Police Detective

v2 Chapter 427: Hand of God

   Under everyone's care, Bai Song's body recovered quickly. Qiao Qi continued to teach him some rehabilitation skills, which are also very important.

   The human body is a complete machine, each joint is very useful, well matched, can have a huge lethality.

   "Starting today, I will teach you some fighting skills." Master Qiao looked at several other people: "You can also learn together."

Originally, Bai Song was still very excited, but when he heard the second half of the sentence, he was completely stunned. He worked hard every day to achieve the basic physique for training fighting skills, but Wang Liang, Wang Huadong, Liu Shuyuan, and Ren Xu, Obviously, there is still a lot of difference in physical fitness, so he can learn no matter how.

   "Master Qiao..." Bai Song looked worried, "I know you care about me, but my buddies, you have to care too, don't break your training."

   "When did I say that they can't train anymore?" Qiao Qi asked with a question: "I said, you have to wait until your physical fitness standards are reached, and then you train. You have already reached the standards, don't you have to wait for them?"

   "I have already met the target?" Bai Song's eyes widened.

   I dare to love myself for so many days and I have been working hard for so many days, Master Qiao does not teach, is too lazy to teach a second time, want to teach together? ? ?

"It's just the basic standard. You are still far from the standard I want." Qiao Qi ignored Bai Song's stubble. "The foundation is a little better. After all, the technique and tactics I'm talking about are not long after the introduction in China. .Of course, the formal introduction time is short, in fact, we have been in touch more than ten years ago.

   Over the years, the army has done a lot of research on this technique and tactics..."

   The two techniques and tactics that Qiao Qi introduced to everyone are Maga and Jiu-Jitsu. In June 2013, the International Maga Skills Union conducted the first Maga Skill training for special police at a domestic base, and Qiao Qi participated.

   Of course, he is not from this league, but he must check it out in this case and learn from each other.

  Majiashu mainly uses actual conditions to quickly complete various technical actions. This is a tactic born for actual combat and requires certain physical fitness to learn.

   In addition, to learn this technique and tactics, you also need to have sufficient understanding of some rhythms, environments, target locations and behaviors, and you can complete defense, movement, and attack in many extreme situations. Moreover, it also requires a certain degree of knowledge in psychology.

Not to mention    Jiu-Jitsu, there are also techniques to increase survivability. Of course, as long as one of these two techniques and tactics can reach the point of "proficient", it is not ordinary people.

   "Bai Song, before teaching you this today, you must understand one thing," Qiao Qi once again exhorted: "Technology and tactics are better skills for survival and killing, but you must not think too much of yourself.

   In fact, no matter how you train, it is estimated that you will not be able to beat the most common soldier I have ever had. People you will come into contact with and face in the future, although there are very few who can fight, but what if? What if someone yin you?

  Police, we must give full play to our advantages. Our principle is that three people control one person, understand? "

   The five people nodded together, their movements were very neat, as if responding to Qiao Qi: "We are better at five people controlling one person."

   Bai Song listened to Master Qiao’s indoctrination and remembered it in his heart. Random boxing can kill the master, it must be a brainless person to have to be alone, after all, no one has a second life.

   Five people followed the study and training together, and had to take some other courses every day, which made the noon and off-get off work hours become extremely busy.


   And just yesterday, the group of six people far away in Hutan City was not without gain. After careful investigation, one person was finally caught.

In the contact that    encountered on the second day, the other party may still underestimate the police's ability, so when this person was followed for the second time, he was captured on the spot by four people.

   "Are there any results?" Master Qiao went home from get off work, and Bai Song returned to the dormitory. He immediately called Team Zhao from the third team to find out about the situation. In addition to him, the remaining four people are also there.

   Ren Xu also joined the task force of the car accident during this time. Although Ren Xu joined this task force when a few people just came to combine with the Descartes financial project and investigate, but the investigation on the detachment side has never brought Ren Xu, and now they have taken it.

   is not a question of distrust. There are other problems in it, which can be regarded as the lingering poison of formalism.

   "Summoning time is up, people have already let go." On the other side of the phone, Team Zhao sighed a little.

   Bai Song was also helpless. After all, this kind of suspicion with no evidence at all, the police can only summon for 24 hours. The local police have been very cooperative, but they can only be released.

   This person admitted that he followed the police and checked his information carefully. He was actually a college graduate with a clean resume.

  According to the thoughts of several criminal policemen who participated in the questioning, the boy must have no idea about some things. At most, he collected money and was responsible for tracking and collecting information, and then went to some unspecified places to hand in information.

   So, if you put it out, you put it out. It's useless to close it here.

   "You can talk about cooperation with him," Bai Song sighed: "Don't just scare this kind of person, wouldn't it be better to tempt him?"

"I tried, and he also cooperated. Someone gave him money to let him do this kind of thing, but he couldn't find anyone in the few places he provided. Now we can't even know that he was abandoned~lightnovelpub.net ~ It was he deliberately talking nonsense." Team Zhao said: "But it's okay, don't worry, if you have a beginning, it will be good."

   "Yeah." Bai Song hung up the phone, looking unhappy.

   "Let it go?" Wang Liang asked: "This kid probably doesn't have the truth in his mouth, how can he let it go?"

   "So what can I do if I don't let it go?" Wang Huadong was also unhappy, but there was no way he could say, "The time for summons is up, so I can't be detained illegally."

   "I'm not reconciled..." Wang Liang waved a move he just learned recently: "If this is me..."

Everyone is not in a good mood. They also know that Wang Liang is just going through his mouth addiction. Bai Song said: "This is just a little bit. To be more ugly, if you beat him to death, he might even be the boss. I don’t know whether a man is a woman or not."

   "Yes, if this is a criminal organization, the gap between them is too far." Liu Shuyuan also said with emotion.

   "It makes sense..." Bai Song recalled what he and Liu Shuyuan had just said, as if he had some thoughts.

   "Wha..." Ren Xu was just about to speak, but Wang Liang was immediately pulled by Wang Liang and made a "hush" sign.

   Every sudden meditation of Bai Song is worth looking forward to.



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