Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 96: defeat

"Do you want to limit the scope of Lada's activities?"


Ashu, who was standing beside him, saw Tianji's intention after a while.


Because Lada's appearance is already injured, as long as he accidentally gets contaminated with paralysis powder, the speed will definitely decrease.


"However, I just need to get rid of the trumpet buds before the scope shrinks! Radha! Raid + bite!"


Ashu looked at the distance and felt that he couldn't go on like this any longer. He couldn't use it continuously after a flash of electric light, so he used a surprise attack to increase the distance.


"Speaker bud, the whip of thorns resists!"


"Crack!" Trumpet bud raised two sturdy vines and made a close contact with the incoming Radha.


Because it wasn't a flash of electric light, and the distance was not too close, the horn buds still had time to respond.


"Da~" Rada, who was pushed back by the impact force, rolled twice on the ground, and was inevitably contaminated with paralysis powder.


"This power! And the vine of that trumpet bud actually has wood thorns!"


The audience next to him was completely taken aback by Trumpet Bud's vine whip!


"This boy is from a big family, otherwise, how could he develop an ordinary vine whip move like this!"


"Sure enough, it's good that the children of the big family have inheritance."


"Yes, yes, it's not like we can only rely on the blood of the elves, alas╯﹏╰"


Tianji didn't know that the audience next to him had already regarded him as a son of the family, and he was directing the trumpet bud to attack again.


"Speaker bud, whip of thorns, do it again!"


"Huh! Huh!" The two vines with wooden thorns attacked Radha again in an instant!


"I didn't expect Tian Cijun, you are still a family member, but I won't lose."


Ashu looked at the vine with thorns and muttered to himself.


"Radha, dodge!"


"Crack!" A vine was dodged by Radha and hit the ground heavily.


"Da!" But the other one temporarily changed direction, and the Radha, which had the numbing powder in effect, didn't respond, and was beaten again on the ground sprinkled with the numbing powder.


"This little brat named Tian Chi has even learned how to use duality!"


A common-level trainer watching the battle was a little surprised!


What he said was that the trumpet bud can manipulate the vines to change moves, which is actually similar to changing the circle with the left hand and the square with the right hand in the previous life.


Although the left hand and the right hand are both his own hands, it still requires special training to let the two hands do different things.


He also has a dumb flower himself, but the vine whip used by the dumb flower can only attack in one direction. He also listened to other people's instructions before starting to train the dumb flower to manipulate the vines.


I didn't expect to see it on a trumpet bud today!


"Not bad!" Ashu was also a little surprised, but he didn't expect this new team member to be quite strong!


"Rada, stand up, gather your energy!" But he didn't intend to admit defeat like this, and immediately gave an order to Rada on the field.


"Da!" Radha, who heard the order, although he felt very painful, still obeyed the order and began to burst out the energy of his body.


"Shhh!" I saw Radha's body violently burst out with a circle of white energy


"Don't you admit defeat?" Tian Ci originally thought that Ashu should admit defeat. After all, now this Lada has been hit by paralysis powder, the speed of the strongest forehead has been abolished, and he has suffered two more whips of thorns!


"Then go on, trumpet bud, the whip of thorns whips it!"


"Huh! Huh!" Trumpet Bud nodded, and two vines broke through the air again!


"Lada, bear it! Continue to gather Qi!"


"Da!" Rada, who accompanied the trainer to death and **** battles, obeyed the order without hesitation, closed his eyes and concentrated his energy.

"Crack! Slap!" There are two deep welts, and there are also many tiny blood holes, which are caused by the wooden thorns on the vine whip!


"It's our turn, Lada, a flash of lightning and a deadly front tooth!"


Seeing the tragic state of his own Lada, Ashu flashed a hint of distress in his eyes, but he couldn't lose. If the strongest Lada lost, how could he be the captain!


The division in the team must also be given to this new player a little more, which is related to his team status, so he is ready to fight!


"Shh~" I saw Radha staring at her red eyes, her figure flashed quickly, and she immediately bit down on the trumpet bud!


"No, Trumpet Bud, the whip of thorns is in front of you!"


After the gas is gathered, the speed of Lada is obviously faster with the flash of electric light!


Wanting to rely on the rattan whip to block the obvious possibility in the middle, Tianji can only let the trumpet shoot to defend.


"Kacha~ka!" The sharp teeth instantly bit off the vines blocking the front, and then bit heavily on the head of the trumpet bud.


"Moo! (?_?)?" He was hit by the enhanced version of the deadly front teeth. Even if there was a block from the vines in front of him, the trumpet buds still lost the ability to fight!


Fortunately, after the trumpet bud fell, Radha also swayed and fell.




The main reason is that although Qi Gathering exploded, after the explosion, Lada's injury and the effect of the paralysis powder became more serious.


The referee looked at it and raised the flag in his hand.


"Hakuba and Lada lost their fighting ability at the same time, but Hirakawa Ki had one elf, and Tajian both lost their fighting ability.


So I announce that the winner of this competition is Hirakawa Ki! "


"Papapa~" Following the referee's announcement, the onlookers gave a round of applause to the face.


"Hu~" He let out a sigh of relief, and Ah Shu still waved to Tian Ci, and also to the surrounding audience.


"I still lost, but after Hornbud evolves, I should be able to win."


As the loser, Tianji silently got down from the battle stage, handed the Poké Ball of Horn Bud to the medical staff, and went to wait outside by himself.


On the other hand, after enjoying the applause of the winner, Ah Shu also handed Lada to the medical staff~lightnovelpub.net~ and walked towards Tianji.


"Tian Jijun, your elves are well-bred, you won't be the son of a big family!"


Ashu patted Tianji on the shoulder and asked.


"Ashu, just call me by my name. I'm also a commoner, not a family member."


Tian Ci waved his hand, indicating that he was just a commoner.


"Then you special vine whip, sorry, I didn't mean to inquire, I'm just a little curious, it doesn't matter if it's inconvenient for you to say."


Seeing Tianji's denial, Ashu asked curiously, but immediately added the following two sentences.


"Oh, you mean the whip of thorns, that was developed by myself and Hornbud through day-to-day exploration and hard training!"


Since it has been shown in front of people, Tianji didn't care to tell the truth, and it wasn't that he developed some powerful secret skills.


Ever since I heard Uncle Sam say that Bobo's peck and claws have long been developed by people from the family faction.


He knew that Hornbud's Whip of Thorns must have similar combos in those families or gyms that are proficient in grass elements, and even more powerful secret skills!


Then it doesn't matter if he is exposed, it can also add some aura of genius to him, and maybe it will attract investment from some people.
