Police Detective

v2 Chapter 364: Detailed analysis one

"I don't know what to say." Zhao Xinqiao lowered his head: "This is definitely not a trivial matter, I...can't help you."


   Bai Song exhaled deeply, not knowing what to say.


   The casual guarantee is meaningless. This is what makes Bai Song sad the most.


   Facing the unknown answer, Bai Song quite has a seven-foot body, and it feels like Xu Qing is no longer in trouble.


"Many of our classmates have become police officers." Zhao Xinqiao saw that Bai Song's condition was a bit unwell, and in turn comforted him: "Although this industry is dangerous, I can understand it. It's just that this matter is too special. You must add more. heads up."


   "I will." Bai Song still did not promise anything: "When this matter is completely resolved, I will explain the matter to Zhou Xuan and apologize to her."




   Zhou Xuan is an internet celebrity with her own traffic. Let her know this in advance, which is definitely not a good thing for her. In case she thinks too much or says something unintentionally, things are likely to have other deflection.


   The Internet is too public, especially big Vs and celebrities. One sentence is likely to cause many other problems.




   After taking a taxi to take Zhao Xinqiao home, Bai Song first went to the restaurant at the door and called her a meal delivery service. You can't cook boiled fish by yourself, and it's good to eat at this restaurant. Then Bai Song planned to return to the Criminal Investigation Detachment by himself.


   The boss finally recognized Bai Song. There are indeed not many people who order the same dish for three days, and he readily agreed to deliver the food to Bai Song. After all, the distance to send is not too far, and this is a regular customer.


  Leaving the hotel, Bai Song's mind was very confused. He planned to take a taxi back to the team, but he sat in a chair on the side of the road and started dazed.


   This thing happened too quickly, so anxious that he couldn't calm down and think about the ins and outs of the matter.


   At this time, the traffic on the road was endless and the pedestrians were bustling, but Bai Song's heart calmed down.


  Didi’s horns occasionally sounded. This is an intersection, and there is a subway station nearby. Temporary parking owners accounted for one-third of the road, which intensified the congestion, but the overall situation was still somewhat orderly.


   It is not difficult to analyze this matter.


   On the surface, someone wanted to kill Bai Song and bought a driver to create a traffic accident. If the crime of causing a traffic accident can be found in the end, then the perpetrator will not be sentenced for too long. If the crime of causing a traffic accident results in the death of one person and does not escape, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention. For this kind of sentence, if the buyer promises a good deal, it is not impossible to use sufficient profit temptation.


   But, at a deeper level, the murderer is not stupid. He clearly knew that the police would not be fooled by such a simple trick. Although the brake failure may happen, it is impossible to be such a coincidence.


   And once the so-called bought-in driver is defined as a criminal suspect for intentional homicide and faces a possible death penalty, how could he not confess?


   Everyone knows how untestable the human heart is.


   Therefore, it is inevitable that the truck has a seat belt problem-the driver is also a victim, and the person who bought him did not want him to live.


   Only dead people are the safest. This is very realistic.


   Bai Song didn't even doubt that the clues behind this car and many clues were difficult to find, or there was still a middleman in between.


   In other words, the person who hired the driver is probably not the real suspect.


   If you continue to meditate and consider this issue carefully, although this case may be very complicated, if you break it apart, you still need to find an intermediary.


   Although this driver is dead, he is not punishable by criminal law, but this does not mean that he is not a criminal suspect for intentional homicide.


   This case will not be opened because the perpetrator of the crime has died. On the contrary, the Second Brigade has filed a case for investigation-the cause of the crime, the crime of intentional homicide.


   In such a case, whether it is Captain Zhou or Qin Detachment, it is very stressful.


   This is an attempted homicide case. From the point of view of the criminal motive, the criminal must have a motive for the homicide, and the purpose is to cause the death of the people in the Audi car.


In addition, this case can also constitute a crime of endangering public safety. Although his purpose is to hit an Audi car, but the large truck used by the perpetrator may face infringement of legal interests when it goes downhill on the viaduct to hit other vehicles at such speed. Not only the Audi car, but also other unspecified third parties, and the suspect is laissez-faire about the possible consequences.


   Of course, there may be controversy here, but this is not the key to this case. The key lies in the subsequent solving of the case.


   Although the truck driver died, the case was not settled.


  Who is behind? Who is the indirect principal in this case? Who is the helper in this case? In the follow-up, how many people will cover and harbour this case?


  Moreover, the indirect principal in this case, that is, the buyer behind, was probably the direct principal or indirect principal in the death of the truck driver.


   This is very awkward, which means that he may personally participate or arrange for others to tamper with the truck driver's seat belt.


   An attempted intentional homicide case followed by an accomplished intentional homicide case.




   This is the case on the bright side.


   The prosperity of the world is all for profit; the hustle and bustle of the world is all for profit.


   Bai Song looked at the pedestrians on the street, remembering this sentence in "Historical Records," and couldn't help but sigh. From ancient times to the present, people's hearts have been like this, and they have never changed.


   The more important things happen, the more calm you must be.


  The choices that people make when they are excited and uncontrollable often not only have no value, but make things worse.


Bai Song is not worried about his own safety at this time, he is fine, but the person behind the scenes who really needs to worry at this time ~lightnovelpub.net~"Criminal Investigation Course" written by Edmund Lorkard mentioned Luo Card's principle of material exchange, every crime, there will be trace, physical and impression material exchange.


Bai Song believes that the planning time for this car accident is definitely not one day or two days. Even if the car is checked, it is likely that there will be no particularly good results. The people behind the scenes must have spent enough time and wiped out as much as possible. Corresponding evidence.


   However, if he was asked to quickly organize another action against Bai Song, it would basically be a death hunt, which would leave a lot of evidence.


   There are two key issues now.


  First, why does this person carry out this behavior now? If, as Bai Song thought, this case is really related to Bai Yulong, then why was he recently "exposed" and discovered?


  Second, are there any other breakthrough clues regarding truck drivers? The records of cars, goods, etc., must be checked by the criminal police, so, are there any others?