Pokemon Trainer Aaron

v2 Chapter 60: The Winners Cup starts! Game 1?

"It's actually about my Pokémon ball." Aaron pointed to the super-dream Pokémon ball in his neck. "When entering the arena, I can only carry 6 Pokémon, but this guy is my amulet. I promised It has to keep it with him all the time, so I hope you can talk to the staff of the Orange Alliance and let me bring this guy in. If it doesn’t work, I don’t mind telling you which 6 my formation is." Aaron Said.

   "This way, it turned out to be your important Pokémon, why don't you use him to fight?" Yuji asked back, most people would ask.

   "Because this guy's strength is really..." Aaron said, stopping on purpose.

"Hahaha, this way, I understand, okay, let me help you say, let you take your Pokémon ball into the battle." Yuji laughed after hearing it, "Then, now it’s time for dinner. , I will go, prepare for tomorrow's game." Yuji said, and then took back Kuailong and left.

   "Hey, you kid, my strength is not weak, do you want to try, I can bomb this arena with one move, believe it or not!" Chaomeng came out, it seems that Aaron's words make it very uncomfortable.

   "Did I say that you are weak? I want to say that you are too strong, but he was interrupted." Aaron replied.

   "Come on, I haven't seen your tricks yet? Don't pretend to be in front of me." Chao Meng said impatiently.

   "There is no way, the situation is compelling." Aaron replied with a smile. Chaomeng smiled slightly, and then disappeared.

   At night, Aaron had a good sleep according to what Yuuji said. Although I have participated in a major league match, there was still a bit of tension and excitement on the eve of the game.

   10 o'clock the next morning...

"This is the Citrus Stadium. To welcome the arrival of new challengers, the atmosphere of enthusiasm and excitement in the stadium is high. For a long time, there has been no strong person who can enter the palace. Said the strongest Southern Cross chief trainer Yuji of the Orange League, This time the challenger, Aaron from Zhenxin Town, can defeat his powerful Pokémon and become the one who has been able to enter the hall for a long time? The audience is full of guests and can’t wait to wait for the game The beginning of the game.” Like the Quartz Conference, the commentator said a lot of words before the game. Along with the nonsense of the commentator and the applause of the audience, Aaron and Yuci walked out from both sides of the venue. Although there is a lot of difference in age, there is not much difference in height. The two walked to each other and shook hands.

   "First of all, you are welcome to challenge the Orange League Winner's Cup, Aaron." Yuji said, "Then, let me see how much you have, and show me the wisdom of your trainer and the power of Pokémon."

   "Okay, I hope you don't take me lightly." Aaron replied with a smile.

"The rules of the game are 6 vs. 6, when one of the three Pokémons loses the ability to fight, the battlefield will be changed. During the battle, the Pokémon of the chief trainer cannot be changed, and the challenger can change Pokémon at will. ." The referee walked in front of the two and began to explain the rules.

   "Well, I have a suggestion. I hope that in this game, Yuji players can also change Pokémon at will, so it is fair." Aaron said, the referee and Yuji were both surprised.

"This can't work, this violates the fighting rules of our Orange League." Yuji rushed in front of the referee and said, "Even if it's just to follow the rules, I won't change Pokémon." Yuji said for this reason. Aaron naturally had no way to continue to say anything.

   "Well, the original battle field was a battle field of grass and water!" the commentator shouted. The battle field has been changed. It is a pool in the middle, surrounded by grass fields. Unlike the rock and water fields that Aaron originally thought, Aaron suddenly realized that there are also many battlefields in the Orange Alliance.

   "The game is finally about to begin. What kind of Pokémon will the players of both sides use to fight on this battlefield?" The commentator shouted.

   "Dang!" a sound, it means that the game has started.

   "Come on, Aaron, my number one player, it's it!" According to the rules, the chief trainer would send the Pokémon first, and Yuuji called out the variety that Aaron expected.

   "It's really strange." Aaron smiled.

   Commentator: "The vanguard sent by the chief trainer Yuji is amazing. Although his only skill is transformation, his ever-changing ability is enough to play with opponents and is a terrible enemy."

   "From the very beginning, I brought out Pokémon with uncertain types and attributes. I deserve to be the chief trainer." Xiaoxia exclaimed.

   "However, won't the combat experience of the Grapefruit Gymnasium come in handy?" Xiaojian reminded Xiaoxia from the side.

   Commentator: "Okay, let's see what is the first Pokémon of the high-profile Aaron player?"

   "Alright, Crystal Rock Snake, go and kill the opponent!" Aaron's pioneer is Crystal Rock Snake!

   As soon as the Crystal Big Rock Snake came out, the audience fell silent, and then the audience was full of discussions, just like Aaron thought.

   Commentator: "What is that! The crystal-clear rock snake looks like a shining Pokémon! Okay, let's look forward to what special abilities that crystal rock snake will have?"

   When the commentator said that, the atmosphere in the audience finally returned to normal.

"Very peculiar Pokémon, it seems to be a flashing Pokémon, a variety of monsters, transforming!" Yuji commanded the transformation of the Variety Monster, and the Variety Monster suddenly became bigger, and it also became a big rock snake, and it was also crystal clear. Clear...

   Commentator: "As expected, it's amazing. Even if the opponent is a flash Pokémon, it is a perfect copy. What will happen to the game this time?"

"The Variety Monster has indeed become the same as the Crystal Rock Snake in appearance, but can its abilities become the same as well? Especially the physical combat ability." Aaron asked Yuuji with a smile, and Yuuji gritted his teeth. Yuji's weakness seemed very disturbed.

   "Okay, come on, Crystal Big Rock Snake, attack!" Aaron wanted to quickly end his opponent.

   "Various monsters, dragon fluctuations!" Yuuji counterattacked, and did not use the same skills as against Xiaozhi in the original version. That's right, even if the strength is somewhat strengthened after the transformation, but the basic strength is too different, if you collide with a sacrificial attack, it will definitely fly out!

   The Variety Monster used the wave of the dragon, and a green ball flew towards the Crystal Rock Snake, and the Crystal Rock Snake rushed into the ground to avoid it, and the Variety Monster began to shake its head in search of an opponent.

   Commentator: "Aaron's crystal big rock snake got under the ground and disappeared! Are you planning to launch an attack from the ground?"

   "Weird things, earthquake!" Yuji ordered.

   "My crystal rock snake is fast, and..." Aaron smiled, "Crystal rock snake, quicksand hell!"

The Variety Monster was about to make an earthquake. He raised his tail high and took a shot, but there was no vibration. At first glance, the surrounding area of ​​his body had turned into sand, and then Variety began to sink. After the helpless transformation, the weight has also increased...

   This is also a new method of warfare that Aaron came up with. In the state of digging a hole, using quicksand **** to prevent earthquakes is not only very effective, but it can also cause damage to it and wait for the opportunity to counterattack.

   Commentator: "Oh, this is terrible! Because of the transformation, the weight of the ever-changing strange has increased, and I have sunk in the sand, and I can't break free!"

   Variety of strange things in the sand illustrates this fact...

   "Variously weird, dig a hole!" Yongji ordered, but he couldn't get out on the ground, so he had to dig a hole to a place where there was no desertification to escape.

   "Okay, right now, Crystal Big Rock Snake, use his own body to attack!" Aaron ordered, waiting for this time. The previous Variety Monster shook his head and wanted to escape, but Aaron could see that it was still paying attention to the surrounding movement~lightnovelpub.net~ Aaron was afraid that he would be avoided if he attacked and he would also enter. In the quicksand hell, and the opponent can get the first move, it is not a trivial matter to be bombarded by the dragon wave. Therefore, Aaron has been waiting. Of course, it is definitely beneficial for Aaron to wait. There is a quicksand hell. The ground-based quicksand **** can also damage the big rock snake twice, regardless of whether there is a crystal body or not. , So Aaron is not in a hurry, knowing that Yongci will act immediately, and as soon as Yongji acts, it is Aaron's opportunity.

   "No matter how vigilant the Pokémon is, the moment it uses the skill will be more slack on guard!" This is the basis of Aaron's action!

   As soon as the head of the Variety Monster hit the ground, the Crystal Big Rock Snake rushed out, bumped into the Variety Monster's body, knocked the Variety Monster out, and it looked good.

Commentator: "That's great. Player Aaron seized the right time and launched an attack when the Variety Monster was halfway through the hole. The Variety Monster without vision is completely inevitable, even if it is a normal type attack. Variety monsters with attributes can resist more or less, but the powerful power of the crystal big rock snake still inflicts a lot of damage on Variety monsters, it is dangerous!

Aaron smiled helplessly after hearing these words, "It's not me who really catches the timing." Aaron sighed softly. Aaron's idea was to launch an attack when the Variety Monster was about to burrow into the ground, and the Crystal Rock Snake He attacked when he was digging a hole halfway through. In contrast, it was indeed easier to hit the opponent when the Crystal Big Rock Serpent picked the time. "These guys, you can't just estimate their IQ." Aaron's first thought...

   The Variety Monster stood up swayingly, it seems that the high defense power of the big rock snake gained from the transformation has saved it. Variety was not knocked down, but it seemed that it would not last long.