Police Detective

v2 Chapter 463: Make a choice

Because it is the basement, a lot of lamps are used here, making it look brighter than the upper floor. The overall decoration style is similar to the European Middle Ages with Chinese classical collocation.

Few people who know the goods come in. The most knowledgeable Wang Huadong and Liu Shuyuan are waiting for the plane outside, so no one of these people knows. There are many casual decorations, which are of great value.

Bai Song didn't understand those, but he could see that none of the furniture in it was a large piece of furniture. Except for the pillars, it is obvious that all the furniture can be entered through the door that just came down.

That is to say, when constructing this place, it is not the whole digging hole, and then all the furniture is dropped by the crane, and then the top seal is done, but it should be secretly digging the hole, secretly decorating, and then transporting things inside.

On the table, there are some uncleaned tableware, Bai Song glanced at it, and there should be two people dining.

This is the perfect environment for DNA extraction.

While Bai Song was still shocked by the situation here, Huahua and Huahua were much more dedicated than him, so he barked and ran forward.

Secretly speaking ashamed, Bai Song hurriedly followed the dog through this luxurious corridor to a room on the side. At the same time, Bai Song informed everyone that once the bedroom was confirmed that there was no one, don't search for it, and leave it to the subsequent investigators to extract relevant clues .

Open the room the dog is paying attention to. This is a huge safe, taller than Bai Song's. It is difficult to open it when you look at it, but the faint musty smell can be smelled by anyone. Bai Song doesn't need to think about it. The safe is the place to put the money.

However, this place is still far away from the place in Hetan City, and not too close to the downtown area of ​​Changhe. Moreover, although this place is a basement, it is not considered humid.

Bai Song was very puzzled. Feng Yiling had a lot of money, or put a lot of money in a lot of places, he could understand, but why was it moldy?

Bai Song approached the safe, and sniffed it from the crack of the safe door. He was basically certain that the safe must have been opened recently to withdraw money. As for whether there is any money in it, no one knows, and it can't be hit at the moment. open.

After looking at it for a while, Bai Song didn't compete with this thing, exited the room, and looked at the surrounding rooms in general.

This is an underground building estimated to be about 400 square meters, but there are only three bedrooms, and the rest are living areas. From the bedroom, there should be two people living here, one man and one woman.

Although Bai Song knew that Wang Antai was not a good person, he also had a more detailed analysis of Wang Antai's words. For example, Feng Yiling had a substitute.

Therefore, the man and woman living here are probably Feng Yiling and her stand-in.

Bai Song can't wait to know the results of the DNA extracted here!

There was no one in the whole house. Bai Song found a lady's dress, let Huahua smell it, and Huahua wandered around. Next, Bai Song found another piece of men's clothing and let Huahua smell it. The two dogs only need to remember one taste, and the difficulty coefficient is much smaller.

Soon, the dog found a corner of the house and a door.

Everyone hurried to here, ready to open this door.

It can be seen that someone has just left from here, but the door cannot be opened at present.

"Demolition." Team Liu, who followed Bai Song, said: "Are we ready to demolition tools?"

"Well, it's easy." Team Liu waved, and two people came from behind with tools to break the door. Soon, the door was opened.

"Fortunately, this is not a safe door, otherwise it will be troublesome." Bai Song looked at the state of the door: "Don't let the dog pass by, I'll take a look."

Behind the door is a corridor with a height of about one meter and eight meters. It is basically impossible to see where it leads to.

Before Bai Song left, three or four special police officers turned on the tactical flashlight and ran in.

Upon seeing this, Team Liu was also preparing to go in with Bai Song. At this time, a detective ran down from the first floor, "Team Liu, there is a situation."

"What's the matter?" Team Liu stagnated, and Bai Song also stopped.

"The helicopter arrived. The pilot just said that when they were passing by the Xiangjiang River, they saw a speedboat parked in the middle of the Xiangjiang River, and then two people came out of the water and ran away in the speedboat." The detective spoke very quickly and looked very strange. anxious.

"What, came out from under the Xiangjiang River?" Bai Song looked at the direction of the door, his heart broken!

It is true that I have seen it all around one or two hundred meters, but it is close to the Xiangjiang River, and no one will pay attention.

A few days ago, Bai Song had experienced how bad Xiangjiang's anger was. If there was a flood in Xiangjiang, he might have been cold last time! Who would catch people and run into the river to catch them!

Bai Song only noticed this door. Isn’t it the direction of the Xiangjiang River?

The helicopter just arrived and happened to see someone boarding the speedboat, which means that the two people left here about three minutes ago.

"I will contact the Jiangshang Guards." Team Liu hurriedly took out his mobile phone, only to find that the underground signal was not very good, so he ran back to the first floor with a few steps.

Bai Song gritted his teeth and said: "Brother Jie, here is handed over to you. You can cooperate with the investigating police who will arrive in a while. You should also go in and take a look at this corridor. Pay attention to the safety of the police. A lot of people come, if they take over, you will withdraw. I will take the dog."

After talking ~lightnovelpub.net~ Bai Song brought Ren Xu, Wang Liang and two dogs to the first floor.

As soon as he arrived on the first floor, Bai Song clearly felt that there were a lot of people in the yard within a few minutes. After he came up, five or six uniformed police officers went to the basement with boxes and cameras.

Team Liu had finished the phone call at this time and saw Bai Song, and immediately ran over: "Team White, if the helicopter is lifted up to provide position support right now, it should be able to catch up. In four or five minutes, the speed of this ship should be It has been able to run three or four kilometers, but because it has a general direction, this helicopter has a high probability of finding this ship. However, other nearby helicopters that can be called take 20 minutes at the earliest."

The weather conditions at this time, the helicopter's vision is still very good.

"The doctor said, how is Ji Yue's condition?" Bai Song still paused for less than a second before walking to the door.

"Not ideal." Team Liu nodded, understanding what Bai Song meant.

People can find and chase after they run away. The difficulty of chasing a dog in a bereaved family is always easier than chasing a hidden person, but if Ji Yue has a problem, don't say anything! !