Police Detective

v2 Chapter 462: basement

Bai Song and Ren Xu brought this head to the door of the room, and put him on the sofa, "Don't make me bother."

The boss's name is Ma Baocheng, and his eyes are rolling around, thinking about the best plan.

He knew that at this time other people had been taken to different houses, and no matter who confessed, the police would keep the secret for the person who confessed. In this case, there are so many people, who is still paying attention to loyalty?

At this moment, where does he have the best plan?

If you don't do it yourself, someone will press your hand up, so he put his left hand on it, and a line of words is displayed on the small screen, "Please enter the password within 120 seconds."

A few people suddenly turned pale. Everyone knows that in this situation, if you don't enter this code within two minutes, you will definitely be completely locked.

Moreover, this Ma Baocheng would definitely not say, pretending to be nervous and typing in a few times can delay the past, and even if it makes two mistakes, it may be locked.

This actually has a password! Ma Baocheng could open the palm print lock at once, which already proved Bai Song's vision, but it was too late to consider this.

All the people present were smart people, but they all looked at Bai Song at the moment, wanting to see what Bai Song would do in this situation.

Bai Song glanced at Wang Liang, Wang Liang looked at it for a few seconds, and shook his head.

Although Wang Liang is a computer expert, it is absolutely impossible to decipher this password in a short time.

This short time is not one or two minutes, but that it is impossible within one hour. Wang Liang doesn't believe that locks in such places are mentally handicapped programs.

Bai Song made a decisive decision, "Team Liu, inform you that the special police department here, from the center of this yard, is preparing for a directional deep blast."

There must be an underground building here, and there must be someone inside. The most important thing is that Bai Song believes that this underground building must be more than this place. Other exits may be more concealed, even leading to hundreds of meters away. At this time, the surrounding area is everywhere. Obviously it is not very realistic to find out, so we can't wait here.

Everyone was taken aback by Bai Song's move, so just?

The detective captain of Tianhua City is a bit reckless...

When Bai Song said so, Team Liu didn't dare to take the trouble, "I have to follow my superior..."

"You are the on-site commander!" Bai Song said unceremoniously.

"Okay, blasting." Team Liu didn't sloppy. At this time, if there is a problem, he can't be independent of his brother's unit.

The blasting point chosen by Bai Song is very particular. It is located in the middle of the courtyard and has no effect on the overall building.

Moreover, if there is a relatively large underground building here, for the sake of safety, it will definitely choose to build it in the middle of the yard, so as to ensure that other departments around it will not be disturbed when some water pipes are laid.

"Team Liu," a criminal policeman ran in: "Someone said that there are important clues that need to be reported."

Team Liu glanced at Bai Song and saw that there were more than 70 seconds of countdown. Although he didn't speak, his meaning was already obvious. He wanted to hear Bai Song's opinion.

"Explode first, let's go over." Bai Song turned his head and looked at Ma Baocheng: "I don't know who you are, but you remember your current choice. This is the only chance you can do meritorious service. You can control it yourself."

After finishing speaking, Bai Song said directly to Team Liu: "The people over there probably don't know the password, maybe they know other exits, this is not waiting, the blasting continues, let's go and have a look."

As he said, Bai Song led Team Liu out, but he heard Ma Baocheng hurriedly say from behind, "I'll drive, I'll drive, you have to keep it secret to me!"

As he said, Ma Baocheng's thin fingers danced quickly on the numeric keyboard, and entered a long string of passwords before the last second countdown ended.

Even though Wang Liang kept watching and was very familiar with the keyboard, he didn't write down this string of numbers.

If Bai Song just said that someone knew the password, Ma Baocheng would not believe it, but how can there be walls that do not leak in this underground building? It is really possible for other people to know other outlets!

Moreover, starting from the middle of blasting, this base can really be blasted from above!

Ma Baocheng knew that this very tall detective who had been calculated and targeted the night before was definitely not joking with him, saying that the bomb would definitely explode!

Therefore, he still made the most correct choice, and he lost all losses. At this time, people will not die for themselves.

Bai Song nodded, and also secretly let out a sigh of relief.

Team Liu and others were truly impressed by this tall young man at this time.

Dissatisfaction is really impossible. From entering this yard to the present, that is, more than ten minutes, Bai Song has made so many decisions, no one is wrong. Moreover, every decision is a temporary reminder, but then counted three. Four steps.

Following the input of the password, the sofa rose slowly in a faint mechanical sound, and then was lifted to the side by the mechanical arm.

Bai Song looked at the bottom of the sofa. It was a layer of masonry, which was exactly the same as the ground here. Below the masonry was a slate, and below the slate was a layer of metal pallets.

This is a very heavy metal plate. If you say that this is the door of the vault, Baisong believes that ordinary explosives are useless with this structure.

Of course, this is the gate, and the entire underground building cannot be this structure as a whole.

As soon as the door opened, the downward steps were exposed. The bottom was very bright. Bai Song was about to go in, but was stopped by Team Liu. Then, a few special police officers outside quickly put on gas masks, walked in filed, and then held 95. Style and entered the basement.

Huahua and Huahua looked a little excited, and circled the downward entrance twice.

Bai Song doesn't understand dog language, but he has already smelled the musty odor~lightnovelpub.net~ Maybe it's because Bai Song really smelled it too many times, and his nose has become better.

In this situation of the dog, it can be roughly judged that there is indeed something to be found below, and it is not poisonous.

Bai Song directly followed a few special police officers and went underground. When he went down, Team Liu and others also followed, but most of them stayed on.

There is no cave below here!

When Bai Song came, his whole body was shocked.

The scale below this is beyond his imagination!

Generally, when we talk about basements, they are all dark, humid, low, and small, but here...

The exquisite wooden floor has a height of more than three meters. Some of the main supporting structures are reinforced concrete, and some are mahogany pillars that can only be hugged by two people. Each pillar is carved with a lifelike statue.

At a glance, the living room in front of it is hundreds of square meters, and there are no idea how many rooms extend out from behind.