Police Detective

v5 Chapter 641: Exchange meeting two

The "National Criminal Investigation Team Leaders Exchange Meeting" was at the beginning of training and exchanges.

This type of training is held every year, and there are many similar trainings. In fact, the most famous training is not this, but the Jin Supervisor.

Huaguo Police University, the main campus is located in Jingxi District, Shangjing City. In addition to teaching, there is also a very important task, which is police supervisor training.

All police officers with actual positions, from two bars to three stars to one wheat and one star, from a first-level police inspector to a third-level police inspector, must come here for training for about two weeks and be promoted to police inspector, commonly known as "promotional inspector." .

This step is a step that all senior police officers must go through.

After this step, the police uniform shirt will be changed from blue to white, the fabric will be better, even the spring and autumn duty uniforms, etc., are different, the texture is better, the pockets become zippers...


Captain training is also very important.

The captain of criminal investigation represents the absolute backbone of criminal case handling.

No matter where it is, the criminal investigation team leader's failure to do his best has an impact on the security situation in an entire area. In some places, the captain is very dignified, and many local snakes are frightened by the wind, and social security will be exceptionally good.

Every year, hundreds of outstanding captains from all over the world will attend the meeting, with two to five people from each province.

In addition to teaching and training, this event also added a communication platform. In the future, it will be much more convenient for everyone to travel to various places, so it is very useful. In recent years, this event has become more successful as it is held.

However, one year, about six or seven years ago, this activity suddenly changed.

That year, there was a bizarre murder in the place where the meeting was held, and the local police were helpless.

Finally, it suddenly occurred to someone that there were hundreds of fierce generals hiding in the city bureau.

As a result, various places showed their magical powers. In that year, the two captains of Guangdong Province came to the fore. They were the first to solve the case and arrest the murderer. That year, the two brigade captains were awarded second-class merits respectively, and they were also awarded the title of Outstanding People's Police of Guangdong Province!

Who doesn't envy this thing?

The most important thing is to really show your face!

In the second year after that, in addition to training, the three people in Beijing actually cooperated with the local police to destroy a gang that involved tens of millions of dollars in the manufacture of counterfeit cigarettes and became famous again.

Who can bear this? We all exchanged and studied outside, and went out to wander around after class. Did you actually go to handle the case? And, in front of so many of us?

Just your cow, can't we?

Starting from the third year, unconsciously, everyone began to show their magic and tried one after another.

One year, the place where the meeting was held was a little bit off. These people almost wiped out the local gangsters!


Now the question is, what is the record of Tianhua City?

It's hard to say.

As the one with the smallest population and the lowest GDP among the four municipalities directly under the Central Government, Tianhua City has the smallest number of police officers.

If compared to those provinces with a population of over 100 million, it is even more incomparable.

At the level, everyone is at the provincial level, and even municipalities sound better.

However, in fact, a city is definitely not better than a province. Especially in some sub-provincial cities with certain identities, due to the rapid development in recent years, a single city can be used to break hands with Tianhua City.

In the past few years, it has become more and more obvious that each province has been fighting on its own, secretly reserving energy and thinking.

The organizers also think this is a good thing.

Training is naturally useful, and communication is also necessary. But is it a good thing to have competition?

Beginning last year, the organizers directly selected a city with a relatively high crime rate recently, and then held a two-week training event.

Two weeks later, the urban crime rate in this city has dropped significantly, and for a while, the detention center was overcrowded.

This incident made the leaders very happy, doing multiple things in one fell swoop, making the event more profound.

Tianhua City ranks low.

With the importance of the leaders above, the leaders of Tianhua City Bureau could not sit still.


Since two or three years ago, there has been an unwritten rule similar to that of sending young people.

In order to obtain better results, some provinces have directly sent expert groups, such as trace experts, image experts, footprint experts... some experts in their own fields can give the teachers trained above them.

This completely turned the cart before the horse and lost the meaning of training.

Although the province did a good job that time, it was not recognized by everyone at all.

Gradually, the younger the person who sends, the more people think you are awesome.

The world is always young, and it is the best to have talents in the future.

Our 25-year-old is better than your 35-year-old, that's the one who shows the most face.

Therefore, in order to promote this event, the City Council has to form its own team.

Originally, the city council wanted to form a team of 35-year-old captains. The age and experience were at their peak, and they did not ask for anything else. It would be very good if the results each year were in the middle reaches.

However, the average age of people like Bai Song is only 26 years old!

At the beginning, the leaders disagreed, but now, the three of them are too famous these days, and Deputy Director Liu seems to have some thoughts, the leader of the Criminal Investigation Corps is going well.

The most important thing is that Bai Song was also mentioned by the special name of Chief Zheng, who was appointed as the Criminal Investigation Corps...

"Eh, by the way, I only found out what happened to Zheng Ju in the past few days." Liu Shuyuan and the three of them chatted for a long time. It was already 8:40. Liu Shuyuan leaned in Bai Song's ear, gently Said a few words.

Bai Song's eyes widened.

At first, after Bai Song was hit by a car, he went to the hospital. Ma Donglai recruited the top domestic academician team to help him treat him. In fact, he found a relationship with Director Zheng.

That's it...

It seems that this shameless retired Zheng Ju~lightnovelpub.net~ is actually his lifesaver!

Bai Song was inexplicably grateful.

Looking back on the process of his own growth, there were too many people who gave a lot of help when he didn't know it.

Everyone's worldview and values ​​are influenced by others, and Bai Song is very fortunate that he has met these people.

The police are a wall between darkness and light, but they are also mortals. It's okay when facing the abyss, and when facing back, who dares to say that he will not be eroded?

Thinking of this, Bai Song looked at the brothers next to him, then looked at the door, the office door was slowly opened.

Mention Zheng Can. After catching this person, I thought of Zheng Yanwu, contact him, don't send me beautiful pictures, and come with a picture of you. Don't offend people, go catch them together. Bai Song's illness was due to Zheng Ju.

To get started, you need to change your phone. Sun Jie got married and didn't go.

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