camp."

Bai Yuling said softly, and then waited for the other party to answer, and took out the illustrated book.

In this year of chaos, due to lack of courtesy and vigilance, there are countless alliance trainers who have died in the hands of the dark trainers. To change people's long-term habits, only the painful lessons that people can remember.

Therefore, when strangers meet, it is revealed that the camp has become a common practice, and they don't want to die unclear, but they should still be vigilant at all times.

The other party also took out the pictorial book, and they collided with Bai Yuling's pictorial book.

The illustrated book lightened slightly, the light flashed off, and then two pleasant but unemotional illustrated book sounds rang at the same time.

"... Affiliation: Alliance."

When in doubt about the identity of the other party, this is the easiest way to tell if the other party is a dark trainer.

"Excuse me, there are ferocious and powerful dark powers in the vicinity, and it's best to stay away from them immediately with your strength."

After Bai Yuling finished speaking, Bloodwing Flying Dragon Longxiang flew into the air, and continued to search towards the vicinity.

"Thanks for reminding me that I will leave here immediately."

The young trainer thanked him and moved faster than the sculpture, away from here quickly.

"Strange, no other trainers were found around him, did the other party use the instant movement again?"

Meng Ningyue asked puzzledly, Shanaiduo had not yet arrived at Uranus, and the near-term instantaneous movement fluctuations could still be found, but it was not felt a little far away ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ No, we are lucky and may encounter Lord. "

Bai Yuling shook her head and said softly, her eyes were smiling slightly.

"But the other faction is the league."

Meng Ningyue Bingxue is clever. The other party was also the biggest suspect they identified, but she was puzzled that the identification of the two camps against each other could not be wrong.

"So what, if the faction is the Alliance, he can exclude that he is not that person?"

Bai Yuling asked.

"Have you seen him attack the Alliance trainer? Except for attacking the trainer itself, other actions will not allow the illustrated book to automatically change camp, maybe, but we don't know. Even if the other party and the dark trainer jointly planned an attack Nor will it commit a huge crime, which depends on the Alliance's own law enforcement system. "

Meng Ningyue understands that it is indeed so. As one of the black technologies, the elf book and the elf belt have never been able to understand their mysteries, nor can the dream district.