Police Detective

v1 Chapter 247: catastrophe

   Bai Song should be on duty tomorrow, but there is nothing wrong with today, Bai Song hastened back home, and read a book now.

   If there is nothing else to do tomorrow, I will still be on duty. The day after tomorrow’s exam is one’s own business, and the work is a collective matter. This is the case at the police station. Do your work well on the day of duty.

   Why do the police come whenever you call the police? It's nothing more than a policeman who has such a sense of responsibility.

   The exam is about to take place the day after tomorrow. I don't know if the scene is too impressive. Bai Song's mind is full of cases and cases. Fortunately, the hard work of the past year has not been in vain, and reading books now only deepens the impression.

Reading the books a hundred times is self-evident. Bai Song now reads these books and feels that he has the meaning of lifting weights lightly. There are many terms that were not understood before, such as the overlap of imagination, the overlap of laws, and various legal theories. Basically now it is easy to come by.

  What kind of experience is it to learn everything?

   Learning has become easier. Bai Song felt his mind became clearer. Reading the book and listening to the video, he suddenly felt extremely relaxed. He knocked the seeds, unknowingly, and lost half a catty of seeds.

   Bai Song skillfully took the melon seeds with his hands, eh... no more.

   I have to say, although this small stall looks quite broken, the melon seeds are quite delicious.

   Ordinary people can’t underestimate it... But, you can’t eat anymore, you will get angry if you eat it again...

   In the evening, Bai Song read a book and saw that Wang Liang was not at home. He himself felt a little uncomfortable. Thinking about moving to his house soon, Bai Song was also a little emotional.

  Growth is indeed an irreversible process.

   habitually checked WeChat, Bai Song found out that there were many unread messages in the group.

   The Zhou team took Wang Liang and others, and they arrived in Xiaoyuan County and started their work at 6 o'clock in the afternoon.

  Wang Liang himself, stayed in the computer room of the traffic control center in Xiaoyuan County for three hours at a stretch, and stunned the car that Chen had driven out.

   The car had been repainted and a new fake license plate was put on again. Wang Liang still found it and found the car.

  How to refurbish a used car?

   is very simple, give this car to a second-hand car dealer, and make sure that the dust and embroidery on your engine shell can be cleaned clearly...

   At about ten o'clock in the evening, Wang Liang found the car at the door of a family in the county seat.

   The owner of the car is a car bought from a second-hand car dealer a week ago, without a license, no license, oh no, it should be said that it is a fake license, thousands of dollars.

   After Wang Liang and others found the owner of the car, the owner also knew that the car had no formalities and was very cooperative. The police from the local traffic control department who accompanied them, by the way, punished the owner.

   I have to say that this car dealer is really too professional. Not only did he use tools to grind out several frame numbers and re-paint the surface, he also changed the displacement markings of the car.

   In fact, this is a little bit overwhelming. Anyone who understands the car can tell what displacement and model a certain car is. There are no clues related to the case on the car. I originally thought that we could find some rope fibers and blood stains from this car... But it was too clean... Used car dealers, god-like figures...

   Seeing this, Bai Song wanted to laugh, because... Zhang Wei is such a person...

   Through the car owner, I got some information and track of the second-hand car dealer who sold the car.

This car dealer is not a good person. It is impossible for a regular second-hand car dealer to accept this kind of unlicensed, undocumented, unidentified car, but this person dares to modify it and sell it out. This alone constitutes several crimes. Up.

   Actually, this car owner doesn’t know about the other things about the second-hand car dealer. The car dealer is very careful, but with Wang Liang, as long as you drive, it’s basically difficult to escape.

   It’s too easy to find a car when there is a camera on foot and you can’t find it.

   At 11 o'clock in the evening, Team Zhou, Wang Liang and others, as well as the police from the local police station, found the second-hand car dealer in a bungalow.

   After interrogation, this car was indeed collected some time ago. The person who sold the car to him should be the same person as Fei Peng and the young man mentioned by Li Fen. Obtained the necessary information from the car dealer. The local public security department summoned the car dealer in accordance with the law on the basis of the suspected crime of concealing and concealing criminal proceeds. This car, the final outcome is to be returned to Chen's parents.

   The murder suspect drove the car away after Chen's death. In fact, it could be regarded as a robbery. Therefore, the one who collected the car, knowing that the origin of the car was unknown, still collected the car, must be a crime.

   It’s not that you don’t admit it. Simply put, how can an unlicensed and unlicensed car be okay?

   Bai Song looked at the chat history in WeChat and was a little hungry. He basically doesn't eat anything at this time, but he has eaten a bowl of noodles at noon and has not eaten anything until now. Bai Song went to the refrigerator.

   Bai Song just remembered, Wang Liang said that there is food in the refrigerator, what is it?

   When I opened it, it turned out to be half a box of oysters.

what? When I was in the unit yesterday, Wang Liang actually ate oysters behind his back?

  Wang Liang and Bai Song are the people of Shandong Province who like to eat seafood, and the local people of Tianhua City like to eat seafood. There is even a saying that "dangdang eating seafood is not too bad." The word "dangdang" is pronounced as four tones, which means to **** things at the pawnshop, and you will not be said to eat seafood.

   Oysters are raw oysters. They are not expensive. Half a box is four or five catties. There is not much meat. This thing cannot be stored for a long time~lightnovelpub.net~ I brushed the white pine with water and decided to steam it all.

   More than ten minutes later, Bai Song was holding the pot and feasting on the computer beside the computer.

   The oysters are not very fresh anymore. They didn't open their mouth very much. After searching for a long time, Bai Song didn't find anything like a knife, so he could only use a pair of scissors to insert it into the gap and take a hard turn to open an oyster.

Maybe it’s because Bai Song is a little late to think about it. The taste of oysters is not as good as expected. It is a bit annoying not to eat a few white pine. This scissors is really not easy to use. If there is a knife...well, no, this is also It's not easy to use. If it is, a triangular iron piece is fine.

   Bai Song is horrified. If Bai Song's brain is a computer, at this moment, it must be overloaded, and suddenly it crashed.

   Murderer, is a seafood seller? ? ?

   No, my brain burnt...

   Bai Song closed his eyes, and the clues about the case in his mind were quickly connected in series. It turns out that the truth is as simple as that, right in front of me...

   Although it was already past twelve o'clock, Bai Song directly called the horse detachment.

   "Hello? What's the matter?" Ma Detachment answered the phone and asked directly.

   "Horse Detachment, do you believe me?"



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