Pokemon Trainer Aaron

v1 Chapter 13: Hualan Stadium, Aaron vs. Xiaoxia!

"Finally at Hualan City!" Aaron said, "Go to the Pokémon Center first."

   After the three of them left Yuejianshan, they stayed out for a few days and finally arrived in Hualan City. Aaron sighed sincerely.

The three of them arrived at the Pokémon Center. After handing the Pokémon to Miss Joey, Xiaoxia said to go away. Aaron knew that he was going back to Hualan Road Museum, and she didn’t care about her. Xiaojing went shopping, before leaving. Aaron took back the Pokémon Ball from the Wood Turtle, and then called.

"Oh, it's Aaron, you have already arrived in Hualan City." Dr. Oki said, eating instant noodles, Aaron also began to wonder why every time he called Dr. Oki, Dr. Oki was eating instant noodles or Cook instant noodles.

   "Hello, Dr. Oki, how is my Pokémon?" Aaron asked.

"Haha, you really care about your Pokémon the most. Your iron armor pupa has evolved into a big butterfly, and that red iron shell has evolved into a red big needle bee. After the big armor is passed to the small boxing stone, it will not Stop fighting with it, now it has evolved into a rumbling stone, which is really interesting.” Dr. Oki ate the noodles and said: “Your Nitorino seems to force itself to evolve, and its strength has not improved much. It made it a little stunted. Now I let him and Smelly Flower do battle exercises every day, and the situation is a little better. And why your mountain king refused to evade. As a result, he stood and was beaten when he was robbing the site. After playing too much, I started to learn to dodge." Dr. Oki paused again: "The most surprising thing is where you caught such powerful three heroes. After you came to me, you just challenged my backyard. The big rock snakes on Liyan Mountain, the three of them stunned the 5 big rock snakes into the Pokémon Center. The trainers of those 5 big rock snakes want to talk to you."

"Oh, I'm really sorry. I conquered three of them when I was in Yuejianshan. They belonged to a cave. They were really strong. I suffered a lot when I conquered. As for the trainers of those big rock snakes. It’s up to you, Doctor, to deal with it. By the way, Doctor, please do me a favor. Please write 3 on the belt of Haoli on the first one, 2 on the second one, and 1 on the third one. , That is the order of their positions in the cave, and it will be easier to recognize in the future." Aaron said.

   "I knew you would say that, I've done it for you. The serial number is okay. But you didn't just call me to get the serial number." Dr. Oki said.

"Yeah, I want to pass the big-billed bird over. Now my Pokémon is full, tell him to practice destroying the dead light and pass the smelly flower over. I will use it against Hualan Taoist Hall." Aaron said .

   "Well, I understand, teleport." Dr. Oki said.

   Aaron put the big-billed Pokémon ball on the conveyor, and a few electric currents passed it away, and then the smelly Pokémon ball was passed over.

   "Come out, smelly flower." Aaron released the smelly flower. It was very happy to see Aaron.

   "The smelly flowers have arrived, so please do your training, so let's do that." Aaron said.

   "Oh, come on the gymnasium battle." The doctor encouraged.

   Along hung up the phone.

   "Oh, smelly flowers, do you want to evolve?" Aaron asked.

   Smelly Smelly Flower jumped happily.

   "Then there are pictures of your evolutionary type-Overlord Flower and Beautiful Flower." Then he took out the illustrated book to show the smelly flower, "Do you like that form?"

   Smelly Smelly Flower chose beautiful flowers. In fact, Aaron knew that this smelly flower was a girl, and girls naturally love to be beautiful, so he expected that smelly flower would choose beautiful flowers.

   Aaron took out the Sun Stone, and he didn't expect it to be useful so quickly. He put the sun stone on the head of the smelly flower, and then the body of the smelly flower glowed white and turned into a beautiful flower.

   The beautiful flower after evolution is obviously much more cheerful than the smelly flower. Maybe it's because I have become beautiful. Aaron thought.

   Then they started training. He sent out the beautiful flowers and wood turtles and squatted down.

   "Now I am going to challenge the Hualan Gymnasium, and I am going to choose one of the two of you to compete. The opponent is the water system. Who of you wants to fight?" Aaron asked.

   The forest tortoise screamed, and the beautiful flower jumped, all expressing to participate.

   "Then you will fight a game, and the victor will come on." Aaron said, "I will not give any orders, it is all up to you to fight."

   Then Aaron retreated to the side, and the beautiful flowers and forest turtles stood at the two ends of the battlefield.

   "Okay, the game begins!" Aaron announced.

   The beautiful flower immediately began to gather energy on the head. It's the sun and flames! Aaron thought, he didn't expect that Meihuahua would do this trick. It's worth seeing now.

   The beautiful flower prepares for the sun and flames. The forest turtle used hundreds of millions of tons of absorption, and the hundreds of millions of tons of absorption successfully hit the beautiful flowers, but the same is the grass system, so the damage is not big.

Due to the good weather today, the sun flames were completed quickly. The beautiful flowers used the sun flames. The forest turtles could not dodge and were hit. Although the sun flames are also grass skills, there is a temperature problem. The forest turtles are still affected. Hurt a bit.

The forest tortoise used the flying blade to fight back, but a vine appeared at its feet and tripped the forest tortoise. As a result, the flying blade tortoise went off track and hit the ground. Aaron saw it, and it was the beautiful flower. Straw knot rope.

   Grass knot rope is still very powerful for heavyweight Pokémon such as Wood Turtle.

  The forest turtle stood up immediately, began to accumulate energy, and wanted to use the sun and flames.

   But the beautiful flower uses time very well. It rushed up, and then used paralysis powder on the forest turtle. The forest turtle was paralyzed, and the sun and flames stopped. Aaron secretly praised the cleverness of beautiful flowers.

The beautiful flower did not retreat to the side, but directly leaned on the wood turtle to make a high-speed rotation. The power was amazing. It rolled up the dust on the ground and hit the wood turtle severely. The wood turtle made a painful cry . After seeing the power of this skill, Aaron thought about how to deal with Hualan Daoguan.

   "Okay, that's it." Aaron walked over, and both Pokémon stopped. Aaron stepped forward and stroked the heads of two Pokémon:

"Let's let the beautiful flowers in the gymnasium competition this time. But it's great that you are not seriously injured." Aaron said, looking at the sad expression of the forest tortoise, and then said, "The forest tortoise, don't you be depressed? I am now going to send you to Dr. Oki for training. There are a lot of my Pokémon. Dr. Oki is also a good person. I hope you will be stronger next time I see you."

   The forest tortoise became even more depressed when he heard this, and looked at Aaron again. Aaron was looking at him seriously, and the forest tortoise nodded solemnly.

Aaron took the two Pokémon back and asked Miss Joey to help him reply. Then he called Dr. Oki again. After explaining the situation, he passed the forest turtle to him. Aaron said to Dr. Oki that he would specifically respond. The forest turtle's defensive power and the power of skills are trained.

After   , Aaron took Meihuahua to the special training again. Soon Xiaojing returned, and the two set off for Hualan Gym.

   "Aren't you waiting for Xiaoxia?" Xiaojing asked.

   "I'll see her when I arrive at the gym," Aaron said.

   Xiaojing was still confused.

   When they arrived at Hualan Road, Aaron and Xiaozhi had the same idea-this is simply an aquarium.

   "This is simply an aquarium," Xiaojing said. Unexpectedly, Xiao Jing would have the same idea as herself.

   "But this is indeed a gym, let's go in." Aaron said.

   Aaron and Xiaojing walked in. At this time, the three beautiful blue women were doing a water ballet performance. Aaron didn't want to watch, and walked directly inside.

   In the corridor, Aaron and Xiaojing met the three beautiful Hualan sisters.

   "Excuse me, you are Sakura, the trainer of the gymnasium, my name is Aaron, I am here to challenge Hualan gymnasium, please play a Pokémon battle with me." Aaron came up and said.

"Is it a challenger, but not right now. My main Pokémon was beaten into the hospital by a kid from True New Town a few hours ago. I can’t even fight. Oh, by the way, if you don’t mind, we There is a stronger person here, would you like to fight her?" said the leader Sakura.

   "As long as the gym trainer approves it, I don't care." Aaron said.

   A group of people came to the battle field, which was a pool with floating boards.

   "Sister, there is a challenge here, come out and deal with it." Sakura called.

   A person came over from the other side, it was Xiao Xia. Xiao Jing looked at Xiao Xia in surprise, but Along was not surprised.

   "Xiaoxia, it really is you." Aaron said.

   "I'm sorry, I haven't told you all the time." Xiaoxia said.

   "No, I knew it a long time ago. As the strongest of the 4 Hualan beauty sisters, I would have thought of fighting against you." Aaron said.

   Along deliberately said that it was the 4th Sisters of Hualan Beauty, just to comfort her.

   "Really, you are really amazing, Aaron, but you can't release water during the battle, we are on both sides." Xiaoxia said seriously.

   The three Hualan beauty sisters and Xiaojing went to the audience stand. Sakura asked Xiaojing: "Is he Aaron? Does Xiaoxia care about him? Is he strong? I haven't seen Xiaoxia so serious in a long time."

   "Yes, I set off on the same day as him, but in terms of strength, I am not his opponent at all." Xiao Jing said.

   The game started, and they stopped chatting.

   "The rules of the game are 2 vs. 2, let's go, Haixingxing!" Xiaoxia dispatched Haixingxing first.

   "It's the sea stars, then, go, beautiful flowers!" Aaron sent beautiful flowers.

   "It's very beautiful, you made the smelly flower evolve, but you can't win by being beautiful. Come on, Haixingxing, water gun!" Xiaoxia shouted.

   In fact, the phrase "beautiful can't win" is also a satire of her sisters.

   "Beautiful flower, use shadow clone technique!" Aaron ordered.

   Meihua beautifully used the shadow avatar technique, and the water gun only hit the phantom.

   "Haixingxing, attack all phantoms with high-speed rotation!" Xiaoxia ordered.

   "Beautiful flowers, use Flower Dance." Aaron said calmly.

   The phantom disappeared, and the sea star revolved towards the beautiful flower, and the beautiful flower made a gorgeous dance of flowers. UU reading www. The flying petals from uukahnshu.com interrupted the high-speed rotation of the sea stars and caused damage.

   Aaron suddenly felt that this beautiful flower has the potential to compete in the Pokémon Gorgeous Contest.

   "Beautiful flowers, use paralysis powder!" Aaron shouted.

   "Haixingxing, escape into the water!" Xiaoxia hurriedly ordered.

   Haixingxing jumped into the water and successfully avoided the paralysis powder.

   "Okay, now, let them see the training results, beautiful flowers, and spin at high speed!" Aaron shouted.

   The beautiful flower spins quickly. What is surprising is that the high-speed rotation actually rolls up the water in the pool and the sea and stars. It is said to be high-speed rotation, but it is actually more like a tornado.

   "Okay, end the battle, go on, Meihua, use the rocket head mallet!" Aaron shouted.

   The beautiful flower rushed to the sea star on the water, the rocket head hammer hit the sea star perfectly, and the sea star was hit on the bottom of the pool with no water, and then the water column from the sky submerged it.

   When the sea stars came up again, the gems in the center had already started to twinkle.

   "Sea star loses combat ability, beautiful flower wins!" the referee announced.

   Xiaoxia and her three sisters and Xiaojing saw the power of the beautiful flower's high-speed rotation, they were very surprised and had to reassess Aaron's strength.

   "Come back, Haixingxing, thank you for your hard work." Xiaoxia comforted, "I didn't expect the high-speed rotation of the beautiful flower to be so strong, but the game is not over yet, come on, Jewel Seastar!"

   Xiaoxia sent the Jewel Starfish, "That is your trump card, as a respect, I will also send the trump card to fight." Aaron said, "Come back to the beautiful flower, let's rest for a while. Come on, boss cat!"

   The cat boss came on the field mentally, and his eyes were quite satisfied with the opponent in front of him.