Police Detective

v2 Chapter 382: Back on track

????so troublesome...

  ???? "Is it so difficult to solve the case..." Bai Song began to doubt his life, "Why can't it all be the same as the previous second team's butcher's wife murder case?"

  ???? Indeed, most cases, even homicides, are passionate homicides, and the relationship is very clear.

???? "The ghost knows, anyway, the few cases you have encountered, none of them are simple." Sun Jie also bored with the wine he had just filled: "The general case is doing four math problems. But these cases you have encountered are all Olympiad questions."

  ???? "Not all," Wang Huadong also drank wine: "For example, this time this is Goldbach's conjecture."

  ???? "Don't say anything, it's in the wine." What can Bai Song say...


???? And perhaps this case has exhausted other criminals in the vicinity of Jiuhe District. After this case, whether it is the second or third team, the investigation of many cases went smoothly. "Funny thieves" have emerged one after another, directly increasing the crime detection rate in the recent period.

  ???? The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and the third team recently dealt with a home delivery alarm.

???? Someone on the bus lost her cell phone. After the stolen girl called out, no one helped her. The driver was afraid that the thief would run away. At that time, the car was near the Criminal Investigation Detachment and drove the car directly to the Criminal Police Team. In the compound.

  ???? The bus entering the criminal police team is also considered a long-lived series.

  ???? But the thief still refuses to admit it when he arrives at the Interpol. He feels that the police can't search his body casually anyway, and he is not afraid of anything when his mobile phone is turned off.

  ???? But he considered one or two wrong questions. The first is that the police do have the right to search, and the second is that he is too fat.

  ???? Ordinary people may not be able to see what is in their pockets. The thief was so fat that the traces of the cell phone in his trouser pocket were so obvious that he was found by the police when he got off the station.

  ???? Of course, this case was eventually transferred to the police station in the jurisdiction, but it became a joke for everyone after dinner. They all said that even the thieves have begun to discriminate against fat people in this industry.


  ???? Soon, more than a month later, there were only four members of the task force.


  ???? Originally, the task force can be dismissed, because the second team can directly take over other materials related to the case. But under the mediation of many parties...

, Still retain four people.

  ???? The second team has two people, the third team is Wang Liang, and the fourth team is Wang Huadong.

  ???? And this task force is not engaged in this case all day long. Recently, it is more of a suspended state. While in charge of the task force, you must also do your own work in their respective departments.

  ???? Therefore, this task force is considered a permanent project.

  ???? Bai Song is also on the right track. Now he has no car and does not need to go to the detention center. His daily job is to help organize the files.

  ???? He's not a professional internal clerk like the Wang team, this job is really easy for him. Many accounts are very time-consuming and laborious for others, especially for some older policemen, but it is still very easy for him.

  ???? After the morning meeting, collect some materials from the Wang team, take them back to sort, file, register, and then send them in a few days, and then pick up a new batch of them. It's that simple.

  ???? The rest of the time is to train and run day after day according to Master Qiao's arrangement.

  ???? Master Qiao was seconded again for two months.

  ???? Qiao Qi already knew about Bai Song's car accident, and gave Bai Song emergency training on the matter alone.

  ???? Tracking and anti-tracking is actually not necessary for most people to learn. It is useless if you learn it, and if you have to pay attention to everything, it is also a very tiring thing. But this skill is very useful for Bai Song, until this case is detected, Bai Song must always maintain a more alert state.

???? In Qiao Qi's view, the anti-tracking training for Baisong is mainly to screen the nearby people who are more concerned about Baisong by looking, listening, stopping, turning, changing the route and cadence. Or the camera to counteract.

  ???? Different from how ordinary girls get rid of stalkers after being tracked, what Bai Song has to do is how to find and catch people after they are tracked.

  ???? Master Qiao is the real "treasure boy'child'", and Bai Song has learned a lot.

  ???? And the most surprising thing for all betting people is that when everyone bet on how long Baisong can last, no one thought much about it. Although Qiao Qi is famous, he always runs everywhere. Even if someone can follow him to learn things for a few days, when Qiao Qi leaves, he can't hold on.

  ???? But Bai Song never relaxes every day.


  ???? In Qiao Qi's words, Bai Song's daily running and noon strength training, although hard work, can only be regarded as intensive training, not at all...

Learning and fighting in the true sense.

???? This can only be regarded as the physical training for the first three months of the "Recruit Company". After Qiao Qi comes back after two months of work, if Bai Song has not given up on daily training, Qiao Qi will teach him some more difficult tasks. thing.

  ???? Qiao Qi has been away for more than half a month, Bai Song still persisted in thunder, go to the activity room at noon every day to "self-abuse ~lightnovelpub.net~ and give himself a little more training every day.

  ???? I'm afraid of being serious in everything, and even more afraid of persisting. No one knows what Bai Song does every day. It is fundamentally different from ordinary muscle building and fitness. It is more difficult to get past the ligaments. Every day stretching makes Bai Song feel painful.

  ??? What is the picture?

  ???? No one knows, but many people in the Economic Investigation Corps remember this little policeman who abuses himself every day.

???? Once people become the focus, they can naturally become the object of discussion. Gradually, many people, including the leader of the corps, also know that there is a young deputy captain in the Jiuhe branch, who is regarded as Qiao Qi’s true apprentice. .

  ???? This does not require any apprenticeship ceremony to recognize, Qiao Qi has successively taught many people in the past ten years, and he is the only one who is self-disciplined like Bai Song.

  ???? Many people find it incredible, but it's understandable.

  ???? After all, the people here are not young anymore, no one is a high-spirited 18-year-old recruit, no one needs to go to the battle to kill the enemy and be ten. Many techniques, especially the powerful fighting techniques, play a role in the real society, not as important as being able to speak.

???? But it does not mean that Bai Song is not respected, and others can do it if he can't do it. Many people still admire Bai Song, so that there are really a few young people who know to come to the activity room to accompany at noon. Bai Song is doing exercise.

  ???? This kind of day makes Bai Song very fulfilling, and the day gradually returns to the right track.

  ???? And he didn't even know how much convenience Qiao Qi's apprenticeship brought him in the follow-up investigation of the headquarter case.

