Police Detective

v1 Chapter 34: Integrated intelligence

"Well, it's feasible. The other party is two people. I don't think we will be able to come back today. Since there is only one way, we will stay here to work." Team Zhou said: "Bai Song, you will go to town with Xiao Ma today. Be smart and ask. If these two people go back to town, how many people will know. If it goes well, you will be back in the evening." Team Zhou turned to Ma Zhiyuan and said, "Little Ma, you will stay with Bai Song for another day. We don’t have money. I will give you less."

  " Team Zhou, you don't have to worry about it. You will know if the two of them have gone to town until noon at most. "Bai Song smiled.

  "Huh?" Team Zhou was stunned for a moment and thought for a while, only then realized that the postman Ma will be in the village at noon today. It's easy to ask who he meets on the road at that time.

If Bai Song meets Lao Ma and is sure that the person has returned to the hometown, Bai Song will return directly and go with Team Zhou and the others. By the way, we can follow Lao Ma to Li's house. On the contrary, if Lao Ma has not met To these two people, then waiting for them to come back here, it must be right.

  Thinking of this, Team Zhou was very happy. Before, he thought there was something tricky about the Ma Detachment arranging a trainee police officer to travel on business. Only now is it moved.

  Ma Zhiyuan didn’t say anything. He charged 50 yuan a day yesterday because he wanted to come here to sell goods. If you give up your business and become a guide, the guide in this mountain will not be at this price. But for him, who is full of justice, this is not a problem.

   Bai Song simply packed his backpack, and set off with Ma Zhiyuan. Because he had to come back at night, Ma Zhiyuan left many horses, and there was nothing to pull. The two set off on two horses.

   The journey went smoothly. At around nine o'clock in the morning, I ran into the old horse. In places where there is no communication, many things are actually not difficult. Everyone has an agreement and then abides by the agreement, it's OK.

After chatting with Lao Ma, I was sure that no one was going out in the morning. Bai Song and Lao Ma left a phone number and made an agreement. If there is any remittance in the future, he must send a text message to Bai Song, Lao. Ma Xinran agreed.

   It was eleven o'clock in the morning when he returned to the town. Bai Song got off his horse and moved his bones. He agreed with Ma Zhiyuan to meet here, and then handed the horse to Ma Zhiyuan.

   Turn on, the signal of that frame means that you have come to a civilized society.

   I found a hillside where the signal was not bad, and Bai Song dialed the phone.

   "What's the situation?" After receiving the call, Ma Detachment remained concise.

   Bai Song 151 reported what he had seen, heard and discovered in the past two days, as well as the plans of the Zhou team and everyone, and the Ma Detachment.

  "Do the two people you mentioned carry weapons?" asked the horse detachment.

   Bai Song never thought that the Ma Detachment would ask this first, but still answered honestly: "We don't know."

  "Mischief." At this time, the Ma Detachment understood why the Zhou team would let Bai Song come out to contact and stay there, the three and the other two, who would dare to say that there is no danger? In this case, the old police cherish the new police...

   The four of them originally came to check their household registration. They traveled a long way by plane, and no one planned to carry weapons or the possibility of danger in this mission.

"In this way, you can contact the police office in your town, ask them to help out two people, bring the necessary equipment, and go to the village you mentioned in the afternoon with you." Ma Detachment said: "I will find the city bureau as soon as possible. Send a letter of assistance to that side. When you see Team Zhou, convey to me that your safety comes first. Second, the issue of cost does not need to be considered by you. There is a necessary cost, no matter what Don’t worry about how much. Thirdly, after you see the postman Ma, tell him that if there are any remittances of this kind in the future, be sure to let us know."

  "Good horse detachment, I know. What you said and the old horse's instructions, I have already told him. "Bai Song remembered what the horse detachment said: "Do you have any instructions?"

"No instructions." The Ma team said: "A few days after you walked, according to the clues and pseudonyms of the remittance slip you provided yesterday, we found Li's bearer safe in the bank, and found two pieces of good looks in it. The emerald and one hundred thousand Vietnamese dong in cash. She did not find her remittance record. It may be in another bank. It is still being investigated here. You can also tell Team Zhou about these clues."

  "One hundred thousand VND? A lot of money?" Bai Song asked, could this be the money Lee wanted to use to buy a house?

  " One dollar can be exchanged for several thousand, and this one hundred thousand, it is estimated that you can buy a box of mineral water. "The horse detachment is also quite confused. Both jadeites are unprocessed rough stones, which cost hundreds of thousands to find professionals, but I really don't understand what the 100,000 Vietnamese dong in it means.

   Bai Song is speechless, what kind of money is this so worthless...

  " Ma Detachment, I have an immature idea. "Bai Song pondered for a few seconds.

  "Don't be so polite, just say something. UU reading www.uukānshu.com" Ma Detachment said generously.

"Well, that's the case. I'm still thinking about it. The two jadeites you mentioned are rough. Then, is there such a possibility that Li himself or her friend has a waterjet cutting machine? And Engaged in cutting jadeite rough? If this is the case, we should not only check from these two jadeites, but also pay attention to the sources of jadeite in major jewelry stores in the near future." Bai Song said: "In my impression, the main producing areas of jadeite It's Myanmar, and it happens to be Nanjiang Province that borders Myanmar. The people Li brought home a few years ago, that is, the two people who are suspected to be in the village now, may be emerald merchants, or simply smuggled."

   Bai Song was obsessed with the waterjet cutting machine, and said all he thought in his heart in one breath.

  "You boy, continue."The horse team did not comment, but encouraged.

  "Huh?"Bai Song was flattered. He was afraid that the leader would say that he was clever, and these things would have been checked a long time ago.

   "Ah what, what you said is a bit interesting, then I will listen."

"If this is the case, is it possible that the murderer was for a certain piece of jade? I heard that some jadeites are very valuable. Could it be because when I cut the rough jadeite, I found a very valuable jade, and it was with Li. Friends kill and eat alone?" Bai Song said: "If this is the case, there may be a problem where there is a particularly expensive jadeite that looks particularly good recently, and that is, the two people in the village are themselves suspected of committing crimes."

"Your analysis is reasonable. So, when you go to the township police station, say one more thing and let them pay attention to the response. I will send you a few reinforcements, fly in the afternoon, and rush to Dabai County overnight, the fastest tomorrow. In the afternoon, I will be there for you." The Ma Detachment hung up after speaking.