Police Detective

v2 Chapter 347: Game

   "Need to contact the local police?" Wang Liang asked Inspector Wang.

   "In this case, it is probably useless to find the local police." Inspector Wang thought for a while, "Go back to the hotel, change uniforms, and wander around in their lobby."

   Sun Dong glanced at Inspector Wang, and nodded slightly.

   Jiang is still old and spicy... The first time Wang Liang found out that Inspector Wang had something to do, the three of them went straight down the stairs.

   Now that the stairs have been taken, there are three floors in total. Everyone didn't plan to change the elevator anymore, and went straight down the stairs in one breath.

This place downstairs is the place where there were women and the hospital just downstairs, but at this time the woman who was tossing had already left. Several people dressed as doctors and nurses nearby were talking about their facial features with other girls who came for plastic surgery. Defects and cosmetic procedures.

  Wang Liang took a look. The woman was indeed gone just now, and left the hospital with the two seniors.

It’s not the first time that Wang Liang has been on a business trip in such a long time. He has seen a lot of various cases. At this moment, he naturally understands why Inspector Wang and others are not willing to contact the local police, but they are right. This hospital is more vigilant.

   After half an hour, the three of them again came to the first floor of the plastic surgery hospital in uniforms.

  According to the plan made on each road, the three of them acted separately, picked up their mobile phones to take pictures, and emphatically checked the fire control settings and various departments. When they saw all the customers who came to consult, they checked it out.

In less than ten minutes, several leaders came downstairs. The leader was a woman in her 40s. Although there were no wrinkles on her face, the three of them could tell her true age was about 45 years old. .

   The woman smiled like a flower, and directly greeted Inspector Wang: "Oh, several leaders, is there anything going on here? Why don't you make a call first?"

Inspector Wang smiled, this smile is a bit meaningful. Obviously this woman has been observing them for a while, otherwise she won’t find him the first time to lead the team, “It’s okay, you have a big family here and you’re so busy. Let’s take a look. If you have something to do, you will be busy first. If you visit such a big hospital, you may not be able to finish shopping in a few days."

   "Leader you said and laughed", the woman was a little bit confused about Inspector Wang's intentions, and she didn't know what level of leader this was, she immediately invited: "Don't get tired, go, go and sit in my office."

   There are two ways to raise the police rank. First, according to the normal level, one promotion for three years or one promotion for several years. As long as there is a salary at the senior level, you do not need to be a leader. It is normal to have two bars and three flowers in the early 40s, which is a first-level police inspector. Inspector Wang has also received awards for meritorious service many times. Although he is not a leader, he has also made it to the first level of police inspector.

   The other is the current leader. For example, Bai Song was originally a third-level superintendent, and he could only become a second-level superintendent after four years of work. However, because his duties quickly reached the deputy division, Bai Song is now a second-level superintendent. Those in their thirties who became police inspectors and put on white shirts were all jumpy people.

  Theoretically speaking, if the deputy director of the Changhe City Public Security Bureau here is not experienced enough, he might still have two bars.

   Therefore, at the level of Inspector Wang, the hospital staff can't figure it out no matter how good they are.

   The three of you were also welcome, and went straight to the 4th floor. Although there were no buttons in the elevator, the woman in the lead swiped a card and the elevator stopped on the fourth floor.

   is still the 404 office just now. The decoration inside is as bad as the outside. Take the elevator from the first floor directly to the fourth floor. The contrast is very big.

   The woman led three people into the office by herself, and the others evacuated.

   There is a sofa inside. The woman motioned for the three of them to sit, and then gave each of them a bottle of mineral water. Although it looks ordinary here, the mineral water is actually French Evian. Wang Liang was just thirsty. Regardless of other things, he drank half a bottle after unscrewing it.

   "This person, please adjust the situation of plastic surgery here." Inspector Wang handed the woman a note with Zuo Pingping's ID number. 78 Chinese Premiere

   "Is there anything else I need to check?" the woman asked with a smile.

   "I only need this for the time being." Inspector Wang said: "It has nothing to do with your hospital. I want to find this person."

   When the woman heard that she didn't come to the hospital, she immediately felt relieved. She called someone directly, took the note away, and then asked the three of them to warm up. It's not so much caring, but it's actually wanting to be a sidekick.

   Sun Dong didn't say a word, Wang Liang pretended to be silly all the time. Inspector Wang is an old man. Don't look at his usual words. He has been in the serious crime team for 20 years. Can he be a simple character?

   The more the girl talks, the more confused...

   Almost ten minutes later, someone knocked on the door, beckoned to the woman, and called the woman out. There should be some whispers that were inconvenient for the three to listen to.

   Wang Liang had long been staring at the watch on the wall. There were some names and phone numbers of key hospital staff. He took a picture of his mobile phone~lightnovelpub.net~ and drank the mineral water as expected.

Soon, the woman came back and saw that the positions of the three of them did not change. She was relieved and smiled: "We just found out the information of this customer. She had booked to come today. For the second operation, the doctor and surgical equipment were prepared, but they did not come today. It stands to reason that this should give us liquidated damages... What are the few people who come to her for?"

   "You can just copy her surgery information and invoices to me." Inspector Wang didn't explain much, and took out a notice of evidence retrieval from his bag.

"Hey, don’t I believe you yet?" The woman did not accept Inspector Wang’s formalities, and directly handed a folder in her hand to Inspector Wang: “These are all photocopies, and there are related information about our hospital. A copy of the license will be taken with you.” The fastest computer terminal of 78 Chinese update: https://

   The woman looked very angry, but Inspector Wang remained unmoved, and pointed to the procedures in her hand, "You can do without my procedures, but I need a receipt here. The receipt needs to be stamped with the official seal of the hospital."

"Um, it's easy to talk." The woman didn't feel unhappy at all. She seemed indifferent and took the two pieces of paper handed over by Inspector Wang and walked slowly to the desk. Her walking speed was obviously slower than usual. When she walked away After arriving at the desk, I have determined that there is nothing wrong with the procedure. Then I took out a chapter from the drawer. I didn’t even read the procedure. I stamped it and raised my head to the three people and said, “Our hospital has always cooperated with the police. Come to me whenever you need it."

   After finishing speaking, a bright red seal was attached to the document.