Police Detective

v5 Chapter 672: Director of Household Registration

The latest website: A sign of maturity is that you will directly resist many things and report good news to your family.

"What the **** is going on?" Zhao Xinqiao asked.

"I went to have a haircut yesterday, and the barber shaved off a piece of my baldness. No way, the whole head was shaved, and it would grow a few millimeters in one week." Bai Song answered in seconds.

"Don't use it," Zhao Xinqiao smiled in a flamboyant manner, completely different from his usual style: "This is the'hairstyle', super handsome, trust me."

"..." Bai Song touched his head, "It grows out in a week. It's too expensive to keep the hairstyle."


Putting on their hats, Bai Song and Xin Qiao continued to chat for a while, and they also deliberately ordered some travel.

This can't help him not worry. Although Bai Song has not been abroad, there has been a lot of trouble recently. It was the MH370 incident on March 8 in the past few weeks. There has been no concrete result until now.

"Don't worry, I don't have to worry about my safety." Zhao Xinqiao groaned: "You pay attention to your own safety."

"I don't have to worry about it." Bai Song nodded, and was relieved at Xinqiao.

She didn't go abroad by herself, she had a small team and everything had arrangements, so it was pretty safe. As for MH370, it is said that many countries have paid attention to it. I want to come, with so many great gods participating, there will always be results within two months at most. There is actually no difference between this kind of investigation and solving a case.

Bai Song could tell that Zhao Xinqiao must know that there was a reason for his shaved head, but because her mother was there, she didn't say much. He is not the same as the average policeman, because he has a certain number of contacts and the ability to dig out cases, so he has encountered many major and important cases. Many cases are handled by others, but Bai Song is good at digging for clues.

Coupled with the grievances between his father and Feng Yiling, in the past two years, Bai Song has encountered dangerous situations several times.

The other group of people who came to Tianhua City at the same time as Bai Song may have been working for three years and have not encountered any danger.

Gains and losses are inherently dialectical. Solving a case involving tens of millions of dollars and a case involving thousands of dollars have absolutely different risk factors.

However, Bai Song is no longer such a reckless person. This time he shaved his head and worked as an undercover agent. This time, he relied on careful planning and adaptability, rather than the ability to fight alone. If you want to come, it can still make Xinqiao feel a little relieved.

Bai Song took a look at the flight information. In the evening, the plane changed from London to Amsterdam in the early morning of the second day of Beijing time, but because of the six-hour time difference, it was also at night there.

After a few more conversations, Bai Song hung up the video.

Bai Song originally wanted to buy a wig, but later inquired about the price of the wig.

excuse me.


The counterfeit currency case was over, and the remaining clues at the police station were also matched.

Li Suo had always been brooding about this case. He was very excited when he heard that the case was over, and the big stone in his heart fell to the ground.

And who would have imagined that so many cases have been investigated, the commercial espionage cases of Zhang Zuo, Zhang Che, and Ding Jianguo have been solved, and the smuggling cases of Dahei and others have been caught, so that the source of a series of major and important cases such as today’s case is a small one. Does the girl die after taking diet pills?


"Huh? You can't come back this week?" At around nine o'clock the next morning, Li Yunfeng, deputy director of the Sanmu Street Police Station, called Bai Song. He had already learned about the cracking of the counterfeit currency case in the morning meeting.

The institute has accumulated a few more cases recently, and Li has no investigative ideas, mainly because there is not enough evidence. He kind of misses Bai Song's way of handling cases.

This is also Bai Song's "prestige". Li Suo feels that he can handle cases without using his brain, and the life of being able to pick up second-class skills is too comfortable. Hearing that Bai Song could not come back temporarily, Li Yunfeng was a little frustrated.

"There are also two homicide cases involved. It is estimated that I won't be able to go back for a while." Bai Song said, "But today I plan to go back and have a look at the group. I am still not at ease with Ren Xu in the group."

"Okay, just in time for your team to be on duty," Li Suo said: "However, the murder case is important. If you have anything in the team, if it is not very important, you can tell me."

"Um..." Bai Song said: "For special reasons, one of the two cases is basically stable, and I don't need to be responsible for it, and the other one has to wait a while."

"That's all right, are you free tonight? We haven't sat down for a long time." Li Suo heard that Bai Song was not very busy, so he said quickly.

"Is it okay tomorrow? I have something tonight, Li Suo, sorry."

"Tomorrow I'll be on duty..." Li Chuan was speechless, and Bai Song's words went up and down, "Then wait until you are completely busy."


That's how public security work is. If it weren't for a case together, it would be difficult for many old friends to get together, and Li Suo could understand it.

In the morning, Bai Song went back to the police station, talked to the Song office alone, and contacted a few people with household registration who came over at noon. Then he went to the branch office and reported his work to the leader.

This is a procedural issue. Wang Huadong has already ended his undercover, and the case does not need to be as confidential as before. The direct leaders still have to report it.

When Bai Song was away, there was a backlog of household registration papers that needed to be approved. There were urgent ones, which were handled by Jiang's help. The rest were not very urgent.

For example, if some people want to change their names, Bai Song's signature is needed for this. According to Articles 17 and 18 of the Household Registration Regulations, an application for name change requires a sufficient reason.

The reason for this provision is to save social resources, maintain traditional culture, and prevent the appearance of too many names similar to "Wind and Snow" (Note: Some people use this name); and the other is for society Public order and good custom. After all, some people want to change their names very well... Yes, there are also people who want to change their names directly with Niu b and WC.

Speaking of this ~lightnovelpub.net~ I must mention one person. This person is an indelible existence in the history of our country's name.

The Zhao C case.

After this buddy was born, his father named him Zhao C. This name has always been used in the archives, and there has been no problem. The family likes this name very much.

In 2006, when the second-generation ID card was reformed, the new system could not enter C, only Chinese characters. So, my brother and his father sued the Public Security Bureau and won the first instance.

However, the Public Security Bureau reported to it and found that if this was to be revised, the system across the country would have to be revised, which would be very troublesome. The Public Security Bureau chose to appeal. Later, in the second instance, a settlement was reached and my brother changed his name.

The reason for the reconciliation depends on the officials' own taste.


Generally speaking, in situations where mothers remarry, live with their mothers, and live with their grandfathers, there are good reasons why children need to change their names. It is relatively easy for minors to change their names, while it is relatively difficult for adults to change their names.