Police Detective

v1 Chapter 284: Butterfly II

If Bai Song is given another chance, Bai Song will definitely not make such a low-level mistake.

   As a detective, he caught a suspect living on the second floor and made him jump down from the second floor. This is a work mistake. Everyone didn't take it seriously for the third team to catch a thief.

   Thieves, they are not murderers. There are not many policemen who ran away. Thieves mainly steal things to hide themselves. Once they can't hide, they basically cooperate well, otherwise they will find themselves guilty.

  Because of this, Sun Dong and others felt that things were stable, so they followed Bai Song and knocked directly on the door.

   And, who would have thought that the thief would jump off the building and run away after calling a courier? Bai Song really didn't expect that this was the thief who had actually met him.

   This is too coincidental.

   And who would have thought that this yellow hair is so extreme?

   When Bai Song was about to catch up with him, he didn't know if his brain was broken. Evil came from the guts and pushed away the little girl who was waiting for the green light. Then he ran out.

This white pine crossed a back and forth road, the green light time was about to end, and the cars not far away had already started to slow down, and the three or four cars near the zebra crossing were all at a speed of about 50km per hour. According to their speed, these cars Can pass before the yellow light comes. And the direction the little girl fell is the rightmost lane, and in this lane, there happens to be a Wuling Light!

   The little girl’s father was still on the phone before the little girl was pushed down, and the moment the child was pushed down, he didn’t notice at all.

   The people around exclaimed, and they avoided the galloping yellow hair. At this time, only two people focused on the little girl.

   The driver and Bai Song.

   The driver's reaction was amazing, he slammed on the brakes, and then slammed the steering wheel to the left.

   The speed is 50km per hour, and the braking distance of the loaded Wuling car should be 12-15 meters. Although the driver reacts quickly, it is impossible to stop the car.

Bai Song didn't think so much. He was already a step away from Huang Mao. At this time, he didn't care about chasing Huang Mao. He jumped to the little girl, grabbed her, and then pushed her towards the girl. father.

   After that, Bai Song only felt a pain in his head, his eyes went dark, and he didn't know anything.


   hit Wuling on the steering wheel, because it was a bit rush to the left, and did not form a very good steering, the car suddenly turned to the right. The van has a high center of gravity. The driver wanted to pull it back when it turned over. He only had to turn the direction to the right and the car could not turn over.

   But the driver’s worries about the girl’s safety prevailed at this time. He still turned the steering wheel to the left. The car hit the ground directly on the right, rolled over, and slid seven or eight meters on the ground.

  Wuling is a rear-wheel drive car. When it rolls over, it may also be the cause of the load behind. The rear half of the body comes up behind, and the rollover car completes a 180-degree turn in place.

   The rear wheel slammed into Bai Song's head. Because one rear wheel was still on the ground, it was not completely braked, and this car did not have a differential lock. The other rear wheel of the same transmission rod still maintained the same speed as the ground rear wheel, and it hit Bai Song on the head.

   Such a big accident caught everyone's attention at the intersection.

   The behavior of Huang Mao pushing the little girl just now was seen by several people. At this time, when Bai Song fell to the ground, several young men couldn't be more angry and blocked the yellow hair together.

   The yellow hair was blocked, and only then quickly calmed down. He turned his head to see that the Bai Song behind him had fallen to the ground. He collapsed on the ground suddenly, completely frightened, and didn't know what he had done.

   The girl's father then understood what had just happened, patted a little bit of dirt on the girl's body, looked around, hugged the terrified daughter quickly, turned and ran away.

   In fact, even if Bai Song is sober at this time, he may not care about the girl's father's behavior. After all, without his own decision-making mistakes and chasing, such a bad incident would not happen.


   20 minutes later.

   "Where is that thief!!!"

   Jiuhe District Central Hospital, emergency room.

   Sun Tang lowered his voice, rushed into the canthus, and shouted at Sun Dong.

   Team Li pulled Suntang’s arm, "I’m to blame for this."

"You don't want to be a good person for me. I know this. No one blames him. He is the inspector. He takes care of it himself! It has nothing to do with you!" Sun Tang said furiously, "Sun Dong, that thief is being caught by you now. Where do I put it? I'm going to see, this little bear, with a few heads, dare to kill people in the street!"

   Sun Tang had already understood the ins and outs of the whole thing for the first time. Bai Song made several mistakes in chasing people like this. As an old policeman, he naturally knew. However, Huang Mao's behavior completely angered Sun Tang. Without Huang Mao's push, how could such a serious matter happen?

   What he said is actually correct, this yellow hair, on the road, in such a dangerous situation, knowing that there are fast-moving vehicles on the road, pushing the little girl onto the road, this behavior is an intentional killing!

   Although the attempt was unsuccessful, the nature of the case will not change.

   "Sun Tang, this is a hospital, pay attention to your image." Director Ma took three or four people and rushed to the emergency room. He heard the voice from here, facing Sun Tang at this time with a cold expression.

   Sun Tang snorted ~lightnovelpub.net~ and took a step back to make way.

   If it wasn't for Ma Donglai with outsiders behind, he wouldn't want to give the deputy director's face! He and Ma Donglai and Team Li are both graduated policemen. They are about the same age, and their positions do not deter Sun Tang at all. However, when there are outsiders, Sun Tang still suppressed his emotions, but still clenched his fists. .

   "How is the person?" Director Ma asked about the condition for the first time.

   "It's not clear yet, in the rescue, no one of us can enter the rescue room." Team Li replied.

   "How about observing the situation?" Director Ma continued to ask.

   "Just now in the ambulance, the doctor has started oxygen supply, breathing and pulse are all there, and pupil reflex is weak."

   "Pupillary reflection is weak?" Director Ma revealed his eyes, his scorching eyes seemed to be able to see through the walls of the rescue room, and then said, "Where is the thief?"

   Team Li took a look at Sun Tang, and then said: "In our team, I didn't run away."

   "How is the handling of the accident at the scene? How is the driver of the car?"

   "There is no problem, the crane lifted the car up and straightened it, and it can still be driven. The driver only had some skin injuries." Captain Li carefully recalled the situation at the scene that he had just heard: "No other personnel were injured."

   "Okay, the little girl has no time to find it. She is the victim of a very serious case." Director Ma asked a few questions, then arranged some things, then turned and left, and went upstairs from the elevator of the hospital.

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