Police Detective

v2 Chapter 460: violate a ban

The leaders here are also of a very good standard, and this arrangement is just for fear of pounced and startled.

Four police officers were sent here, and there were no ambushes around, and the streets seemed to be the same as usual.

So, until the police dog came in, the state here has been very calm.

But when the dog came in, he was in a peaceful state, and immediately began to rattle his arms.

The two black and white dogs were extremely excited as soon as they entered this compound. The two hero dogs of good bloodlines who did not know how many major cases they helped to solve were not at all unfamiliar with the unfamiliar environment at this moment. They easily smelled the special smell and gave a little instruction to the owner.

A person behind the man, at this moment, moved the nail gun in his hand slightly and aimed at Huahua and Huahua.

Air nail gun is a very common tool for nailing nails. Generally speaking, although this thing can drive air nails a distance of more than ten meters, basically only a distance of about ten centimeters from the nail hole can have enough kinetic energy.

There are exceptions. This is really not an ordinary air gun. This is a professionally modified air nail gun. The air nails fired are comparable to air gun bullets, or even more powerful.

No one noticed this modified air nail gun with a high-pressure electric air pump when the body of the owner of the compound was blocked.

Huahua suddenly barked abnormally.

Ji Yue caught a glimpse of the person behind him in an instant. Without even thinking about it, he pulled the dog over and fell to the ground by himself.

At this moment, Ji Yue did not think about any problems, nor did he hesitate. Years of training made him very familiar with this movement.

Lie down, most of the time to avoid risks, but not at the moment.

The moment Ji Yue fell to the ground, the nail gun rang, and dozens of nails were almost instantly polished!


No one reacted, and there was an attack first here!

Everyone's focus is on people, no one is concerned about dogs, but in fact, only these two dogs are the real main force.

People can change. These two dogs cannot be changed today. People here made the most correct choice and killed the two dogs. If the two dogs are killed, then it can be said to be a miss.

Here, the man believes that if there is no dog, it is very difficult for a person to find a problem.

When the new police dog comes to support, I don't know when to wait, so there is time to transfer the underground people.

Yes, this underground is not ordinary, and there is a long transfer channel, as long as it drags for an hour, things are simple. And this hour's time should be counted from now on. After all, before this moment, none of them thought it was really exposed.

However, no one thought that this was the case. Ji Yue actually used his body to make a shield for the dog.

Three or five long nails plunged into Ji Yue's back and thighs at once, and the whole root was submerged in the body in an instant.

Ji Yue snorted in pain and trembled all over.

This kind of injury is not a bullet blasting injury, but a few deep penetration injuries, but it is still very scary. It is difficult to predict which organ will be inserted from the back with a nail of four or five centimeters.

The leading criminal police reacted very quickly, and almost immediately when they discovered the situation, they pulled out their guns without hesitation.



When people outside suddenly heard this sound, everyone's nerves were agitated.

A special police squadron lying in ambush nearby took the lead. It almost sprinted out of different positions and hurried to the only gate.

In addition to the special police officers, a group of people in plain clothes and others also quickly took control of other places around. At the same time, many people, including Bai Song and others, ran into the compound after them.

No one had thought that someone would be injured so soon, and it would be a police officer training a dog.

When Bai Song entered, the scene was completely under control. A dozen people were pressed to the ground by special police. Three or five people surrounded Ji Yue, calling for support.

Huahua and Huahua were screaming frantically around Ji Yue, and no one could coax it. The usually gentle Springer Spaniel was fiercely fierce at this time, and its teeth were barking around Ji Yue.

"What's the matter?" Bai Song looked at Ji Yue's appearance, his anger was wide and he turned his head to the person held by the special police for a moment, "Who did it!"

No one spoke, these special police officers didn't even know who Bai Song was, but the police must always be right if Bai Song could come in at this moment.

Bai Song glanced past a dozen people and saw a nail gun. He scanned the eyes of these people. It was obvious that someone had dodged a bit, and his location happened to be near the nail gun. Bai Song didn't even think about it. , Almost instantly, two steps were passed, and he was about to hit with his hand.

How could a few special police officers get Bai Song to hit them, they came to stop them immediately, and the three special police officers leaned in together. They didn't stop Bai Song at this moment. Bai Song went up and beat the man to his head, without leaving his hands at all." If you hit two dogs, you are also a human being!"

In the end, he was pulled apart. The person who was beaten painfully wanted to protect his head, but couldn't move. Several people pulled Bai Song away, and he was held down again.

"Captain Bai, don't do it!" Several local detectives ran over at this time and grabbed Bai Song.

"How is the person? When will the doctor arrive?" Bai Song knew that it was impossible to rush to the person again, and quickly became concerned about his condition.

"I called for emergency support, and I just contacted the doctor. We can't touch him with this kind of injury. If you move around, it will easily cause secondary injury. Don't be bumpy. The nails are all in the flesh~lightnovelpub.net~ It's on the road outside. Why? Can it work?" Bai Song said immediately: "Are there any helicopters? It doesn't matter how much it costs!"

"Yes, helicopter!" Wang Huadong immediately answered, "Don't care about any other questions!"

Bai Song let out a deep breath, and when he saw the Captain of the Criminal Police continue to call, he felt a deep sense of guilt.

This is the first time that Bai Song has beaten someone so recklessly. He is likely to be dismissed or fired on the spot because of this incident, but he doesn't regret it. The beatings are all light! If the air pump of the nail gun hadn't been shut down by the special police, Bai Song would want to insert a new row of nails and give this person a shuttle!

It's his fault! Who knows that police officers who train dogs will have problems...

Why didn't Ji Yue wear a lighter body armor!

Although Bai Song is not the commander-in-chief of the scene, he can be regarded as one of the commanders. Although Ji Yue is a local person, this would not be the case if Bai Song had given advice.

There was no other sound at the scene, only the crazy barking of dogs.