Police Detective

v2 Chapter 458: Ready to act

"Is there a lot of monitoring in this yard?" Bai Song's heartbeat has soared above 120 while driving the car, but he still pretended to ask casually.


"There are four, all of them are very inconspicuous, but it's okay. I told Huahua, don't say it if I find it." Ji Yue interrupted Wang Huadong.

Wang Huadong turned his head and stared at the two dogs, his eyes were huge, and he felt that people were inferior to dogs. Then he asked: "It...they...how...how did they discover..."

"It smells", Ji Yue said for granted: "Ironware itself has no taste, but after human skin comes into contact with ironware, iron is oxidized to form ferrous ions, and then it becomes trivalent iron, which will eventually affect some of the human body. The peroxide value is reduced to 1-octen-3-one. This smell is very sensitive, and the locations they found are quite special, it must be a camera. However, fortunately it is a brick house, if it is a steel bar in the city The concrete can't be smelled."

For dogs, bustling urban areas and busy traffic are nightmares, and these rural areas are the most suitable for their abilities.

"Have you seen it?" Wang Huadong still looked shocked.

"I exposed it when I saw it," Ji Yue touched the dog: "They are my eyes."

"Then what if no one has touched the camera without this ketone?" Wang Huadong felt that he had to lift the bar to protect human dignity.

"That's okay. When metal iron is processed, the purity cannot be too pure. There will be carbon and phosphorous in it. The rainwater in the south is acidic, coupled with wind and sun, some ironware will be very slightly corroded, and organic will be released. As long as the concentration of small phosphorus molecules is above 0.1 nanogram per cubic meter, they can smell it.” Ji Yue said naturally.

"Ten cubic meters per nanogram..." Wang Huadong felt that he had failed, and his life was bleak.


Not long ago, Bai Song and Wang Huadong were silent because of the hospital case.


At this moment, Bai Song felt that his heartbeat was also much calmer, and a feeling that people are not as good as dogs gradually reached a common frequency with Wang Huadong.

With such a hidden camera installed, Bai Song stopped the ink and immediately called Qin Detachment and reported the situation. There must be a problem in this place.

Block the door! [Reading Zero Zero Novel Network www.du00.vip] on!

Although there is a high probability of stunning the snake, but it is rare to encounter such good luck, you can't miss it!

Although it is only the conclusion of two dogs, since everyone is the first to investigate here, they must feel that this place is the most suspicious, so it cannot be completely coincidental. It can only be said that Wang Huadong, Sun Jie, Wang Liang and others really rely on it. Spectrum.

Moreover, during the two days of contact with Ji Yue, Bai Song trusts this man very much. A man who can run so far for a dog is more trustworthy than most people.

Bai Song's call really shocked too many people.

They parked the two vehicles a hundred meters away and parked together. Bai Song explained the situation to everyone and quietly waited for the arrival of the support team.

"Is it really here?" Wang Liang's eyes widened: "What kind of camera, I really want to see it."

"Don't you know it in a while?" Wang Huadong was very impressed by Huahua and Huahua's ability. At this moment, he has turned to a little fan, and turned to Ji Yue and asked: "Is this dog good for training? Me too. What if I want to raise one?"

"It's hard," Ji Yue said truthfully: "It's harder to train it than to train a good policeman. Of course, they are also a part of the police."

"En, it must be." Wang Huadong got closer, trying to touch the flowers, but he still didn't get started. It was a kind of respect for Ji Yue.

This kind of sensitive dog, in many cases, some smells are no big deal to humans, but it is a disaster to them.

About half an hour later, Bai Song received a call from the staff of the Municipal Bureau, saying that they were already nearby and ready to cooperate at any time.

where is it?

Bai Song looked around and found a few people who looked like police officers. If he didn't have this phone, he didn't know that these people were police officers.

Then, Bai Song received a call from the local police and sent a special police squadron to come, but the first step was the police from the police station.

Everything is ready. The first wave of people entering is the "police station policeman". Of course, they are the police station policemen in disguise. The four people who went in, dressed up as a policeman and three auxiliary policemen, were all members of the local criminal police team, bulletproof vests. I brought along with the guns, and went in for the first wave of investigations.

It can be seen that the local police attach great importance to the issues raised by Bai Song and others.

This has to be said because the night before yesterday was too much trouble, and the people here are already too nervous.

The 48-hour uninterrupted inspection is not a simple matter.

The leaders of the Changhe City Bureau have always attached great importance to it, so Qin Detachment and here are so quick to ask for help.

In fact, there is a special organization for the interconnection of provincial-level administrative units, but those who are only responsible for the connection and the real connection are usually the division-level cadres at the Qin detachment level.

In Tianhua City, a municipality directly under the Central Government, department-level cadres may not seem so powerful, but in many places in the public security system, they are already high-ranking officials.

Bai Song is also under great pressure. In such a large-scale operation, if nothing is discovered, all the responsibilities will be borne by Captain Bai himself, and it is impossible to pass it on to anyone.

But Captain Bai was never afraid of taking responsibility!

Four detectives knocked on the door~lightnovelpub.net~ No one in this compound opened the door, so the four kept knocking on the door.

There were police officers one or two hundred meters away, and they were not afraid that the people inside would open the back door and run away, so the four policemen calmed down and knocked on the door slowly.

The gate of the yard opened slowly, and the entire compound was covered with a layer of colored steel tiles to cover the wind and rain. It looked a little frustrated. It was a young man who opened the door and handed the cigarettes to the four policemen very politely. what's up.

"Someone reported to the police that there are contraband in your yard. Let's take a look here?" The detective in police uniform took the cigarette and lit it. "Let's go in and take a look."

"Please come in, please come in..." The man smiled and invited the four policemen in: "They are all factories, there is no place to sit. Oh, I thought it was something. I guess I don’t know who has offended you recently. I also know that although our type of factory is not big, it has good benefits and is hated by people! Prohibited items...how can we have prohibited items here..."

The man took the good cigarette fortress and put it into the policeman's pocket, and the policeman put it in his pocket casually.

Seeing this scene, the man was very happy, and immediately signaled that the police could chat with him alone, making it clear that he wanted to benefit.