Police Detective

v2 Chapter 344: Shonan Yukiji

After    the dishes came up, Wang Liang knew that the pepper used for frying bacon here is not the pepper among the local population, at best it can only be regarded as a vegetable pepper.

  Wang Liang usually likes to eat this kind of big chili pepper, but at this moment, he still looks a little scared, and he doesn't dare to eat it at all. He can only eat the meat inside. This bacon is indeed very delicious, very good for dinner, there are not many people here, a few people eat and chat.

   "Why did this Zuo Pingping spend so much money? It's really enough." Wang Liang said with some feeling.

   In the afternoon, several people found a new bank card from Zuo Pingping's multiple bank accounts, and quickly went to the bank to check. Judging from the content of the account, after Zuo Pingping received the money, she immediately went to another bank, applied for her own bank card, and deposited the money directly.

   After all, for ordinary people, keeping hundreds of thousands of cash in their hands is still very unreliable, and it is safe to deposit in the bank.

   It's not a long time. The cost in this card has reached more than 160,000, leaving more than 230,000.

   After finding the result, the three of them reported the matter to the leader. After receiving this information, the Qin Detachment directly issued an order to freeze the card.

   The freezing procedures have also been brought, and the three directly froze Zuo Pingping's bank card at the bank for 180 days. It doesn't matter whether or not it will kill the snake. Once many people like Zuo Pingping have money, the speed at which they spend money is simply astonishing.

   Tomorrow morning, a few people will go to the UnionPay department to find out where every money is spent.

   "After her card is frozen, will she run away?" Wang Liang asked worriedly.

   The reason for the freeze was that Zuo Pingping could spend all the money in it this evening, so that even if the case is solved, it would be troublesome if there is no executable property.

"I ran away and chased him directly online." Inspector Wang said hardly: "In fact, I think the Qin Detachment is in trouble with this matter. What is the crime of embezzlement? To me, it is this Zuo Pingping who cheated Shi's money. Let’s go. Let’s catch Zuo Pingping according to the fraud. The rest depends on how she explains!"

"You can't be wrong when you say that," Wang Liang said: "It would be great if the case could be opened like this, and the initiative is with us. But don't worry, Zuo Pingping checked it out by phone, and she must find the day stone in her call records. The person who borrowed the phone, it is estimated that at most the day after tomorrow, he will be found on the other side of the team.

   He lent his mobile phone to Shi. Even if Shi gave him money, he couldn't be too far away from Shi. He could hear something. "

   "You're right, it's worth looking forward to." Sun Dong picked up a purple vegetable locally called "Aphrodisiac" with chopsticks, "Wang Liang, you have grown up too."

   "What?" Wang Liang was a little dissatisfied by Sun Dong's praise: "I've always been very creative, okay?"

   Sun Dong glanced at Wang Liang and smiled, as if he knew something. But he didn't mention much, and went on to say: "The aphrodisiac that their locals are talking about, I thought it was leeks, what is this?"

   "Local characteristics, eat, eat, eat." Wang Liang snorted, "It's all gimmicks, I don't know what wild vegetables it is."

Although I don’t include chili, except for scrambled eggs with tomatoes, the other dishes are somewhat spicy. Wang Liang misses the time when he was in Nanqian Province last year. At that time, he also ate spicy pepper, but at least three brothers were uncomfortable with him. ~

   No words for a night.

   The next day, Friday morning, Wang Liang and the other three went to UnionPay as soon as possible to investigate Zuo Pingping's consumption records.

   The bill shows that more than half of the money, which is more than 90,000 yuan, was spent in a plastic surgery hospital in Changhe City.

  All of you present, we were chatting yesterday, always wondering, why can we spend so much money?

   Several people thought that the 90,000 yuan spent on Zuo Pingping’s bill was for buying a car. If this is the case, the car could be sealed off. Some people said that it might be a shop. But now that the results came out, several people found that they still don't understand this kind of woman.

   had a facelift...

   This hospital is very famous in Changhe City. Three famous people have seen the advertisement of this hospital in the past few days, but no one has thought that this is actually the case.

   Immediately afterwards, the detachment also found the person who had borrowed the phone from Shi at that time, and this person really heard some relevant content.

   Shimou indeed called Zuo Pingping, as Bai Song said, hoping she would arrange the money, and he also asked her to leave her fifty thousand, and the rest to his parents.

   This buddy said that Shi had been on the phone with each other for a long time, basically always remembering the years of the two people, but Shi had emphasized it several times and gave each other fifty thousand, so this buddy is still fresh in his memory.

   This personal testimony can be said to be very precious, but at the same time, there is no possibility of establishing a fraud case.

"The case of embezzlement, handed over..." Inspector Wang has been a little busy these days, mainly because he is really unaccustomed to the food here, and some get angry: "We can't deal with this kind of case. ."

   "You are the leader," Wang Liang said: "You say go~lightnovelpub.net~ Let's go now."

   "Uh, I didn't say to leave." Inspector Wang would not be urged by Wang Liang.

  Although there is a personal testimony from the owner of the phone, this is actually not enough. We should find out the outcome of the case. After all, we have a system that ignores personal testimony and emphasizes evidence.

   "Continue to investigate." Sun Dong didn't say much, and looked to the north: "For a while, I can't go back."

"Yes, with her plastic surgery, the case has become more difficult." Inspector Wang sighed, "Go to this hospital in a while and see where she has been repaired. In terms of time, it should still be there now. The recovery period may be easy to grasp."


   Bai Song took a taxi to his home last night. Today, there was a taxi-hailing unit. When he arrived at the unit, he and Liu Shuyuan together realized that he had entered a misunderstanding.

   Taxi drivers always run radio stations, but they are not stupid. They will change channels immediately when they hear some messy advertising stations. Is it possible to listen to an advertising station for half an hour?

   In the taxi in Tianhua City, the radio basically only broadcasts three things: news, songs, and cross talk. Especially the cross talk, the taxi drivers here are basically experts.

   got off the car twice, but Bai Song didn't learn anything else, and almost memorized the names of several generations of masters in the cross talk world.

   "So, why don't you ask some old ladies in the community?" Liu Shuyuan suggested: "Why don't we go to the community health center nearby in the afternoon, what do you think?"

   "Okay, no problem." Bai Song felt that it made sense and re-arranged the itinerary with Liu Shuyuan.