Police Detective

v2 Chapter 345: Higher-level lectures

The itinerary was arranged, but before departure, Bai Song received a call from Cao Detachment.

This morning, do not arrange other work for the time being, and went to the conference room for a meeting. After receiving the order, the two directly cancelled the trip and ran to the conference room.

Investigating cases these days, in order to start earlier, Bai Song has not come to the conference room for a morning meeting for several days, but after all, he has been here for a few weeks. Basically, I am familiar with Bai Song. I meet Bai Song frequently on the road. greet.

404 meeting room.

It was less than 8:20 when Bai Song came, and the room was almost full. The two of them found a back position to sit down together. Bai Song keenly discovered that there were only two chairs on the table.

While waiting, Bai Song flipped through the stack of files on his seat and chatted with Liu Shuyuan. There were more and more people in the house.

Soon, Cao Detachment led a few people into the house, led two people to sit on the podium, and then stood by and made an introduction.

"Let me give you a brief introduction. These two comrades are from the superior non-absorbed case investigation bureau. This is Director Lin and this is Director Sui. They are both experts on such cases. Many comrades have seen them before. This is the teacher invited by the Municipal Bureau to give you a lecture. I will give you a training this morning and share some experience with us by the way." Cao Detachment finished the introduction and sat directly in the first row below.

Bai Song and Liu Shuyuan were a little excited. The higher-level department is the higher-level department, and there is such a bureau specifically responsible for the crime of illegally absorbing public deposits? The two were excited, but found that the colleagues around were unmoved. Most of them took out a notebook and prepared to record something.

It seems that many people have seen these two before, and Bai Song gradually calmed down and listened to the lesson carefully.

This should be the most professional person in economic cases that Bai Song has ever seen. Taking a few key transcripts as examples, he gave a detailed account of the detection techniques and sorting techniques of such cases.

After talking for more than half an hour, it did not help Bai Song much. These methods were not much different from the methods that Director Ma once introduced. Bai Song has also read these transcripts and gave Bai Song a kind of "I am on me." "Also" illusion.

On the other hand, Liu Shuyuan frowned. He hasn't even read the evidence book now. Hearing the case is basically a brow.

After talking about this, the next content is about money return.

Generally speaking, the public security bureau is not responsible for returning most of the money, but there are indeed some "lucky guys" whose money transferred to this company has not been transferred, and it has been frozen in the account by the public security bureau.

There is still a part, after the account is frozen, still investing, so the money that comes in will continue to be frozen in the account.

This kind of freezing is generally frozen out but not in. Remittances are allowed, but remittances are not allowed. This is a one-way freezing.

These two types of money can be refunded directly without the need for a subsequent court judgment and an incidental civil lawsuit.

Returning this part of the money is also a good thing, which is more conducive to subsequent statistics and can effectively alleviate some social conflicts.

With this kind of money alone, there are billions in the account. It may be that this group of people did not expect to be so successful before, and it is not clear how to use so much money...

This part is also not very useful to Bai Song. Although he does not understand, he is not responsible for this matter, but it is still okay to listen to it. After listening to it for a while, Bai Song felt a little sleepy.

The last content is psychological counseling. Among the two superiors who came here, one was a special psychological counselor, mainly to provide some psychological counseling to the police handling cases here.

This is something that Bai Song didn't expect, is there such an operation...

Bai Song has been in many units, and the most intense work is probably the police station, but the police station really lacks these psychological counseling, and too much work is suppressed here.

However, to arrange these for the police station, it is better to arrange more rest...or arrange more police force~

Speaking of more than ten o'clock, the next is free communication time.

When everyone chatted, Bai Song found that many people were familiar with these two comrades from higher levels, and the chats were relatively casual. Many of them were irrelevant to the case, such as the theory of crime, the number of crimes, and some discussions about crime and innocence. .

It can be seen that people at different levels of research are indeed different. Provincial and state-level agencies are indeed more professional and theoretical in analyzing cases, while police stations deal with some daily tasks. When people go to the police station to give lectures, it is estimated that they cannot communicate at all.

Among them is a theory that Bai Song has been thinking about for a long time, which is called criminal inertia.

If a person has committed some minor crimes, but is not punished, then he will become more and more indulgent in illegal behavior, produce criminal inertia, and gradually escalate his criminal behavior.

It is indeed reasonable. Many thieves that Bai Song has seen will become more and more courageous if they are not caught, and so do many fraudsters.

If you want it to perish, you must make it crazy. This is a truth.

After the meeting, it was almost time to eat. Bai Song was about to leave. After being greeted by Cao Detachment, he went to the office of Cao Detachment.

The office of Cao Detachment is not big, with a total of two sofas and one chair. When Bai Song went in, he found that the two leaders who had just lectured were also there, and he felt a little restrained.

"You find a stool~lightnovelpub.net~ to sit." Cao Detachment smiled and greeted Bai Song: "These two have come to us four times. They are familiar with our case. I want to hear from you. Views on the main culprit in this case."

"Huh?" Bai Song was a little nervous: "I don't have any opinion..."

"It's okay, just know what to say." Cao Detachment encouraged.

Four times...Bai Song thought to himself, even if these two people are experts, but only a few times, their understanding of the case may not be so strong, so he mustered up the courage and said all his thoughts, and finally Said: "According to my understanding of this principal culprit, this person is not short of money. He may have been a rich man before this case. He was very calm in doing things. He may not even have participated in the formation of this company before, but It must be the initiator and the main controller."

"Generally, the initiators of this kind of cases are rich people who are bankrupt. They can't make money through the right way, so they think about these bad ways." Director Lin nodded: "The character you mentioned is just like us. The previous analysis is more consistent."

"Well, but I personally think it's still a bit different." Bai Song said: "I don't think he is a rich man who is bankrupt. He shouldn't worry about money all the time."