Pokemon Trainer Aaron

v3 Chapter 174: Two on two! 2 tornadoes?

In fact, it should be said that choosing to come to Yanmo City to investigate may be a wrong choice, because it was chasing Langwan, and Joe might be there. At the moment of chasing, he has already determined that he will face both at the same time. The situation of a special team member, there is no reason why Duo would not think of this kind of thing. The two teenagers also thought about it. They just believed Du, so they all followed, thinking Du must have his plans, but now Du and Joe confront each other. , Lang Maru hasn't made a move yet, so there is really no way to show up on Along's side. Made a mistake?

   No, maybe Du has already guessed that this will be the case, and guessed that the opponent will attack him two-on-one, but he still chose to come, have absolute confidence in his own strength? Probably not. Even if Du is the champion of the four heavenly kings, it is still difficult for one person to deal with two special players. I'm afraid I know that I might fail, but I still have to come to protect my hometown... And bringing Aaron and Xiaomao is simply moved by the enthusiasm and perseverance of Aaron and Xiaomao, maybe the latter is the real mistake ...

Both Du and Qiao landed. The Rockets on both sides retreated. Looking around, many buildings have been pierced by rainbow cannons. There are also many large holes on the ground, but there is no relative dragon wave. Injury to any building, except hitting the air and disappearing, is hitting the ground. Even in the fierce confrontation just now, Du tried his best to protect Yanmo City, but from another aspect, maybe it can be said that Du has more power?

   Joe looked around, suddenly snapped his fingers, and immediately a group of Rockets players took out something from behind, it was a hammer drill! There are also very obtrusive strips. The Rockets first used a percussion drill to make a hole in the corner of the surrounding house, and then stuffed the thing in. All those things were connected to a box, and there was something on the box that seemed to switch...

   "That is!" Aaron recognized those things at once.

  Du frowned when he looked at it, and knew that thing too.

"I said, if you don't use your full strength, I will be very troubled. You seem to care about the houses around you. Then, if you are concerned about these buildings next, then I will detonate, even if you don't Attacking these things will also turn into ruins, and you can leave a shell when you attack it." Joe said, and then waved his hand, the Rockets immediately began to deal with the wires and moved all the wires to the side of the wall. To prevent being interrupted by the battle.

   Cross gritted his teeth and took a deep breath. It seems that he has made up his mind. This time, he is really going to do his best.

   "Yes, that's it, that's right, come out, Bangira!" Joe released another Pokémon, the armored Pokémon Bangira! However, after Banji pulled out, Joe made a gesture to him, and then there was no sandstorm. Banjira's characteristic sand dust can also be controlled at will in Joe's hands.

   "It seems that I can't keep a hand today, let's go!" Du also threw the Pokémon ball. What came out? It's a desert dragonfly!

   "En? Desert Dragonfly? Aaron, what's the matter? Desert Dragonfly is not one of the strongest formations, right? It has never appeared in the Four Heavenly Kings Tournament." Xiao Mao didn't know the inside story.

   "The desert dragonfly is indeed the main force of the crossing! It's just that the world has never been considered the main force." Aaron replied, not straightforward, but Xiao Mao also understood it.

"I got good information. It turns out that the desert dragonfly is the main force of the crossing. That's why this desert dragonfly was only used in the semi-finals of the Chengdu League. If you follow this line of thinking, then the leftovers The few Pokémon that I downloaded are..." Langwan actually began to calculate the Pokémon that crossed! And he smiled slowly...

   "Come on, Rainbow Cannon! Rock Blade!" Joe ordered an attack!

   "Dragon Wave! Hundred million tons of shock wave!" Du also ordered immediately.

   But, is it the Dragon's Wave and the Desert Dragonfly using the billion-ton shockwave? Or is the Dragon using the billion-ton shockwave and the Desert Dragonfly using the dragon's wave? At this moment Aaron suddenly couldn't make a judgment. This is also a scheme to disturb the enemy?

   Skills clashed right away, and it was revealed that both Pokémon used Dragon Wave! The desert dragonfly collided with the rainbow cannon of the dragon wave and the armor bird, exploded, and there was a burst of smoke! Then the fragments of the rock blade shot in, and there was also an explosion, but whether the explosion came from the Pokémon that hit Du or collided with another attack, no one knew. Du's two Pokémon are completely wrapped in smoke! Then two Pokémon rushed out, a double billion tons shock wave!

   "Yes, this is what I want to fight! Shadow Clone Technique!" Joe ordered.

   The armored bird became more than a dozen in an instant, and they all flew in the air. Although the directions were the same, it seemed that there was no possibility of hitting the armored bird. And Benjira on the ground also dragged its heavy body and used the shadow clone technique! A total of 8 appeared! Quick dragon and desert dragonfly turned immediately! You must know that it is very difficult to steer under the high-speed and high-impact skills of billion tons of shock waves, but it is so simple to do it... After changing the angle, the fast dragon hit 5 in a straight line. The clone, and then the desert dragonfly crashed into the remaining 3, one clone, the second is the real body, but Benjila also expected to be unable to avoid it, already stretched out his hand, trying to force the billions of desert dragonflies Tons of shock waves!

   bumped into each other, Ben Kira was hit and "moved" her feet backward! It has been pushing for seven or eight meters, which is enough to show its power, but in the end it was actually followed by Bangira! It is really awesome strength and strong body!

   "Grab it and destroy the dead light!" Joe ordered, sure to win!

   "Steel tail and dig a hole!" Du also ordered immediately.

   Banjila grabbed the head of the desert dragonfly, the desert dragonfly flapped its wings, then turned its body upside down, and the steel tail buckled directly onto Banjira's head from above. The steel tail is buckled down after drawing a semicircle in the air. The acceleration time is longer, the speed becomes greater, and the power is much greater than directly hitting it from one side! Banjila was let go by this blow, and the desert dragonfly immediately rushed into the ground.

   "Keep on attacking!" Joe still said that?

   The destruction and death light was emitted, and Ben Kira blasted towards the ground under her feet! Then there is a big bang! Set off a large cloud of smoke! Two Pokémon were enveloped.

   At this time, the aerial armor bird and the fast dragon did not get the master's order, but they were fighting on their own. The dragon wave, the rainbow cannon is still clashing! Comparing the attacks of the two Pokémon, it is obvious that Joe’s armored bird pays more attention to power, while the fast dragon that crosses focuses on accuracy and speed. As a result, the fast dragon hits a rainbow cannon, and the armor bird is hit. The fluctuation of the three-strike dragon, according to this data, should have been the advantage of the fast dragon station, but it seems that due to attribute reasons, the armor bird does not seem to be injured. On the contrary, the fast dragon seems to be hit by the powerful rainbow cannon. It’s not a coincidence. A simple explanation is that it is suspected of being a knowing blow in the game. It seems that it has suffered a lot of damage when it is hit. It also feels a bit tricky for air combat.

The smoke and dust slowly descended, and Ben Kira slammed into the rocks beside him, and then yelled. The desert dragonfly on the side gritted his teeth. It seems that the escape just now was also unsuccessful. To tell the truth, he broke the dead. Attacking the ground directly and then blasting the ground to attack the underground Pokémon could still inflict such damage. Aaron did not expect that, but the destruction of such a power means that the damage to Banjira himself cannot be ignored. It is double Injury tactics.

   Two fronts, one round of confrontation, it seems that Joe has the upper hand! The Four Heavenly King champion's Du was actually suppressed...

   "Nice, good feeling, I feel pretty good!" Joe said, also very happy, a little crazy happy...

"Joe, you really have become a lot stronger. It seems that you didn't waste training even when you got to the Rockets. No, I knew that for a long time. But I can't lose, I must protect this town! "Du said, with extraordinary perseverance, "Doubletwister!" Du once again decided to use one of his famous tricks, the Double Dragon Roll!

  The desert dragonfly also flew, very close to the fast dragon, and then the two Pokémon began to flap their wings quickly, and then two huge tornadoes appeared side by side! The surrounding gravel was also sucked in by this powerful suction! Aaron and Xiaomao are both in the crowd~lightnovelpub.net~ The wind is blocked by someone.

"Double Dragon Roll? For you who use dragons, Double Dragon Roll is a skill that you often use. Do you think I will challenge you without even having a way to deal with this trick? Rainbow Cannon! Destroy the death light!" Joe made immediately correspond.

   The armored bird also flew to the side of Banjira, and then the rainbow cannon and the destruction death beam were launched side by side! Although the skills used are different, the principle is the same as the double destruction dead light used by Langwan to deal with this trick. It is also prepared to use a powerful explosion to forcibly interrupt the double tornado!

"Joe, it's not that I don't want to do my best, but you underestimated me! I often use Double Dragon Roll. I naturally thought about the situation when the Double Dragon Roll was broken! And the method of breaking the Double Dragon Roll, the wolf pill, has already been used. , I won't be hindered twice by the same trick!" Du replied, "Divided!" Du shouted the word out loud.

   The wings of the two dragons in the air flap faster! Then, the two tornadoes close together were forcibly torn apart! The rainbow cannon and the destruction dead light, which had been sucked by the tornado and became very fast, could no longer be turned, passing between the two tornadoes.

   "And!" Du yelled another word. Soon the two dragons slammed their wings forward again, and the two tornadoes were back in parallel again! Moreover, the distance has been pushed a lot in the process of one-point-one-union just now! The armor bird can no longer escape the suction power of the twin tornadoes with its heavy wings! Banjira has the power to escape, but your speed in this strong wind is not as fast as the advancing speed of the double tornado... Both Pokémon are all caught in the storm!

   So far, 33 of the three gods have lost combat ability (died).