Police Detective

v2 Chapter 459: 1 trigger

The detective in the lead was very "on the road", nodded, and followed the young man into a bungalow next to the colored steel shanty.

This yard covers an area of ​​three or four acres, and the length and width are each forty to fifty meters. It is not big. Except for the color steel house in the compound that is similar to the workshop, the rest is a circle of bungalows. , There are twenty or thirty rooms in total.

Below the color steel house, there are more than a dozen workers working, holding various tools to process aluminum alloy and ironware. In addition, there is another person processing wood. The yard is a little noisy, and there are air pumps and electric power equipment. The sound is not small.

The police followed the man into the house alone. The man quickly poured a cup of tea. Obviously, he was prepared for the time he was just waiting.

"Police officer, let me tell you, I now have a lot of enemies. You can see in my workshop. The workers are doing so enthusiastically, and the benefits are fair. However, my opponents always report me, and you still That's fine. People from the Environmental Protection Bureau in the district always come. I really have trouble telling me." The man played a card of sadness.

"It's not easy for you, nor is it easy for us..." The police followed the man's words and continued: "You don't know the current situation. If you have difficulties, you can find the police! We have to take care of everything, you see, this is your place. , The police said there were contraband, I didn’t bother to come, but I had to check it out, and I had to take some pictures. Please understand each other."

"That's okay. Take it. You can check it. We are here for a formal business. Just check it out." The man flattered, then pretending to be casual, put a card on the table at the door of the house, and left the house by himself.

The policeman picked up the card, smiled, didn't say anything, and stuffed the card into the desk drawer.

The police opened the door, and the man saw the empty state on the tabletop, and he was happy, "You come with me, you can just tell me where you want to take pictures."

"Okay, take my brothers and go around." The policeman said casually.

"No problem." The man led the way for the four.

"By the way, you just said that the environmental protection bureau in the district came, what's the situation? Who is it? I know a few people over there, I can help you see." The police "collected the money" and prepared to "help" him a little. busy.

"How do I know the name?" The man just said that, and then changed the subject, "It's okay, I'll think of a way over there, don't bother you."

"Eh, it's okay, it's okay." The policeman took out his mobile phone and said, "I have also had a drink with their chief. Director Liang who is in charge of this area is quite familiar with me. I'll call you."

After that, the police prepared to call, and the man quickly stopped: "It's really unnecessary, thank you so much. It's not a big deal. I haven't been here recently. In fact, for us people, we still think that the police are the most powerful. Residents, you have to rely on you for everything."

"That's all easy to talk about, easy to talk about." The policeman smiled in cooperation.

After going through such an episode, it is basically certain that there must be a problem here. The four policemen do not need to exchange their eyes, they all know the problem.

If it’s okay, why are you so afraid of investigation and give gifts?

"Let's take a look." The policeman pointed to the surrounding circle of houses, "I'll go back for business."

"Come on, you come to me." The man breathed a sigh of relief, and pointed to a few houses, "Come on, shoot this way."

The four policemen turned around carelessly, and quickly made a big circle, reaching near the door.

"No?" The man was very happy. "A few police officers drink a glass of water before leaving."

"Who said I'm leaving?" The police headed pointed to a broken reception room at the door, "I haven't seen this house yet."

"This broken communication room..." The man's expression changed, but he still became normal immediately: "If you don't think it is broken, take a look."

The police entered the communication room, glanced casually, and said to several "auxiliary police officers", "Come on, take a picture of me."

Several people dressed as auxiliary police immediately took a few photos of him.

When the man saw this situation, he understood very well, the image project! Immediately said: "Several police officers, stand together, and I will take a picture of you together. This work will leave marks, understand."

"Come, come," the police immediately gave the phone to the man.

The man picked up the phone, squatted on the ground, found a good angle, and took a few good-angle photos of the four.

At this moment, the police's cell phone rang suddenly.

The man glanced at it, and the call on the phone was "Sun Suo", and he immediately handed it to the police.

The police picked up the phone and said:

"Oh oh oh, Sun Suo...

Yes, yes, what about my factory here...

Well, there is no problem here, I took all the photos...

Hey, I don’t know who is so boring. Recently, I always report these things. You said that the report is not good. Reporting contraband is annoying...

It’s just such a small factory, how can there be contraband? I’ve just read all of them at Sunsuo, and I have taken several photos. When I go back, I will report it to the branch command center. The one in the morning is just that foolish. Past...

what? ? ? Isn't it ill, what do these people in the sub-bureau think every day, this matter has to be so exciting? ...

OK, I'm convinced, anyway, it's not me to bother, let them do it, I support...

Okay, I'll just wait here for a while, let them come too, take a few photos and it won't be over...

Understand Sun Suo, I understand, I understand..."

After the phone call, the police ignored the man, took out a box of his own cigarettes from his pocket, and distributed a few to the other three ~lightnovelpub.net~ and everyone complained about how annoying the police station was.

The man wanted to intervene to ask, but if he couldn't intervene in this situation, he could only wait for a few policemen to finish smoking the cigarette before asking.

A cigarette lasted only two minutes. Just after smoking, the man hurried forward and was about to ask something. The police suddenly said, "That's it. Recently, we have been stricter on the inspection of contraband. This kind of thing is very serious. Trouble, you know, the branch, I still don't trust us, and don't know what to think, so I sent two drug detection dogs over. Don't worry, just go through the cutscene and take a few photos..."

When the police said this, he simply took into account whether the man agreed or not. Others around him opened the door directly in the past, and Ji Yue walked in with Huahua and Huahua.

The man's complexion suddenly changed. These two dogs, he just saw someone walking the dog from the video! He didn't pay much attention at the time, but it was only more than half an hour, so his memory was fresh.

It didn't make sense to look at this black and white puppy at first, but at this moment, he was very dazzling. Even if he was stupid, he knew there was a problem!

Several workers who were working on iron racks immediately reacted, slowly stopped their work, and inadvertently walked in the direction of the man.