Police Detective

v2 Chapter 424: Missed a business trip

   The reason why Bai Song said so was because of his understanding of Feng Yiling.

  Really, this opponent can't be overestimated no matter how much.

  Bong Yiling, will you give up on murdering Bai Song?

   If you say yes, if Bai Song really believes it, isn't he a fool?

  Bai Song is actually very anxious. He is not afraid that Feng Yiling will come a second time now. If he comes, then he can definitely touch it back along the vine.

   What he fears most is that Feng Yiling disappears, and then, in another ten years, when he gets married and have children, his wife and children will be targeted.

   Although Bai Song understands that this is unlikely, because if Bai Yulong is to despair, nothing is more effective than killing Bai Song.

   But, how can he bet on this kind of thing?

  Of course, Bai Song knew it, and Feng Yiling was even more reluctant to wait.

   Bai Song can't afford to gamble, and Feng Yiling is even more reluctant to wait.

   Who is Bong Illing?

   A person who has no interest in money, since she is ready to act, she naturally wants to succeed, and Bai Yulong will fall into a painful second half of her life earlier.

   Maybe this has become the only thing she wants to do right now.

   Therefore, Bai Song proposed the idea of ​​Plan D.

   In other words, once plan A fails, Bai Song is not dead, and the subsequent plan BC begins to execute, then after a period of time, at a certain opportunity, Tian Huan voluntarily confessed and started to implement plan D.

  Under Project D, Tian Huan will confess an address of Feng Yiling, and then attract Bai Song to investigate.

   In theory, this kind of clue Bai Song will definitely go, and in places where he is not familiar with his life, especially in some remote areas where there is not much surveillance, if there is another attack on Bai Song, it will be a surefire.

   No matter how strong Bai Song is, he rashly goes to a strange corner and uses Feng Yiling's IQ. Isn't it difficult to kill him?

   After Bai Song made this point, many people were shocked. This really makes sense!

   When everyone thought this was a breakthrough, only Bai Song keenly discovered that this was a trap.

   If it were not for the constant training these months, Bai Song would not be so calm.

   Today, his lack of calmness after receiving the call has had a profound impact...

   So, he is very, very calm at the moment.

   "So, you can't go." Director Ma immediately agreed to Bai Song's so-called D plan. Since he knew it was a pit, he would definitely not let Bai Song jump in.

"Yes, it's not dangerous for others to investigate, so you can have it." Qin Detachment said: "It's estimated that there will be no good results if it is checked. If it is true, others can find it; if it is just a trap, you have to go. It is even more meaningless, and the risk factor is very high."

   Everyone has spoken to ask for a fight, and all of them actively asked to go to Shonan Province to perform this mission. Especially Wang Huadong and Wang Liang, regardless of being leaders, took the initiative to stand up and say something to go.

"It's not just a trap, Tian Huan is not stupid." Bai Song gave the two brothers a look, and they sat down, and then everyone gradually calmed down: "Tian Huan can't be pure hooves, in this case, If I had a problem, once it was verified, he could not shirk the blame. According to his current situation, it was purely a gun.

   So if I go, I will definitely be able to tick Bong Yiling.

   "Then you can't go either." Director Ma made a conclusion.

   "Director Ma, the problem is, if I don't go, it's really possible that nothing will be found. If I guess right, only if I go will trigger something." Bai Song said, "I applied for it."

   "No." Director Ma shook his head.

   Bai Song didn't dare to continue, the chief had decided the matter to death, and he couldn't continue to refute it anyway.

   The next meeting became a bit dull, at least for Bai Song.

   The main purpose of the meeting was a detailed analysis of this transcript.

   When I got this transcript in the morning, Team Li and others asked very carefully about the community where Feng Yiling was located, but in the end they only identified a community, the only villa in Hutan City.

   This is a villa area, and many people with small assets in the city have bought houses in this place.

   The developer is not very simple. The development of this place is not only for the real estate itself, but also to create a discounted merchandise store similar to Outlets, which gathers a large number of international famous brands.

   In fact, in addition to the real rich, ordinary rich people still like discounted luxury goods, so this area is also very popular.

   The commercial area and the residential area complement each other, so the houses here are not cheap, and they are not affordable for ordinary people.

   Tian hailed that once, "Yi Shi" was about to go home, and her own car had a problem, so she took a taxi back.

Yishi never let anyone send him home. When he took a taxi, Tian Huan took a long time to take a taxi. He took down the license plate and contacted the driver from the taxi company. He paid for the driver and asked clearly. The community where "Yishi" goes.

   So, there is so much information.

   Qin Detachment showed a picture of this villa on the big screen.

   This place is very big, there are more than 600 single-family villas, divided into three areas.

Since the developers themselves create high-end communities, the properties here will not keep all the owner’s information, and the housing management bureau’s registration and filing, without even thinking about it, Feng Yiling will definitely not put it on her own. .

   After all, she is a fugitive. She has been chasing and fleeing online for twenty years.

   This investigation is like finding a needle in a basin of muddy water~lightnovelpub.net~ There are three main problems: First, is there a needle in the basin? Second, if so, can you feel the needle? Third, if you touch it, will it be dangerous?

   In response to these problems, the Qin Detachment formulated a six-person team, went to Hutan City to carry out this investigation, and prepared the six-person team for long-term work.

   The six people who visited this time, including Inspector Wang, Sun Dong and others, were all experienced middle-aged policemen.

   Bai Song can see the profound meaning of leadership. The first is that these people are more experienced and are less likely to make mistakes; the second is to be prepared for long-term investigations.

   After all, in comparison, young policemen have a larger job task. If the Interpol transfers six more 30-year-old policemen, many positions will be paralyzed.

   After listening to the arrangement, Bai Song was a little moved. In a group of four, no one was actually sent!

   This shows that the leader really hopes that several people will move forward courageously under Qiao Qi's training, and Bai Song also understands that if these people can't be found for a long time, he still has to go!

   The reason why I left several people in the task force to Bai Song is to train together. If Bai Song really needs to go, everyone can be Bai Song's great help.


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