Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 1: Qingmu Town

Kanto region, Aoki town near Nibi city.

"First-class scholarship winner, Keiko Linglan from the third-grade class, second-class scholarship winner, Aoki Tianji from the second-grade class 3..."

A young female teacher on the podium of the Elf School reported the winners of this year's scholarship one by one.

"All students please hurry up and come to the stage to accept the award" the female teacher shouted on the stage.

I saw a few 15- and 6-year-old boys and girls rushing from their respective classes to the rostrum.

However, one of the students with scratches on his face was obviously left behind. The scratches on his face and the somewhat worn school uniform he washed on his body obviously did not fit in with the gorgeously dressed students in front.

"Is he Aoki Tianji?"

"The wound on his face was caused by the destruction of Tianzen Village by the elf tide in the past?", "I heard that he is going to become a civilian trainer after graduation?".

"What civilian trainer, not yet a wild trainer, does he have the money to hand over to the Alliance to become an official trainer, huh, huh?"

There were all kinds of discussions in the group of students next to them.

"I think he will die in the Aoki Forest if he can't get out of the Aoki Forest. He didn't even graduate early to become a trainer. Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter."

"Hahaha, then their Tanzen Village really has no successor, haha"

A few differently dressed students mocked at the back as if no one else was around. Tianji, who had just pretended not to hear it, turned around slowly this time, staring at the students with indifferent eyes. The disappearing scars made him even more threatening.

"Hmph, what are you pulling, you will surely die in Aoki Forest sooner or later..." Although he muttered a few words, his voice dropped obviously.

Tian Ji took over his own 500 Union Coin scholarship on stage, and habitually hid his body behind several gorgeously dressed students in front of him.

After taking the photo, Tian Ci went to the Academic Affairs Office to receive his graduation certificate, returned to the classroom, packed up his own books, and walked out of the school. No one kept him, and no one came to see him off.

Back in the dilapidated slum in the east part of the town, Tian Chi was lying on his bed, thinking back on the 15 years since he came to this world.

In the 8 years since Tianqian Village was destroyed and came to Aoki Town, he found that he really had no friends, and what remained the same every day was to learn the real world of elves and go to the butcher shop to cut meat and work part-time.

Yes, Aoki Tianji is not from this world. His soul is the business manager of a black-colored company in the 21st century of the earth. Apart from watching one or two Pokemon animations in his childhood, he is not surprising.

But even a high-level underworld like him was able to reincarnate into this world full of elves after being caught and beaten to death.

But the world is not as beautiful as in the anime.

Here the elves are the masters who dominate the world. The wild is full of danger, with the little Radha who can easily bite through the teeth of iron armor, and the three-meter large snake Abo snake hiding in the jungle.

Even the king carp that suddenly jumped out of the river, the amazing bouncing force can smash the head of an adult.

Apart from elves, the trainers in the wild are not as helpful as in the anime. They are usually bounty hunters who charge high commissions.

But when they find the opportunity and there is enough interest, they are the death gods who harvest your life.

After all, the laws in towns cannot restrain the weak in the wild.

So in this world, trainers are a formidable profession, they can protect towns or take your life at any time.

Afterwards, everything related to trainers is very expensive, and Tianji's one-year scholarship is only enough to buy a most common Poké Ball.

And a low-quality carp king on the black market is all 5,000 alliance coins, you ask why the alliance does not distribute elves?

Haha, that's a tax that upper-class families can barely bear. If you want an elite-quality Yusan family, you have to pay 200,000 to the alliance every year!

An ordinary family with a monthly income of only 7,000 to 8,000 is unbearable, so a small town with a population of tens of thousands may have one or not even one a year!

Most families buy an ordinary little Lada or a common elf on the black market for a child with the potential to become a trainer.

Of course, this kind of trainer is not the official trainer of the alliance. Although they can also enjoy the benefits of various elf centers, they have to pay the full amount, while the trainer with the three families is 50% off, and there will be a elf picture book. .

Tian Chi took a rest on the bed, and then began to rummage through the boxes in the shanty house that the alliance gave to orphans to find his savings over the past few years.

"100, 50, 5, 20..."

On the dilapidated table were piled various amounts of change, the largest being 500, which was a tip he gave to a passing trainer.

"A total of 8,565 yuan of alliance coins, bastard, this is only enough to buy a small Lada of 8,000, but the remaining money can't even buy a week's repellent spray, let alone space backpacks and field equipment, just Going out like this will only survive three days in the wild."

Tianji slammed his fist on the table, "It's so hard that I can only be an apprentice in a small town and sell elf meat like Roshan Takeji."

Thinking of that stingy, fat butcher shop owner, Tian Chi shook his head hurriedly and shuddered.

"But there are only two months left until the age of 15. Where can UU read www.uukanshu.com to make up for the shortfall of 5,000 or 6,000? The league stipulates that after the age of 15, if you don't become a trainer, you can only do the work of ordinary people."

"To steal, or to rob, and receive protection fees"

A cold light flashed across Tian Ci's eyes. He was not a bad guy. On the contrary, he was an underworld in the earth in his early years, with one or two lives in his hands.

In the end, he still shook his head rationally and muttered to himself.

"No, if you get caught by Junsha or other police officers, it's over. They are all elite-level trainers, and the nose of the catty dog ​​in their hands is not a joke. It seems that they can only go to the black market in the town to have a look. Well, at worst, you can only go to gamble, alas~”

Speaking of which, Tian Chi put all the money in a small bag and put it in the clothes mezzanine on his body, then walked out of the house with a hat on.

Aoki Town is a town-level human settlement, guarded by gym-level trainers, as well as elite-level trainers from various departments of the alliance.

So although it is a small town, it has everything that it should have, unlike the Tanzen Village where Tanji was born, which is only the worst village level.

There was only one elite trainer who was easily overwhelmed by the elf tide. Walking along the road to the black market, you could see Miss Joy's elf center, Miss Junsha's police department, and Mr. Ito. The elf supply store, although the sparrow is small, has all the internal organs, this is the residence of the big town level.

Although it is only one level higher than the village level, it is already marked on the map. Of course, the protection power is different.

At the gate of the black market, I asked two masked gatekeepers to buy tickets, 200 per person. Tian Chi's heart is bleeding, this is his income from working for nearly 10 days.

"I hope I can gain something, otherwise I can only sell elf meat." Tian Ci thought silently in his heart, and walked into the black market step by step.